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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Yoga asanas that are definite stressbusters: Why they help in BP control and sleep

How overworked individuals can regain health for yoga

esearch has established that yoga reduces stress, balances the nervous system, releases feel-good hormones, improves sleep patterns and energises you.esearch has established that yoga reduces stress, balances the nervous system, releases feel-good hormones, improves sleep patterns and energises you. (Source: Freepik)

Nupur’s world was crashing around her when she came to me to learn yoga. Her story is similar to what quite a few youngsters are going through today. Professional highs ate into her body as she found overworking herself to maintain her graph. An impending divorce, a child to take care of and the pressure of loan repayment took a toll on her sleep, appetite and overall health. She was put on medicines for frequent headaches, depression, insomnia and BP. One fine morning she got up with vision distortion, impairing her ability to drive and read. She was diagnosed with Pachymeningitis, or inflammation of brain tissue. She was put on steroids thereafter.

She had pushed herself so much that she needed to wind down. After a month of yoga practice, she was able to control her BP and sleep better. In two months, her energy levels improved and her vision problem disappeared altogether. In six months, the medicines for depression and sleep were also stopped. Turns out stress was the root of all her problems. Research has established that yoga reduces stress, balances the nervous system, releases feel-good hormones, improves sleep patterns and energises you.

Begin with the following three asanas and then graduate to Suryanamaskar.


Paschimottanasana: Sit with legs stretched out, head-spine aligned, hands on the thighs, body relaxed. Inhaling, stretch hands over the head. Exhale, bend forward from the hips and reach for the toes, with your head moving towards the knees. Stay in position till you feel the need to inhale. Stretch your hand over your head and exhale.

Sit with legs stretched out, head-spine aligned, hands on the thighs, body relaxed. Inhaling, stretch hands over the head. Sit with legs stretched out, head-spine aligned, hands on the thighs, body relaxed. Inhaling, stretch hands over the head. Exhale, bend forward from the hips and reach for the toes, with your head moving towards the knees. Exhale, bend forward from the hips and reach for the toes, with your head moving towards the knees. Stay in position till you feel the need to inhale. Stretch your hand over your head and exhale. Stay in position till you feel the need to inhale. Stretch your hand over your head and exhale.

Janu Shirshasana: Sit with legs stretched out. Move your right leg to the extreme right. Fold left leg and place left foot against the right thigh. Breathe in. While breathing out, bend sideways, arms over your head. Hold for sometime, inhale and then come back to the starting position.

Festive offer Janu Shirshasana The Janu Shirshasana

Ushtrasana: Kneel down with head and spine aligned, hands by the side, toes stretched out as much as possible at the back. Inhale and bend backwards, right hand stretched back, left hand on left heels. Same with left hand and then both hands, resting on both heels.

The Ushtrasana The Ushtrasana

Udharkarshasana: Lie down on your back. Inhale and raise your right leg to 90 degrees. Exhale, drop the right leg to the left side of your body, simultaneously turning the head to the right. Remain in this twisted position for as long as comfortable. Then raise the right leg back up to 90 degrees, exhale and come back to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg.

The Udharkarshasana The Udharkarshasana

Do not forget pranayama. Shavasana is suggested as a daily practice for 4-5 minutes and Yoga Nidra once a week.

First uploaded on: 06-07-2024 at 14:33 IST
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