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264 results

Project Trent-Severn Waterway -1247 Emerald Isle Road, Buckhorn Lake - Dredge and Aquatic Vegetation Removal

  • Location (Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88693
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-05
  • Relevance: 799.61
  • The overall intent of this project is to dredge and remove aquatic vegetation for an area approximately 130m2 to accommodate boat access and parking at an existing marina dock. The project components include: • Dredge and remove aquatic vegetation along the shoreline in area of approximately 10 m x 13 m = 130 m2. • Dredging to be completed from land using an excavator fitted with a bucket. • If conditions in the work area are wet, a turbidity curtain will be installed and ...

Project Installation of Downstream Stop-Log Gains, Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site

  • Location (Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88691
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-04
  • Relevance: 799.5
  • In the fall of 2023, it was identified that the historic winter guard gates at the downstream end of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal were no longer viable for use and will remain in place until repair/restoration is considered. These gates were previously used for unwatering purposes to inspect, maintain, and repair parts of the lock chamber. A new set of galvanized steel gains will be installed for stop-logs to be used at the downstream end of the lock chamber and will support ...

Project Fort Road Beaver Dam 2024, Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site

  • Location (Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88690
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-04
  • Relevance: 799.5
  • A beaver dam has been constructed around three culverts on the north ditch of Fort Road in Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site (FSJNHS). The dam has caused flooding along the north side of the road for approximately 400 m, which is compromising infrastructure integrity and access to FSJNHS, since Fort Road is the only access to the site. The objective of this project is to lower the water level in the ditch to preserve the integrity of the road. Proposed work is to remove the sections of ...

Project Town of Banff 24DP18 302 Squirrel Street Petro Canada Renovation

  • Location (Banff National Park, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88686
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-03
  • Relevance: 799.38
  • The proposed project is a renovation of the fuel area of the Petro Canada gas station located at 302 Squirrel Street. Activities include replacing underground the petroleum storage tanks, lines and dispensers for safety purposes. All existing fueling equipment will be removed and replaced during the renovation process. 

Project Conservation work on a section of fortification wall, Quebec City

  • Location (Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88685
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-03
  • Relevance: 799.38
  • To ensure the safety and conservation of this cultural resource, masonry work will have to be carried out on a southern section of the wall along 57b St-Louis, which is part of the national historic site of the Fortifications of Quebec. The work will involve the complete dismantling of the section of fortification wall and courtyard wall overlooking the future Jardins du Corps-de-Garde city park, currently left vacant. Soil will have to be excavated behind the wall to reduce loads on the ...

Project Penstock #4 Replacement, Jones Falls Generating Station, Rideau Canal

  • Location (Rideau Canal National Historic Site, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88684
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-03
  • Relevance: 799.38
  • Jones Falls Generating Station is located at 60 Stone Arch Dam Lane, on a portion of the Jones Falls lockstation property that is licensed from Parks Canada to EO Generation LP (Portage Power). Although privately owned and operated, Jones Falls Generating Station is an important part of the Rideau Canal water management system and helps to manage upstream water levels during the high flow periods. The generating station intake currently consists of three wood stave penstocks that convey ...

Project Hydrometric Station Rehabilitation, Environment and Climate Change Canada

  • Location (Fundy National Park, New Brunswick)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88683
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-02
  • Relevance: 799.28
  • The Water Survey of Canada – National Hydrological Service (WSC-NHS) operates hydrometric monitoring stations across the country, providing near real-time data on water levels and flow. The station on the Point Wolfe River (01BV006) provides essential information for Fundy National Park, assisting in the monitoring of river crossings and the Species at Risk program. Since its activation in 1964, the station's infrastructure has deteriorated and reached the end of its design life, ...

Project MacKenzie King Bridge: Modernization of the district energy system (DES)

  • Location (MacKenzie King Bridge, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88589
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-29
  • Relevance: 798.88
  • In the National Capital Region there are several buildings on the district energy system (DES) that connect to central heating and cooling plants using over 14km of underground piping to provide heating by steam and cooling by chilled water. This system was built between 50-100 years ago. The infrastructure is reaching the end of its useful life and the technology in use is inefficient and expensive to maintain. The Energy Services Acquisition Program, also known as ESAP, is the ...

