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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

What’s the indoor walking workout everybody is talking about?

Holistic health expert Dr Mickey Mehta suggests some routines

indoor walking As a low impact exercise, indoor walking is a good place to begin for those who are yet to get into the habit. (Source: Pixabay)

Indoor walking workouts are all the rage online. They look seemingly easy considering they encourage walking on the spot or around the house with variations. Without requiring specialized equipment or a large amount of room, an indoor walking workout can be a smart way to get your steps in, stay active and enhance cardiovascular health.

While walking is best done outdoors, it works for those who don’t want to venture out or make up for missed days because of travel or intense work schedules. As a low impact exercise, indoor walking is a good place to begin for those who are yet to get into the habit. It helps release endorphins, increasing blood flow to the body and the brain, and improving bone health, without exerting the extra strain on your joints.


Here are some indoor walking workout routines that you can try:


1) Start with a moderate speed on-the-spot walk. Swing your arms naturally and concentrate on keeping your shoulders relaxed and your posture correct.

2) Then you can also do a 30-minute indoor walking workout beginning with a simple march-in-place to get your heart rate up.

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3) Next, you can evolve into a series of multidirectional walks which are walking side-to-side, walking backward and walking in a zig-zag direction. This format targets your underused muscles and is beneficial for those with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. It also introduces a new challenge for your muscles and can be an effective way to cross-train. It helps as the hip flexors stretch to use a full range of hip extension and strengthen the muscles. That’s why some athletes incorporate multi-directional walking into their training routines.

4) Interval walking training (IWT) alternates between rapid and slow walking cycles. It is effective in lowering risk factors linked to lifestyle-related diseases and enhancing muscle strength and physical fitness. Interval walking is an excellent exercise because it increases heart rate, boosts metabolism and tests the body’s energy systems. The body uses anaerobic pathways and glycogen stores to provide energy during profound bursts. As a result, there is an increase in metabolic rate both during and after exercise, which burns more calories and fat. Additionally, interval walking improves cardiovascular fitness by increasing heart rate during strenuous intervals, which gradually increases cardiac efficiency and endurance. Good for stimulating muscle fibre, enhancing muscle tone and a leaner physique. Improves balance and coordination.


5) The eight-minute walking workout in a figure of 8. This short workout is perfect for those who are short on time but want some low-impact cardio exercises with health benefits.


As much workout is important, so is cooling down. Decrease your speed gradually and do slow walking.

Do some stretching after walking. Concentrate on extending your arms, quads, hamstrings, and calves for 15 to 30 seconds, and hold each stretch. Walking for 30 minutes a day or more on most days of the week is beneficial. Even a short walk across a day is a good start.

First uploaded on: 29-06-2024 at 12:29 IST
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