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One Drop Foundation's 2022 impact report


Guy Laliberté

Guy Laliberté

Founder of the One Drop Foundation, Cirque du Soleil, and Lune Rouge

Jean-Louis Dufresne

Chief Executive Officer at the One Drop Foundation

15 years on, so many ripples of hope

As the One Drop Foundation celebrates its 15th anniversary, we are tremendously proud of the work we have done so far, knowing full well that the growing threats of climate change are making our mission all the more vital, especially for communities facing extreme barriers, Indigenous Peoples, and women and children worldwide. For 15 years—through an intricate mosaic of projects on multiple continents— our organization has taken daily action to help ensure that communities around the world have sustainable access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

And as this Impact Report will show, we have made significant strides, including completing phase I of our Lazos de Agua Program. Overall, the Program achieved the greater majority of its targets, exceeding them in most cases.

Water is an essential building block for creating a healthier world. It is inextricably connected to the most pressing issues that our planet is currently facing. Water is at the heart of our journey towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and as such needs to be at the core of our most important societal debates around climate action, gender equality, and health.

While water drives climate action, social art triggers meaningful change within communities. For the past 15 years, the One Drop Foundation has brought these two elements—water and art—together to create a cascade of ripple effects, each driving a multiplicity of sustainable safe water initiatives around the world.

Imagine if you could stand on the crest of one of those ripples, like a surfer, and see where the wave of change would take you—whether it’s in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, or Canada—bringing hope and opportunity to the most hindered communities. Not only is transformational change needed more than ever, but it is exhilarating and deeply gratifying as well, because it shows what can be achieved by generosity, sheer conviction, and a concern for our fellow humans—when we put our hearts into it.

As we celebrate our 15th anniversary, we pledge to redouble our efforts for the next 15 years and beyond, remain unshakable in our determination to leverage the power of water and social art, and create as many ripples of hope as possible... One Drop at a time. Together, let’s turn water into action.

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Explore the highlights of our 2022 impact report! 

The power of water & art

At the One Drop Foundation, water and art are the key components that not only enable sustainable impact, but also play a part in resolving some of the most pressing issues faced by humanity. Achieving universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) products and services directly supports numerous United Nations Sustainable Development Goals targets related to health, education, gender equality, reducing inequalities, and climate action.

A·B·C for sustainability™ – A systems change model

Increasing ACCESS TO WATER, sanitation,
and hygiene through improved infrastructure and

Harnessing art and co-creation to inspire, activate, and sustain new BEHAVIOURS around water, sanitation, and hygiene through the One Drop Foundation’s Social Art For Behaviour Change™ (SABC) approach.

Empowering entrepreneurs—with a focus on women—and strengthening local economies by providing them with CAPITAL to secure sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene services.

The power of art to empower communities

Water and art—and the emotion they trigger in people and communities—are crucial for sustainable change

As catalysts of social change, art and artists are at the centre of the One Drop Foundation’s innovative Social Art for Behaviour Change approach, recognizing the fundamental role that emotions play in human decision-making processes. Through social art, we invite community members to view the situation around water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) from a different lens and reflect on their individual identity, their culture, their knowledge, and above all their emotions to determine what must change and how to take action.

For 15 years, the One Drop Foundation has collaborated with hundreds of artists in over 14 countries to increase the practice of key WASH-related behaviours. In 2022, we continued to mobilize actors across sectors in innovative ways, driving collective action, creative leadership, and empowerment in communities around the world.

Together, we co-create art that has the power to trigger emotions, actions, and lasting change.

Our impact at a glance

People impacted




once our current projects are completed.



For over 15 years, our efforts to enhance access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in households, health care facilities, and schools have contributed to improved living conditions, greater empowerment, and sustainable development in communities worldwide.



People impacted since 2007

People impacted in 2022

Contributing towards the United Nations

1,042,930 people

received improved WASH services in their health care facility*

67,735 people

have improved WASH services at their school**

In 2022 alone,

1,125,238 community members

engaged in personal and collective change processes thanks to social art, empowering themselves to lead their own transformative change.

1,000,971 people

gained improved access to water services for their households, making many of them more resilient to increasingly severe weather events***

In 2022, together with our partners, we have mobilized

US$28,3M in support

of sustainable WASH initiatives around the world.

