Social media obsession art

Discover unique and thought-provoking art pieces that explore the theme of social media obsession. Immerse yourself in a world where art and technology collide, and reflect on the impact of social media on our lives.
I worry about our collective mental health and well-being. I worry about what this is doing to our brain chemistry — if the use of social media and all the hate therein is fundamentally changing our brains at a molecular level that will get passed down to the next generations.

Read the blog here: Effect Of Social Media Art, Social Media Negative Effects, Social Media And Mental Health, Social Media Drawings Negative, Social Media Painting, Painting Mental Health, Social Media Mental Health, Health Painting, Social Media Negative

Social Media Gives and Takes in Equal Measure: Why Our Mental Health is in the Shitter

I worry about our collective mental health and well-being. I worry about what this is doing to our brain chemistry — if the use of social media and all the hate therein is fundamentally changing our brains at a molecular level that will get passed down to the next generations. Read the blog here:

Amber Wardell || Marriage, Motherhood, & Mental Health
How Social Media Affects Us Art, Social Message Art Sketch, Social Drawing Art, Negative Social Media Art, Effect Of Social Media Art, Social Media Gcse Art, Social Message Drawings, Gcse Art Social Media, Social Change Art

The social eye

How much time a day do you think you spend on social media? The daily average time teens and young adults spend on social media is up to 9 hours a day! That’s 63 hours a week and a total of 3285 hours a year!! Out of these 9 hours, how much of it is beneficial to us, how much of it is intellectual and how much of that actually makes us happy? Sure we laugh and giggle at the inside joke of a meme and we feel good about ourselves when we get just over 100 likes on a recent selfie but how much

Corina Knox