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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Why the monsoon pakoda may not be a good idea: Know all about the triggers of food poisoning

A doctor explains the need for a monsoon checklist to avoid infection

. Bacteria grows on left over food particles floating in the oil.Bacteria grows on left over food particles floating in the oil. (Photo Credit: Freepik/File)

Much of the gastrointestinal diseases in monsoon are primarily because of contaminated water and food. The humidity along with high heat create perfect conditions for bacteria, viruses and fungi to grow and multiply in both food and water. Sometimes, flooding and overflowing drains mean that the dirty water leaches into fresh water supplies, contaminating it.

“That’s why you have more food poisoning cases in the monsoon,” says Dr Rakesh Kochhar, former head, department of gastroenterology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, on what to eat and omit in your monsoon diet.

What’s food poisoning? How quickly does it set in?


Food poisoning is an infection or irritation of your digestive tract that spreads through contaminated food or drinks. Some bacteria act after 12-48 hours while some can cause vomitting and diarrhoea within hours of ingesting. Generally food poisoning is self-limiting and improves in 48 hours. If a person has high fever or the fever lasts beyond 48 hours, there could be a need for antibiotics, to be taken under a doctor’s supervision. Diseases like cholera or typhoid need to be confirmed by tests.

Whole family had the same food. Why then did one member have food poisoning?

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It’s a common question that only one of the four family members eating out falls ill. This depends on the load of the bacteria ingested or immunity of the individual.

Why you need to stay away from street foods?

Cut fruits, juice or other liquids can cause gastroenteritis. Infection spreads due to contaminated water, cutlery or even hands of food handlers. Bacteria multiply rapidly in dairy products, poultry and meats. Curd, cream, milk, cheese and mayonnaise act as a fertile ground for multiplication of bacteria.

What about pakodas?


Vendors reheat oil over and over again, making it toxic. Bacteria grows on left over food particles floating in the oil. Since the used oil is not refrigerated, it leads to food poisoning.

Why you should avoid sandwiches and wraps?

Salmonella infection can result from raw eggs and undercooked poultry, processed food and vegetables. Typhoid is a form of salmonella infection and can present in epidemic form during floods or in hostels. E coli is found in undercooked meat and raw vegetables. It produces a toxin which causes diarrhoea. Campylobacter can cause prolonged severe gastroenteritis and is found in undercooked or raw vegetables, or poultry and meat, while shigella is often found in mayonnaise-based salads, cream and undercooked vegetables, usually found in sandwiches, Chinese food and salads. Avoid refined flours as they cause bloating.

When food is left to thaw at room temperature, bacteria can multiply. While freezing inactivates them, some may remain alive and can begin to multiply when the food returns to room temperature.

What’s your diet checklist at home?

Ensure clean water for drinking, wash hands before eating and scrub down utensils. Do not let food go stale, even in a refrigerator. Cook food properly, not leaving it raw.

First uploaded on: 09-07-2024 at 15:30 IST
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