*Cumulative up to the end of 2022; 237,523 people in 2022

**Cumulative up to the end of 2022; 26,868 people in 2022

***Cumulative up to the end of 2022, 151,663 people in 2022

In 2022, we celebrated the successful conclusion of Lazos de Agua’s first phase. Together with the FEMSA Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Coca-Cola
Foundation, and our executing partners, we are expanding our efforts to pursue our mission in Latin America and the Caribbean through the Program’s second phase.


In 2016, the One Drop Foundation called upon its network of change-makers to build a Program that would improve the lives of Latin Americans by connecting them with sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services.

As the strategic implementing partner of the Program’s first phase, the One Drop Foundation has led this initiative in five countries, fostering collaboration between governments, NGOs, public and private entities, artists, and at the centre of it all, community members.

We have surpassed our goal of

200,000 people

empowered through sustainable access to water, sanitation and/or hygiene services by December 2022.

In 2022, the Lazos de Agua Program:

  • continued building capacity for four implementing organizations, 70 local artists, 67 water user committees, 25 WASH service providers and/or businesses, as well as 4,469 community leaders.
  • mobilized financial resources from multiple stakeholders—including governments, NGOs, participant communities, a multi-lateral bank, and two other international foundations—to provide 55,955 people sustainable access to WASH services (exceeding the annual objective by 32%).
  • enabled the exchange of knowledge and expertise within an international WASH community through the Program’s culmination event as well as its participation in SIWI World Water Week.

By the end of Lazos de Agua Phase I, we were able to reach

more than 235,000 people

exceeding our initial target of 200,000 by 18%.

With the help of executing partners, communities, and governments, the Program almost doubled its original leverage commitment of US$25M by mobilizing resources and reaching close to US$47M.

At the culmination of its initial phase in 2022, Lazos de Agua partners renewed their commitment towards advancing sustainable development in the region through a second phase of the Program, scaling up based on the lessons learned and the relationships forged over the past six years.

By 2030, Lazos de Agua will have contributed to improving the living conditions of at least ONE MILLION MORE PEOPLE in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Find out how you can make a difference in Phase II of Lazos de Agua

"Water is the thread that weaves through our economies, environments, and communities. By combining our knowledge, resources, and efforts, we can take collective action towards a water-secure future."

Ernenek Duran

Senior Director of Programs, Latin America, One Drop Foundation

As part of the SABC activities of the Quiche project in Guatemala, the Kumatz snake—a traditional figure from the regional culture—is mobilized to the sound of local rhythms and songs.

Lazos de Agua emphasized the importance of working in a comprehensive manner, including behavioural change in an innovative way. A water project ought to be sustainable and inclusive. This requires providing infrastructure and working on a series of behaviours that have to be inspired, activated and sustained.

Sergio Campos, Head of the Water and Sanitation Division, Inter-American Development Bank

"Lazos de Agua is an innovative systemic initiative that stands out by its way of intertwining art, safe access to water and advocacy for behavioural change, but much more distinguished by how it is effectively and humanely transforming the life and dynamics of the communities where it intervenes. The partners of Lazos de Agua thank the allies, the artists and the members of all ages, of each community benefited, for betting together to care for and secure this sacred resource and to endorse in each intervention that ‘real changes happen at the speed of trust and collaboration.''

Lorena Guillé-Laris, Executive Director, Fundación FEMSA

''The Program brings a unique perspective because it allows alliances between sectors: the private sector, governments, and civil society, working together to solve a problem that is so important and complex: always putting the community at the center of the program.''

Andrea Mota, Director of Sustainability and Partnerships, The Coca-Cola Company Latin America

235,863 people

have received sustainable access to WASH services through Lazos de Agua projects (55,995 in 2022).

318 water user committes

have received training to operate and maintain water services since 2016 (67 in 2022).

900 providers

of WASH goods and services have undertaken entrepreneurship training since 2016 (25 in 2022).

4,469 community members

have been trained as leaders of change—including youth and teachers—since 2016 (3,070 women and 1,359 men).

Investment in Lazos de Agua represents


of our 2022 international program investment (US$3,244,157 out of

The Story of "Santa Inés"

When social artists of the Guanajuato project (Mexico) arrived in the community of El Junco, they were greeted by an Inés who had little drive.

One day, Inés took an interest in the One Drop Foundation’s artist-facilitated Social Art for Behaviour Change workshops and plays in which women participants were creating their own puppets and using them to tell powerful stories around the theme of safe water usage and treatment.