Project Jasper House Bungalows Master Plan

  • Location (Jasper National Park, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88674
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-27
  • Relevance: 798.72
  • Parks Canada has received a 20-year Master Plan for the redevelopment of Jasper House Bungalows, located approximately 3km south of the Jasper townsite in Jasper National Park. Jasper House Bungalows is currently open seasonally from May to October but will begin year-round operations as part of the master plan. The proposed redevelopment includes increases to staff and guest accommodation, demolition and rebuild of aging infrastructure including cabins and lodge buildings, reconfiguration of ...

Project Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) Shadow Lake Lodge Grey Water Pipe Replacement and Propane System Replacement

  • Location (Banff National Park, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88670
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-27
  • Relevance: 798.7
  • The Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) proposes to excavate and replace the existing grey water pipe and propane system at Shadow Lake Lodge. Replacement and upgrades will allow these services to be operated and maintained more effectively and meet current code and load requirements. Upgrades and additions include adding clean-out ports, insultation and heat tracing to the grey water pipe, combining the existing two propane systems into one system, and adding propane service to two additional ...

Project ACC Castle Hut Replacement

  • Location (Kootenay/Yoho/Banff National Parks of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88587
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-27
  • Relevance: 798.66
  • The Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) is proposing to replace the Castle Mountain Hut and associated outhouse, located on the south side of Castle Mountain in Banff National Park. The hut provides seasonal overnight visitor accommodation during the summer season. The ACC's objective for the proposal is to reposition the hut further back from a cliff to make usage safer with improved amenities and to conform to current building codes. The new hut will be slightly larger and will accommodate eight ...

Project Olive, Kaufmann, and Talc Lakes Aquatics Restoration

  • Location (Kootenay National Park of Canada, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88584
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-26
  • Relevance: 798.55
  • Parks Canada proposes to remove non-native fish species from Olive, Kaufmann and Talc Lakes in Kootenay National Park and to reintroduce Westslope cutthroat trout to Olive Lake where they were historically present. This proposal considers fish translocation from source populations and long-term monitoring to ensure a self-sustaining population is established in Olive Lake. This aquatics restoration program will occur over a period of six years (2024 to 2030). Scope: The Detailed Impact ...

Project House Decommissioning 2024

  • Location (Rouge National Urban Park, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88668
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-25
  • Relevance: 798.52
  • Nine houses are proposed to be decommissioned in Rouge National Urban Park. Deteriorating buildings and property debris negatively impact the natural environment and pose a serious risk to public safety within Rouge National Urban Park. Demolition of the identified buildings will incorporate wildlife conservation and protection design. This project is to be completed outside of sensitive timing periods for species at risk and other wildlife within and around the houses.

Project Attikamek Trail Bridges - Decking and Railing Replacement

  • Location (Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88667
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-25
  • Relevance: 798.51
  • The 2.2km Attikamek multi-use recreational trail is location on South St. Mary's Island at the Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site that has two footbridges (150m and 25m respectively, ~2.5m wide) originally constructed in 1995. Structural inspections (2023) reported that all deck boards are in poor condition and recommended replacement within 1 year. All handrail barriers (top, mid, and bottom kick-rails) should be replaced in less than 2 years. Logistically, it makes sense to ...

Project Septic System Replacement - 2024

  • Location (Rouge National Urban Park, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88662
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-24
  • Relevance: 798.38
  • The purpose of this project is to decommission a failing septic system and install a new septic system on a residential property in Rouge National Urban Park. The project works will include site preparation, excavation, installation of the septic tank, and revegetation. During this work, proper erosion and sediment control practices will be installed as required, equipment will be driven in the area around the excavation, and fill will be stockpiled on site. The new septic system will be in ...

Project Beaver dam and lodge removal

  • Location (Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88580
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-23
  • Relevance: 798.22
  • Two beaver dams and one beaver lodge will be removed from a small tributary of the Spruce River in Prince Albert National Park. The dams have potential to impact the structural integrity of the Anglin Lake Dam on the Spruce River. A dam safety review has identified the removal of the beaver dams as a very high priority. 

