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How to republish or copublish articles by the Illinois Answers Project

1. Please do not edit our material, except to reflect changes in time, location or style. Contact us with any questions.

2. Credit the Illinois Answers Project and any co-reporting partners by:

  • Formatting the byline: Author Name, Illinois Answers Project  
  • At the top of the text of your story, include a line that reads: “This story was originally published by the Illinois Answers Project.” Hyperlink the words “Illinois Answers Project” to the original URL of the story.

3. Include our tracking code in your version of the story. To do this, click the blue “Republish This Story” button at the end of the story; a pop-up will appear with directions about how to find the tracking code. You can copy the story to your clipboard and paste into your CMS’ code editor. Or, you can scroll down to the end of the pop-up and copy the tracking code directly – it includes the words “republication-tracker-tool”. You can then paste this anywhere in the body of the article in your CMS. This code allows us to track story traffic.

4. Graphics and images: Graphics produced by Illinois Answers staff and freelance photos (indicated by credit lines of “for Illinois Answers Project”) can be republished. Images or graphics from other publications or vendors, like Getty or iStock, cannot be republished. Our editors can provide you with image files on request.

How to share on social media and in newsletters

Please tag us in social media posts when sharing:

If you share our republished stories in your newsletters, please include phrasing that credits our newsroom such as, “This story was originally published by the Illinois Answers Project.” Hyperlink the words “Illinois Answers Project” to the original URL of the story.

Thank you!