With each passing session, Inés regained her zest for life—to the point of organizing every second of her day to fulfil her commitments as a homemaker, mother, and apprentice in the art of puppetry. Little by little, she found new ways to make a difference in her community and inspire others to do the same. Ever since she began recording videos of what was happening in the community—from the patron saint festivities to the floods caused by recent rainfall—some of her friends and theatre companions have taken to calling her Santa Inés.

Through water and art, Inés has been able to come into a truer version of herself—as both a puppeteer and a storyteller in her community—one who is passionate about the well-being of others.




of natural disasters between 2001 and 2018 were water related. THESE EVENTS ARE PROJECTED TO BECOME MORE FREQUENT AND SEVERE DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE.*

By improving sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, the One Drop Foundation’s projects aim to make clean water available at all times. However, infrastructure-focused efforts alone are not sufficient and often remain vulnerable to natural calamities.

This is why in Madagascar—where droughts have become increasingly frequent and severe—community members and local organizations are taking proactive measures through the Telomiova project to innovate and strengthen their adaptive capacities in response to climate change.

The Telomiova project ensures that sustainable infrastructure investments are accompanied by behaviour change with respect to WASH and the protection of natural resources. Additional focuses include reinforcing the population’s ability to adapt to climate change and disaster risks, as well as empowering women entrepreneurs to implement income- generating activities that create value for renewable natural resources or that otherwise contribute to preserving the environment.

This approach is also integral to the success of the Rajasthan project in India, where improvements in WASH infrastructure were paired with the One Drop Foundation’s Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) activities to promote healthy practices such as obtaining water from a secure source. While government-piped drinking water supply is awaited, this behaviour is key in adapting to the potential climate risk of increased fluoride levels owing to drier weather conditions in fluoride-affected areas. Additionally, the project deployed groundwater recharge efforts as a climate adaptation measure, to ensure water security and source sustainability for thousands of people living in southern Rajasthan.

Collaboration with community members, artists, governments, and WASH partners is crucial as we integrate climate action into our global initiatives. Together, we can develop and deploy solutions that address the complex challenges of water security in the context of climate change.

*UN-Water, Water and Climate Change - United Nations World Water Development Report, 2020.

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"Water is the primary medium through which we perceive the effects of climate disruption, from extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, to glacial melting, saltwater intrusion, and sea level rise."

António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

Due to deforestation, climate change is being felt more than ever in Madagascar. Rivers that once flowed permanently to the ocean are now dry for half the year.

In 2022,

153,693 people

have engaged in the Rajasthan project's SABC activities promoting climate change adaptation.

Investment in projects Rajasthan and Telomiova represents


of our 2022 international program investment (US$ 611,584 out of
US$ 7,250,387).

76,377 people

impacted by the aforementioned projects in 2022 (16,043 people in 2021).

In 2022, contracts were signed with

10 women's associations

as part of the Telomiova project, providing them with training and capacity building around climate-resilient irrigation and agriculture techniques.

An association that is driving change

Vice-President of the FVTA association Francine Josée Nomenisoa is renowned for her innate leadership skills and commitment to the community of Ampanihy, which is located in the Menabe region of Madagascar. In addition to farming initiatives, the association is renowned for its efforts to raise community awareness through artistic approaches, particularly around the effects of climate change on agricultural production—consequences that are already being felt in the region.

By getting involved as an artistic partner in the 2022 Telomiova project, FVTA has been able to strengthen its role as a driving force for change within the community.

After participating in a June 2022 training course on the Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) approach organized by Helvetas and the One Drop Foundation, Ms Nomenisoa provided a positive account of her experience. According to her, this innovative and unique approach will have a positive impact on the practice of behaviours related to handwashing, water transport, and storage in the community, helping to strengthen resilience in the face of the many challenges brought about by climate change.



In 2022, the One Drop Foundation initiated a new, meaningful partnership aiming to support

First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities in Canada

to improve living conditions and health through water and art.

At the One Drop Foundation, we recognize water as an essential source of life that allows for reciprocal restoration and a mutual healing of water and people, in
addition to being central in advancing reconciliation and self-determination.

