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Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024

Which workouts are best for underarm fat?

Holistic health expert Dr Mickey Mehta suggests easy routines to get rid of the bulge

Add tricep extensions (work the triceps with dumbbells) and bicep curls (bend your arms towards your body at the elbow holding weights). (File Photo)Add tricep extensions (work the triceps with dumbbells) and bicep curls (bend your arms towards your body at the elbow holding weights). (File Photo)

Often called bat wings, how many of you have a tough time managing the folds of fat in your underarms as they seem to spill out of shape? Armpit fat, also called axillary fat, is separate from the rest of the breast tissue and resembles a little hump near the armpits. It can even be present in women with normal breast size and weight.

Often this sagging fat is caused by heredity, weight increase, hormone imbalances, the buildup of lymph fluid in the body between the skin and muscle and bad posture. However, you can address the problem with a proper workout routine.

● Raise your arms up and down in a circular motion.


●Planks, since they involve balancing your body on toes and forearms as you lift it off the ground, tone shoulders and triceps. For profound benefits, you can also raise each arm sideways alternately.

● Do some tricep dips with the help of a chair or bench. This strengthens your triceps (the large muscle at the back of the upper arm). It involves raising and lowering your body on your hands, with your arms bent behind you while in a sitting position. Add tricep extensions (work the triceps with dumbbells) and bicep curls (bend your arms towards your body at the elbow holding weights). If you wish, you can add sub maximal weights. It can help improve balance and overall look of the arm.

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● For variation use Thera band. Start by standing erect, your feet shoulder width apart. Holding a band, pull it horizontally, engaging muscles around the shoulders. You can also stand in the centre of the Thera band to do an overhead tricep extension. With your arms extended and your elbows bent, grasp one end of the band in each hand. Straighten your arms above your head and stretch the band upward. After 12–15 repetitions, carefully relax to the starting position.

To get the most out of each exercise and increase muscle engagement, proceed cautiously and carefully. For every exercise, aim for two to three sets, with a 30- to 60-second break in between. Incorporate cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming to burn overall body fat, including fat around the underarms.


Exercises that work the upper body, particularly the underarms, can be found in both yoga and Pilates.

Although focussed workouts are helpful, the secret to successfully reducing underarm fat is overall fat loss achieved by a balanced diet and consistent exercise regimen.

First uploaded on: 06-07-2024 at 12:28 IST
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