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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

IAS probationer Pooja Khedkar transferred to Washim amid complaints

Used beacon on vehicle, demanded separate office in contravention of rules

Dr Pooja Khedkar.Dr Puja Khedkar. (Instagram/ dr_pujamdk_ias)

The state government late on Monday evening decided to transfer IAS probationer Dr Pooja Khedkar from Pune to Washim. The government order — signed by S M Mahadik, assistant secretary, government of Maharashtra — said the transfer was done for administrative reasons. Highly placed sources in the government said the probation officer is likely to face an enquiry regarding the various complaints received against her.

Khedkar had created ripples in the administration as her demands and actions had taken many by surprise. As a probationary officer, she was not entitled to use a beacon light on a vehicle, but she had done so nonetheless with her private vehicles. She had also demanded letter pads, as well as a separate office, staff and quarters – none of which she was entitled to. Posted as an assistant collector with the Pune district collector’s office, Khedkar had stood 841st in the country in the main civil services examinations.

The officer had allegedly converted the antechamber of a senior officer into her office without the knowledge or permission of that officer. Her father, who was a senior officer in the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), had allegedly interfered on behalf of his daughter and tried to use his influence for her benefit. Suhas Diwase, district collector, Pune, had sent a report about Khedkar’s behaviour to the chief secretary of the state.

The officer had allegedly asked for special privileges which were not allowed for a probation officer. She had allegedly used a red and blue beacon on her private vehicle — a picture of which had gone viral on the Internet.

Efforts to contact the officer were not successful.

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First uploaded on: 09-07-2024 at 21:43 IST
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