APP Group

APP Group

Manufaktur Kertas dan Produk Perhutanan

Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 372.149 pengikut

Growing Our Tomorrow

Tentang kami

APP serves as the holding company for multiple Indonesia pulp and paper manufacturing as well as forestry entities, catering to the increasing global need for high-quality tissue, packaging, and paper. Our products reach over 150 countries spanning six continents. APP Group serves as group name of pulp, paper and forestry entities under APP and its affiliates including the pulp and paper and forestry operation in China. Driven by a dedication to sustainability and ethical practices, we prioritize the well-being of our employees, society, and environment. Our approach involves harnessing technological advancements and fostering innovation, collaborating closely with communities, and upholding internationally recognized business and operational standards throughout our production and supply chain. Aligned with the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, our Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030 steers our actions toward safeguarding environment, bolstering local communities, preserving biodiversity, and striving for carbon neutrality in all our endeavors.

Manufaktur Kertas dan Produk Perhutanan
Ukuran perusahaan
10.001+ karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Perseroan Tertutup
Tahun Pendirian
Paper, Tissue, Packaging, Pulp, Pulp & Paper Manufacturing


  • Utama

    Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 5th Floor. M.H Thamrin Street No.51, Jakarta

    Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10350, ID

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    We would like to advise members of the public, customers, and investors to beware of #scam or fake websites offering investment opportunities and/or bearing the APP Sinar Mas brand (and that of its mills). Always verify the authenticity of information by accessing the official #APPSinarMas website ( and look out for misspelling, substitution or adding of letters to parts of the web address. We recommend typing the URL on the address bar of your browser instead of clicking on it from an email or another site. The APP website has a lock icon beside the URL which indicates that data traffic within the site is encrypted. When in doubt, please contact us through official email at or by telephone -+62-800-1-368-368 (Toll-free – Indonesia only, 24/7) or +62-21 5312 0412 (International, 24/7).

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    HAPPy People! Ekamas Fortuna merupakan salah satu unit usaha APP Group yang ada di Malang, Jawa Timur. Seperti apa sih makna Ekamas Fortuna di mata rekan-rekan yang ada di sana? Cek selengkapnya di video berikut ini yuk! Untuk hAPPy People yang ada di Ekamas Fortuna, yuk komen di bawah ini seperti apa makna Ekamas buat kamu⬇️🤔 === Hi, hAPPy People! Ekamas Fortuna is one of the business units of APP Group located in Malang, East Java. What is the meaning of Ekamas Fortuna in the eyes of the colleagues there? Check out more in the following video! For hAPPy People at Ekamas Fortuna, let's comment below what Ekamas means to you⬇️

  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    Hi haPPy People! Di desa Sengguruh, Malang, ada sanggar UMKM binaan PT Ekamas Fortuna yang piawai membuat topeng-topeng cantik dan berbagai properti seni trasional dari kayu. Mereka juga mahir menari lho. Yuk kita lihat aksi mereka di video ini. === Hello, Happy People! In the village of Sengguruh, Malang, there is a SME workshop sponsored by PT Ekamas Fortuna that specializes in making beautiful masks and various traditional art properties from wood. They are also skilled dancers. Let's see their performance in this video. #appgroup #lifeatapp #ekamasfortuna

  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    Chief Sustainability Officer APP Group, Elim Sritaba, berbicara di Greentalk atas undangan dari @Detik! Selama diskusi, Elim membahas solusi inovatif berbasis alam untuk keberlanjutan lingkungan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendengar uraian menarik ini! Tonton wawancara lengkapnya di sini channel youtube kami. === Our Chief Sustainability Officer, Elim Sritaba, spoke at Greentalk, thanks to an invite from @Detik! During the discussion, Elim explores innovative nature-based solutions for environmental sustainability. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from leaders in the field! Watch the full interview on our youtube channel. #APPGroup #Greentalk #detikPagi #JanganTidurLagi #Sustainability

  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    22% hutan mangrove dunia ada di Indonesia! Mau tahu jenis-jenis mangrove yang ada di Indonesia dan manfaatknya bagi masyarakat? Simak video ini. #mangroveindonesia #lestarialam #APPGroup #ketapangbanten === 22% of the world's mangrove forests are in Indonesia! Want to know the types of mangroves found in Indonesia and their benefits for the community? Watch this video. #mangroveindonesia #savetheenvironment #APPGroup #ketapangbanten

  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    Dalam rangka ulang tahun Sidu yang ke 40, Sidu bagi-bagi beasiswa bernilai total miliaran rupiah, simak videonya disini: dan dapatkan info lebih lanjut di === In celebration of Sidu's 40th anniversary, Sidu is giving away scholarships worth billions of rupiah. Watch the video here: and get more information at #appgroup #sidu #beasiswapendidikan

  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    Apa Indonesian Value-mu hAPPy people? Kalau di video ini, Indonesian value-nya adalah tahu dan paham produk halal. Komen ya kalau mau share Indonesian value yang lain. === What is your Indonesian Value hAPPy people? In this video, the Indonesian value is to know and understand halal products. Comment below if you want to share your other Indonesian values. #halal #asianvalue #appgroup #lifeatapp

  • APP Group membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Ian Lifshitz, grafis

    Global Sustainability & Public Affairs Executive

    🚗🏁 Catch us at the Toronto Honda Indy, taking place from July 19-21. We are proud to feature the Asia Pulp & Paper Canada logo prominently on the Cayden Goodridge car, alongside the Paperline photocopy paper logo, as they race under the banner of VPX Motorsport.  Cayden Goodridge and his team will compete in two premier races on Friday, July 19, and Saturday, July 20, leading up to the full Indy race on Sunday. These events are part of the SCCC Championship and considered highlights of the Indy weekend in Toronto. We’re happy to support Canadian events, culture and talent like Cayden.  Stay tuned for exciting updates and photos from the Toronto Honda Indy! Let's support Cayden and the entire VPX Motorsport team as they race towards victory! 🏁🚀 APP Group

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi APP Group, grafis

    372.149 pengikut

    Happy International Plastic Bag Free Day! Today reminds us to choose eco-friendly options and commit to reducing plastic every day, all year round. Join us in making every day Plastic Bag Free Day with products like Foopak Anchor Bio and Enza PFAS-free White Kraft for sustainable food packaging. Read the full story here and let's protect our planet together! 🌍♻️ #APPGroup #FoopakAnchorBio #EnzaWhiteKraft #PlasticBagFreeDay

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