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Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest
REL Southwest partners with educators and policymakers in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Southwest.
Key Resources and Events from REL Southwest

High-quality advising: Building systems for implementing individualized career plans

This infographic highlights Individualized career plans, a formalized process whereby students aspire to future goals that align with their talent and interests to support high-quality advising and counseling that prepares all students for success.
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Leveraging High-Quality Instructional Materials to Support Student Success

This REL Southwest infographic highlights the importance of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) for student success and details how the Building Pathways for Student Success partnership is supporting the use of HQIM in Arkansas.
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Evidence-Based Writing Practices to Support English Learner Students

This REL Southwest infographic outlines two Write to Succeed approaches that support effective writing instruction and English proficiency among English learner students as well as literacy skills for all students.
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Louisiana’s New Teacher Experience: Supporting Early Career Teachers

This REL Southwest video introduces Louisiana’s New Teacher Experience, an early-career teacher induction program. The video includes interviews with new teachers, professional learning coaches, and Louisiana Department of Education staff.
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Evidence-Based Writing Practices to Support English Learner Students
New Mexico prioritizes equitable educational opportunities and achievement for English learner students. One of the state's literacy goals is focused on helping educators deliver high-quality literacy instruction that supports the development of stronger...

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Without adequate induction supports and opportunities to build strong relationships with students, peers, and school leaders, new teachers can end up leaving the profession. This Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest video introduces Louisianas...

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