Project Town of Banff Marmot Crescent Dog Park

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88656
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-20
  • Relevance: 797.95
  • The Town of Banff has proposed to build a 1.5 acre dog park in the Marmot/Whiskey Creek Public Parkland district. This area was selected due to proximity to registered dog owners, walkability, and relativity to other dog parks. Works to construct the new dog park include geotechnical and shovel testing, bridge demolition and culvert replacement, trail grading, fence and signage installation.

Project Private Residence - Trent-Severn Waterway - 96 Hewall Trail, Katchewanooka Lake - Dredge and Launch Ramp

  • Location (Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88566
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-20
  • Relevance: 797.89
  • The overall intent of this project is to dredge an area of 28.1 m2 and install a launch ramp with an area of 39.1 m2 to accommodate the launching of a boat. The project components include: - Dredge an area of 3.7 m x 7.6 m = 28.1 m2. The existing water depth in the proposed dredge area is 0.15 – 0.2 m which will be dredged and filled with aggregate to a depth of 0.76 m. - Dredging will be completed from land using a long reach excavator fitted with a 1-yard bucket. - If ...

Project World War II Hut Rehabilitation

  • Location (Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88650
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-19
  • Relevance: 797.85
  • Parks Canada is proposing to rehabilitate the World War II Hut which houses the main washroom facility at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site. The washrooms are in poor condition and do not meet current accessibility and inclusivity standards. Parks Canada plans to fully renovate the interior of the building with six new visitor washrooms, while the exterior of the building will undergo rehabilitation. The building upgrades will fulfill some secondary needs such as a water fountain and ...

Project Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Line Modifications in Gros Morne National Park

  • Location (Gros Morne National Park of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87180
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-18
  • Relevance: 797.76
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (NL Hydro) is proposing to widen the Right of Way (ROW) corridors of five transmission lines that run through Gros Morne National Park. These lines are critical infrastructure, delivering electricity to national park facilities, enclave communities, and destinations north of the national park (i.e., over 9,000 customers). The transmission lines currently have higher service disruption rates than lines outside the park. During this five-year project, NL Hydro will ...

Project Wetland Restoration Program 2024-2025 and Crossing Removal

  • Location (Rouge National Urban Park, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88640
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-17
  • Relevance: 797.61
  • The purpose of these wetland restoration projects is to create and enhance wetland habitat within the matrix of farmland and natural areas in the northern sections of Rouge National Urban Park. Wetlands provide important habitat for many species in the park and contribute to improved water quality within the watershed. By slowing runoff from agricultural fields, wetlands act as filters, removing contaminants like concentrated nutrients, and allow for increased water infiltration to replenish ...

Project Rouge National Urban Park Cistern Decommissioning

  • Location (Rouge National Urban Park, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88633
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-13
  • Relevance: 797.18
  • Rouge National Urban Park is planning to decommission an unused open cistern for health and safety reasons and convert it to a snake hibernaculum. Eastern Milksnakes are known to overwinter in the rock wall foundation adjacent to the cistern and therefore the site is sensitive to construction activities. The cistern will be pumped and backfilled with stone to create habitat that will allow snakes to move throughout the structure. This project will be scheduled to avoid sensitive timing periods ...

Project Entrance Breakwater and Shore Protection Reconstruction at the North Rustico Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island

  • Location (North Rustico, Prince Edward Island)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88625
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-12
  • Relevance: 797.08
  • The existing entrance breakwater structure at the North Rustico Small Craft Harbour has deteriorated to the point whereby reconstruction is required.  The proposed project will see the partial demolition and full encapsulation of breakwater structures #301, #302, and #303 using a combination of steel sheet pile and armour stone.  The new breakwater will be raised approximately 2 metres. Shore protection (structure #603) will also be reconstructed by placing layers of filter and armour ...