Following the success of the Pirursiivik project (2017-2021) in Nunavik, Quebec, the One Drop Foundation partnered with the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)—Canada’s first Indigenous-led environmental non-profit—to co-design new sustainable water initiatives in Canada. Together, we created the Indigenous Youth, Art and Water Initiative (IYAWI), which seeks to connect with communities' relationships with water and to celebrate distinct water-related knowledge across Canada, while enhancing intergenerational and intersectoral relationships through community art-based approaches. This initiative constitutes the first phase (2023-2024) of a long-term program called the Indigenous Water Allyship (2023-2030), which will be co-designed and implemented with, by, and for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth as well as their communities.

Recognizing the importance of water as the interconnecting factor of all life on Earth, the One Drop Foundation is dedicated to fostering partnerships, establishing relationships with Indigenous rights and title holders, and collaboratively designing programs that deepen understanding around water-related issues, while enabling equitable access to water in Canada.

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"This initiative aligns with our goal of building capacity for Indigenous communities across Canada. It amplifies youth voices that create community awareness and opportunities to improve access to safe drinking water."

Shianne McKay

Senior Project Manager at the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources


The Pirursiivik project emerged in 2017 as a collaboration between the Makivik Corporation, the RBC Foundation, and the One Drop Foundation. Pirursiivik means “a place to grow” in Inuktitut, and from the very start, the community of Inukjuak has played a central role in its growth and success. After its official end in 2021, community members and the Sirivik Food Centre assumed ownership of the project, ensuring that it would continue producing fresh foods for the 1,500 people living in Inukjuak.

According to Sirivik, the Pirursiivik project helped strengthen the food centre’s capacity to become a broader, more diverse organization. Today, Sirivik is linking the project’s original hydroponic container to a newer and bigger four- season food centre that will act as a gathering place for community members.

With lessons learned from the Pirursiivik project’s success, the One Drop Foundation engaged with leaders of other Indigenous communities, NGOs, and private sector organizations with the aim to increase cross-sector mobilization towards equitable access to water in Canada. Together, through water and art, we are seeking to expand our impact in areas of water access, climate resilience, and youth leadership Canada-wide.

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Committed to the human right to water and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada, the One Drop Foundation is scaling its efforts to improve access to safe water in Canada.

With multi-year financial support from its Water Impact Partners Keurig Dr. Pepper Canada, OVIVO Inc. and Power Corporation of Canada, as well as those who strengthened our transition from project to program, Listel Hospitality Group and RBC Foundation, the One Drop Foundation was able to move from strategy to action by collaborating with the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources to implement this initiative. The program aims to improve the living conditions and health of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples in Canada through increased knowledge and equitable access to clean water for all.


“[Access to safe water] is among the most pressing human issues of our times, one that touches many First Nations communities in Canada.”

Olivier Lemire

President at Keurig Dr Pepper Canada.

“Safe water access is a fundamental right [for] communities affected by water related issues.”

Paul C. Genest

Senior Vice-President at Power Corporation of Canada

“We are passionate about water and we understand the importance of clean water to sustainably improve living conditions and health in the population.”

Marc Barbeau

President and Chief Executive Officer at Ovivo


In rural settings worldwide, AT LEAST

1 in 3 people*


Preventing infectious diseases through hygienic practices and access to clean water, soap, and decent toilets can save lives. This is why we fund and co-develop projects that enable sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in tandem with deploying our Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) approach that encourages handwashing in households, health care facilities (HCF), and schools.

Alongside our partners in 2022, we:

  • positively impacted 222,523 people in Haiti, Mali, and Burkina Faso with improved WASH services in their HCF.
  • reached nearly 150,000 people in Burkina Faso through the Saniya So+ project’s SABC activities as the project neared its final year of implementation. Through photography, music, slam poetry and other artistic initiatives, the project promoted the adoption and maintenance of positive hygiene and sanitation behaviours in HCF settings.
  • engaged 227,921 people in the Sheohar 2 project in India and the Beseya Blon project in Mali with SABC activities addressing key WASH-behaviours such as handwashing, latrine use, and patient bed cleaning.

Despite working in volatile contexts, our partners in Haiti and Mali have shown unwavering dedication towards advancing sustainable access to WASH services for populations facing extreme barriers. Amidst the growing challenges community members around the world, it is increasingly important that we continue to foster sustainable access to safe water through a systemic and participatory artistic approach.

