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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Cultivating Legacy: The Ramcharan School of Leadership

RSOL, MITWPU recognises the crucial link between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Industry visits provide students with invaluable insights into the working world. Students witness firsthand and how classroom concepts are utilised in real-world situations. 

MIT for studentsRSOL extends its reach beyond conventional boundaries, providing students with a wide range of learning opportunities, opportunities to forge meaningful relationships, and avenues for personal development (MIT World University)

It is the guiding force that navigates organisations through the ever-changing complexities of the world, fostering environments that ignite innovation and personal development. This core vision lies at the heart of the Ramcharan School of Leadership (RSOL) at Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune. Established with the mission of “shaping the next generation of corporate leaders,” RSOL seamlessly integrates its objectives to create a holistic approach for cultivating transformative leadership in India.

The school’s primary objective is to build a robust pipeline of future leaders equipped to navigate organizational change. To achieve this, RSOL seeks to redefine the leadership training and development landscape. This is accomplished through an innovative and relevant curriculum, collective wisdom of diverse experiences, bringing together thought leaders from various backgrounds. It goes beyond conventional boundaries, exposing students to a tapestry of perspectives and fostering critical thinking skills through challenging case studies and simulations. Students are ignited by the inspiring talks of renowned leaders like Prof Ramcharan, while mentor-mentee sessions provide personalized guidance, nurturing a supportive learning environment that extends far beyond the classroom. 

The inclusion of international faculty broadens horizons by exposing students to a variety of viewpoints and global perspectives, further enriching the academic environment. Academic seminars serve as platforms for discussions among scholars, fostering a culture of lifelong learning. Alumni gatherings bridge generational divides, ensuring a continuity of shared experiences and ideas.  One such successful seminar was the CXO Meet, where industry experts explored themes like “Finance and Inclusivity,” “Leadership through Digital Disruptive Transformation,” and “Indic Value System: Taking India to Amrutkal.”


Complementing the academic experience is a vibrant co-curricular sphere. Clubs offer platforms for students to explore and express themselves outside the classroom, pursuing their passions and interests. Rural, National, and International immersion programs push education beyond lecture halls, promoting hands-on comprehension of social and global dynamics. Social events and cultural days build a strong community spirit, encouraging teamwork and a sense of belonging. 

RSOL extends its reach beyond conventional boundaries, providing students with a wide range of learning opportunities, opportunities to forge meaningful relationships, and avenues for personal development.  One such event is RIDE (Research Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship), a dynamic event that takes students on an interdisciplinary path of learning and development.  This event stimulates research projects, encouraging students to explore various topics related to business, innovation, and design. 

Festive offer mit university Students witness firsthand how classroom concepts are utilised in real-world

It fosters a critical thinking and problem-solving mindset, essential for effective leadership in today’s fast-paced world.  Students are encouraged to develop innovative solutions to complex business problems, pushing them to think outside the box.  Complementing theory with practical application, students engage in design experiments, translating conceptual frameworks into tangible outcomes.

Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad (BCS) is another crucial co-curricular activity. This forum provides a space for stimulating conversations, lively debates, and educational seminars on a wide range of political and socio-economic topics. Beyond personal growth, the BCS fosters vital connections among students from diverse backgrounds. Aspiring business leaders gather with mentors, colleagues, and industry professionals, creating strong networks that serve as springboards for future joint ventures and career prospects. 


Moreover, the BCS environment encourages students to develop keen perspectives on pressing societal issues, instilling a leadership mindset in each participant.

Finally, the Social Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) fosters a new generation of corporate leaders with a strong sense of social responsibility. Through immersive experiences and introspective learning modules, students are guided to embrace empathy, ethics, and social awareness, building a deep-rooted dedication to societal progress. The program recognises that effective leadership hinges on the ability to bring diverse viewpoints together to achieve shared goals, making the development of cooperation and collaboration skills a core focus.

RSOL, MITWPU recognises the crucial link between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Industry visits provide students with invaluable insights into the working world. Students witness firsthand how classroom concepts are utilized in real-world situations.  Networking opportunities and a concrete understanding of the competencies required by the professional landscape are gained through interaction with industry specialists.  Visits to organizations ranging from Bharat Forge, Michelin, Tata Bluescope Steel, Weikfield and Mercedes Benz to small rural industries such as Govardhan Milk Factory and etc. equip students with invaluable holistic knowledge.  By witnessing the translation of classroom theory into tangible real-world scenarios, students not only cultivate a firm grasp of the competencies essential for professional success, but also gain valuable networking opportunities.

The legacy of RSOL, MITWPU extends far beyond accolades or job placements. It thrives in the leaders it moulds. These graduates are not just repositories of knowledge and skills; they embody ethical integrity, innovation, and a relentless quest for excellence. They are the visionary architects of a future where businesses transcend profit, becoming catalysts for positive social change, fostering sustainability and equality in India.


Ramcharan School of Leadership is more than an academic institution; it is a crucible for transformative visionaries. It’s a pledge to cultivate minds that grasp leadership as an ongoing odyssey of evolution, resilience, and the steadfast pursuit of societal betterment. With each empowered cohort, RSOL etches an enduring imprint on India’s business landscape, heralding an era where imagination, compassion, and distinction reign supreme.

Here’s the list of authors

Dr Dhanashree Tharkude, Associate Dean – External Relations, Ramcharan School of Leadership, Dr Vishwanath Karad, MIT World Peace University

Dr Shantanu Saha, Assistant Professor – Marketing, Ramcharan School of Leadership, Dr Vishwanath Karad, MIT World Peace University

Aditi Dekhene, Student, SYBBA-GBM, Ramcharan School of Leadership, Dr Vishwanath Karad, MIT World Peace University

First uploaded on: 19-03-2024 at 14:18 IST
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