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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Horoscope Today, July 10, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Leo, Taurus and other signs

Horoscope Today, July 10, 2024: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn and other sun signs, check your horoscope for today (Wednesday)

horoscopeHoroscope: Astrological predictions today for July 10, 2024. (Source: Canva)

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: realise that personal possessions are not everything

You should pay more attention to financial matters, but realise that personal possessions are not everything. If you are hatching a money-making scheme or plotting a sensible purchase, you have about twenty-four hours. That’s unless you want to put things off until next week.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you will come a step closer to achieving a cherished dream

Take control and get back in the driving-seat. Lunar alignments should give you the idea that with just a little effort, you will come a step closer to achieving a cherished dream. And if that doesn’t work, perhaps someone you have always respected will give you the necessary nudge.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: You may use the power of your mind

If you are alternating between great enthusiasm and a feeling that life is all against you, you’re doing something wrong. You may use the power of your mind to temper excitement with caution and qualify pessimism with hope. It’s all a matter of finding the right balance.


CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: you will soon discover still more ways to enjoy yourself

You should be able to begin to relax and enjoy better social contacts. There is still a fair amount of tension, and it would be unrealistic to expect this to dissipate, but it shouldn’t reduce the potential for pleasure. In fact, you will soon discover still more ways to enjoy yourself!

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: it will be by far the most sensible thing

Over the next twenty-four hours you will find it difficult to compromise. However, if only for your own sake, there will be situations when it will be by far the most sensible thing to find a middle path. Just because somebody else is stuck in their ways, that is no reason for you not to change.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: our expectations can spiral out of control

Take advantage of Venus’ charming relationship with Jupiter to raise the romantic temperature. The only snag could be the tendency for your expectations to spiral out of control, which could mean they’ll be impossible to satisfy. One good way to start is by meeting others’ needs rather than your own.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’ll have to put the theory into practice

The romantic situation is dominated by secrecy. There is nothing wrong with keeping your feelings to yourself, for it may be that other people are just not ready to hear what you have to say. Be patient, and give them all the time they need to catch up.


SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: know who is paying

You have done everything expected of you, and more. The pleasant news is that your horoscope is rapidly becoming very much more relaxed, and the only likely hitch could involve money, especially if other people are involved. Make sure you know who is paying.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: allow your hopes to be satisfied

Your emotional ambitions are being stirred. This means that your level of desire is going up, but the pressing question is whether your actual circumstances will allow your hopes to be satisfied. Perhaps you will be able to reach some of your goals, but leave others until later.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: do take the initiative

The Moon’s major impact today is enthusiastic and ambitious, which indicates that the world is generally a compatible place, and you should feel that you’re on the right track. Relationships with children and younger relatives should improve, but do please take the initiative.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you have enough time

Your plans will go well if you deal with fundamentals first. This means taking nothing and nobody for granted, and recognising that if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing yourself! The only question is whether you have enough time, so don’t over-commit yourself.


PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Make a point of developing overseas links

Take your time and spend just as long as you need to make the right choices. It’s important not to be hurried, especially where work is concerned. Make a point of developing overseas links, and getting in touch with people you’ve not seen for far too long.

First uploaded on: 10-07-2024 at 01:00 IST
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