*WHO and UNICEF, JMP. Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020: Five years into the SDGs. 2021.
**Access to basic hygiene services is defined as availability of a handwashing facility with soap and water at home.

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"The health department of Artibonite (Haiti) has been recognized as a department with a strong COVID-19 response plan and that is partly thanks to the SABC [approach] and the contributions of artists."

Dr Ludzen D. Sylvestre

Santé Monde Country Representative and Coordinator, PRISMA 2 project

In the Gros-Morne Arrondissement of Haiti’s Artibonite department, local artist Noelvo Vert Noelvo stands before a newly painted mural illustrating crucial WASH behaviours for health care facilities that was created as part of the Prisma 2 project’s SABC interventions.

4 projects

in 2022 supported local soap production.

Since 2007, the One Drop Foundation's projects have supported

81 health care facilities

towards gaining better WASH infrastructure and services (30 HCF in 2022, 20 in 2021)

Over the implementation of the Sheohar 2 project, nearly

400 community handpumps

were constructed or repaired and 5 iron filtration systems were piloted in the project areas to address water contamination.

Investment in the aforementioned projects represents


of our 2022 international program investment (US$1,872,712 out of


Women and girls are responsible for water collection in

8 out of 10 households


In many areas around the world, the water crisis is mainly a women’s crisis.

At the One Drop Foundation, we recognize the significance of facilitating women’s access to water and the positive effects it can have on their personal growth and the well-being of their communities.

This is why, with our partners, we seek to empower women around the world with sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in their homes, health care centres, and schools.

Across our projects in 2022 alone, 28,016 women and girls gained access to improved sanitation facilities at home, enabling them to better manage their menstrual and hygiene needs.

In 2022, within the framework of the SCOFI project in Mali, 291,451 people have engaged in Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) activities which enabled active mobilization around gender-specific barriers and norms through reflection and exchange promoting girls’ education.

Since 2019, the Boond project in India has enabled better WASH services in 41 schools, positively impacting the lives of more than 8,300 people.

Through water and social art activities that are rooted in—and pay homage to—local art and culture, it is possible to address gender equity and empower women and girls within their communities. As we bear witness to the inextricable connections between water, women’s empowerment, and sustainable development, we have committed to taking action towards a more inclusive and equitable world for all women and girls.

*WHO and UNICEF, JMP. Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Update and SDG Baselines. 2017

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"Climate change, demographics, water, food, energy, global health, women's empowerment—these issues are all intertwined. We cannot look at one strand in isolation. Instead, we must examine how these strands are woven together."

Ban Ki-Moon

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

At a women’s meeting in Madhubani, State of Bihar, India, community members shared their perspectives on livelihoods and access to WASH services with the Boond project team.

8,467 people

impacted in 2022 by the aforementioned projects (967 people in 2021).

5 projects

in 2022 supported women-led entrepreneurial activities.

4 projects

in 2022 addressed menstrual hygiene through SABC and/or awareness-raising.

329 schools

gained at least basic WASH services across projects up to the end of 2022 (140 schools in 2022, 35 schools in 2021).

Investment in the Boond and SCOFI projects represents


of our 2022 international program investment (US$ 1,166,258 out of
US$ 7,250,387).

Impactful fundraising

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

La Cuvée One Drop is a coming together of creative, compassionate, take-action people that offers up enjoyable ways to raise funds in support of the One Drop Foundation’s mission. Together, we make an impact— locally and globally.

La Cuvée 2022 was a unique philanthropic event in which 260 guests were treated to a special gastronomic meal from the team at Rivea by Alain Ducasse, a wine tasting, and exciting performances from Cirque du Soleil and the Tenors—as well as an exclusive auction and after party at Rivea Restaurant and Skyfall Lounge at Delano Las Vegas. An inspiring showcase of the Lazos de Agua program enabled guests, partners, and donors to become more closely connected with the outcomes of our philanthropic impact.

This thoroughly entertaining and epicurean evening was held in celebration of the foundation’s 15th anniversary, with the support of special guests and event ambassadors Georgina Bloomberg, Alain Ducasse, Bill Hornbuckle, Guy Laliberté, and Daniel Lamarre.





partners and donors



impressions of the press coverage


Springs Preserve, Desert Research Institute, The Discovery Children's Museum, and WaterStart, among others

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Our worldwide commitment to water also includes local engagement where we hold our events. In the arid climate of Las Vegas—where water issues are more important than ever—the One Drop Foundation is taking action. Every year, a portion of the proceeds from our fundraising events in Las Vegas are used to finance and support water conservation, technology, and education efforts in Southern Nevada. To date, we have donated over $1.5M to the Springs Preserve, Desert Research Institute, The Discovery Children’s Museum, and WaterStart, among others. Our local water goals include awareness, education, conservation, and innovation.

One more for One Drop charity poker

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

In July 2022, the World Series of Poker (WSOP) hosted a US$1,111 buy-in event—One More for One Drop No-Limit Hold’em—with some big names making deep runs. Idaho native Mike Allis won the WSOP gold bracelet and US$535,610 in prize money after defeating 2013 WSOP Main Event Champion Ryan Riess. The One Drop Foundation sincerely thanks the World Series of Poker, Caesars, and the poker community for raising their game once again for charity.

15th anniversary fine wine auction

Online auction

In collaboration with the esteemed Christie��s auction house in London, the One Drop Foundation's 15th anniversary Fine and Rare Wines Online: Geneva Edition auction included over 20 fine wine lots with donations from Domaine Guigal, Château Pichon Longueville, Krug, Maison Chapoutier, Argiano, and Gustave Lorentz, among others. Wine lovers could choose from special single-owner collections of Bordeaux and Burgundy, a rare vertical offering of Château Cheval-Blanc features dating back to the monumental 1982 vintage, six-bottle cases of signature vintages from Petrus, coveted vintages from Château Mouton-Rothschild, and a selection from the Left Bank First and Second Growths.

A fun run in support of safe water for all

In fall 2022, the One Drop Foundation launched Water in Action, a hybrid event held both online and in-person in Montreal, Quebec that mobilized a global network of schools focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, families, runners, and fun lovers from across the country to set their active steps into motion for change.

With the generous sponsorship of our partners Cirque du Soleil, OVIVO Inc., Keurig Dr Pepper Canada, Air Canada, Bombardier, Montrusco Bolton, Deloitte, and AlphaFixe Capital, alongside event ambassadors Geneviève Borne, Kim Clavel, and Lysanne Richard, we raised $45,000 towards our safe water initiatives.

Waves of generosity through digital campaigns

Throughout 2022, the One Drop Foundation was fortunate to rely on the generosity of matching partners Groupe BBLUV Inc., the foundation of Clear Skies Investment Management, and Canderel Management Inc. to help amplify donations from individuals who support us. Every donation—no matter how big or small—contributes to creating sustainable change and helps generate waves of generosity, while raising awareness around our mission.

Each individual drops shapes the wave. Create more motion by giving today.

Financial Highlights

Guy Laliberté's financial commitment to the One Drop Foundation covers all of our administration expenditures.

2022 generated funds

US$8.05 million

2022 project funding

US$7.74 million

With gratitude


This past year, we were fortunate enough to count on an ecosystem of funders, partners, local governments, community members, and artists to ensure that all our projects mobilized knowledge and demonstrated impact, both nationally and internationally. The communities we serve are our most important partners, and we thank everyone involved in turning water into action.

Looking towards the future, we are reminded of the power of collective action in creating lasting, positive change. To that end, we are seeking like-minded organizations, foundations, agencies, and companies who believe in the urgent need to address and change the systemic issues at the heart of safe water and climate challenges.


The list below is a glimpse of the visionary community we have the privilege of counting on.

Guy Laliberté


Airlie Foundation • Allen D. Kohl Charitable Foundation, Inc • Amir Adnani • Argiano Societa Agricola • Artist Activist Management • Bernie Cahill • BMO Nesbitt Burns • Brian Sheth • Canderel Management Inc. • Cashman Photo Enterprises • la Fondation de Clear Skies Investment Management • Conam Charitable Foundation • Daniel Gauthier • Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company LLC • DTD Live Ltd • Edmiston & Company Limited • Edwin Ting • Eric and Maria Grilly • Fisher Brothers Foundation Inc • Gabriel de Alba • Garival Inc. • Groupe BBLUV Inc • Guusto Gifts Inc. • Joe Dietch • Kateri da Silva • Katherine Goertz • Kirvin Doak Communications • Lord Robert Peerless • Marin Community Foundation • One Drop Foundation personnel • RBC Foundation • Schwab Charitable Fund • The American Gift Fund (Lisa & Dan Burkhead) • The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal • Valmont • Wynn Resorts


In 2022, we benefitted in numerous ways from the expertise and contributions of valued in-kind partners, such as Air Canada, Audemars Piguet, Baron Philippe Seyres de Rothschild, Brenden Mann Foundation, Breton Wine Company, Cave Carrière, Champagne Barons de Rothschild, Champagne Deutz, Cognac Hardy, Crystalline Management, Destinations by Design, Domaine de la Romanée Conti , Domaine Faiveley, Domaine Rousseau, Ducasse Paris & Les Airelles Versailles, Encore, Innovative Pain Care Center, Marc Nadeau, Markus Molitor, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, Southworth Communities, Sting and Trudie Styler, among others. We are thankful for their encouraging support!


Current Executing Partners
Centre for microFinance • Cowater International Inc. • Espace Culturel Gambidi • Fundación Moisés Bertoni • Fundación PLAN • Helvetas • Living Water International • Santé Monde (previously CCISD) • WaterAid America • WaterAid Canada • WaterAid India • WaterAid Mali • Water For People India

Social Art Partners
Association FVTA • Fleur de bitumes • 14 fotogramas • ACOP • Akshara Arts Society • Aléas des possibles • Ameli Schneider • André Miraklin dit Cloche • Asociacion Tierranuestra • Association FVTI • Association Miray Aina • Association Soasaotse • Aurora Villareal • Bochin Teatro Clown • Burbujas de Jabon • Centre Culturel Korè • Consultora de radionovela Duyerling • Crear en libertad • Cronopio Teatro • Dinastia Chocoana • Eduardo Rosales • El Bosque • Espace Culturel Gambidi • Groupe Rahaja Cent • Israël Joseph • Jakaira expresion alternativa • Jovenes Creadores del Choco • Maestros del Entretenimiento • Mr. Ashish Ghosh • Mr. Ramlal Bhatt • Mr. Uday Kumar • Mujeres Creativas Lapta Yula • Nobert Joseph • Noelvo Vert pour La chambre d’écriture • ONG MOTEUR • Pascal Desaille • Pierre Sonny Casseus • Porandu • Teatro Calipso • Tekoha Audiovisual • Tiliches del Baul • Traca Traca • Troupe Vitsika • Wadner Peyizan

Photo credits: Water for People, Terry Hughes, Juliana Jaramillo, Fundación Plan, Samuel Jabour, the One Drop Foundation, iStock, Pierre Inodyl Fils, Santé Monde, Raïsa Mirza, Dania Sanchez-Yimura, the One Drop Foundation, Getty Images, Cashman Photos, Hayley Hochstetler, Argiano, Rotary Mali


The One Drop Foundation knows that lasting transformation doesn’t come from a tidal wave—it comes from a single drop with the power to touch heart after heart and change mind after mind. That’s why we are part of an ecosystem of positive impact that evokes human emotions to bring about real human change.

When we come together, we foster a world of sustainable change for communities facing extreme barriers. One action at a time. One partnership at a time. One drop at a time.

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Land Acknowledgement

The One Drop Foundation acknowledges Inuit, Métis, and First Nation Peoples across Canada as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters since time immemorial. We are grateful for the traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders who are with us today, those who have gone before us, and the youth that inspire us.

2022 Board of directors

The One Drop Foundation’s board of directors is composed of leaders from the business and philanthropic communities. Board members counsel the foundation’s executive management on numerous policies and strategic matters. They ensure that the One Drop Foundation rigorously applies best practices of good governance in compliance with our core values.

Board of directors

Guy Laliberté

Chairman of the Board

France Chrétien Desmarais

Vice-Chair of the Board

Robert Blain
Mark L. Smith
Filippo Marchino
Jonathan Tétrault
Jerry Nadal
Kateri Da Silva

2022 Executive Management Team

Jean-Louis Dufresne

Chief Executive Officer

Lisa Clowery

Chief Philanthropy and Corporate Development Officer

André Léger

Chief Financial Officer

Alexandre Meunier

Chief Marketing and Events Officer

Ernenek Duran

Senior Director of Programs, Latin America

Marie-France Dos Santos

Director, Corporate Communications and Brand Reputation

Isabelle Thibeault

Senior Director of International Programs

Tania Vachon

Senior Director, Social Art for Behaviour Change

Together, let's turn water into action