Project Wharf Upgrades and Launching Ramp Reconstruction at the Covehead Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island

  • Location (Covehead, Prince Edward Island)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88624
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-12
  • Relevance: 797.07
  • Post-tropical storm Fiona damaged the wharf infrastructure at the Covehead Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbour. The proposed project will include the reconstruction of existing wharf and launching ramp structures. Wharf structure #603 will be removed and reconstructed with steel sheet pile and armour stone shore protection; wharf structure #403 will be removed and replaced with steel sheet pile; and wharf structure #405 will be removed and reconstructed with a new cope wall.  ...

Project Cheticamp River Restoration (2024): Long Pool & Robert's Brook Tributary

  • Location (Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada, Nova Scotia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88551
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-12
  • Relevance: 797.02
  • This proposal seeks to remediate habitat degradation directly linked to human development at two locations on the Cheticamp River. At Long Pond, an important pool for Atlantic salmon, active erosion is threatening a 60m section that borders the Salmon Pool's Trail. Here, the overall objective aims to protect this important pool, while stabilizing the trail and maintaining visitor access to the upper river. Armor stone will be placed on the north embankment to protect against erosion. ...

Project Saddle Island Interpretive Circuit

  • Location (Red Bay National Historic Site of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88541
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-06
  • Relevance: 796.37
  • The proposed project expands on the 2023 initiative aimed at revitalizing the visitor experience at Red Bay National Historic Site. Key components of this project include development of an interpretation circuit, construction of a replica Basque whaling station and memorial for Basque whalers, and enhancements to visitor facilities. The project scope encompasses the construction of four circular interpretation platforms interconnected by a pre-existing boardwalk, and installation of welcome ...

Project Rehabilitation of Batterie St-Charles

  • Location (Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88602
  • Last Modified: 2024-06-05
  • Relevance: 796.31
  • The project primarily consists of carrying out masonry and stabilization work of Batterie St-Charles and certain areas of St-Charles wall and Grande Batterie wall. As part of the project, and in order to complete the rehabilitation work, excavation activities have been planned to clear the portion of the faces that are currently back-filled. The work as a whole will ensure the stability of the structure and extend its lifespan.

Project VIA Rail Slope Stabilization - Old Sly's Lockstation, 2024-25

  • Location (Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88514
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-23
  • Relevance: 794.85
  • VIA Rail is intending to retain the services of a Contractor to complete improvements to the masonry abutments and approach embankments of VIA Rail's bridge at Mile 1.20 of the Brockville Subdivision. The existing bridge at Mile 1.20 of the Brockville Subdivision carries a single track over the Rideau Canal National Historic Site and is located immediately downstream of the entrance to Parks Canada's Lock 27 (Old Sly's Lockstation) in the Town of Smiths Falls. The purpose of this ...

Project Southern Gulf Island Aids to Navigation Rebuild

  • Location (Mandarte Island, British Columbia) (Isabella Island, British Columbia) (Canoe Rock, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88515
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-23
  • Relevance: 794.85
  • A condition review of the navigational aids in the Southern Gulf Islands has found that many of the structures are in poor condition, non-compliant to Canadian Coast Guard directives for service, and/or non-compliant to current Canadian standards for safety to the workers who maintain them. The sites are all accessible by small vessel. The Canadian Coast Guard proposes to refurbish twenty one navigational aids in the Southern Gulf Islands. Of these twenty one aids 3 are located in the Gulf ...

Project Trans Mountain Pipeline Site KP387 Bioremediation

  • Location (Jasper National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88500
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-17
  • Relevance: 794.2
  • During a reactivation dig in 2021, historical petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was discovered at a site on the Trans Mountain pipeline right of way (RoW) located 8 km west of Jasper and next to the Miette River. Further assessment delineated contamination along the right of way and adjacent wetland, fen and marsh. The Remedial Action Plan recommends in-situ bioremediation as the best option to reduce contaminants to acceptable levels in both soil and groundwater, while minimizing further ...

Project Pekisko Creek Bank Armouring by NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.

  • Location (Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88473
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-08
  • Relevance: 793.23
  • NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of TC Energy, is proposing to armour a section of Pekisko Creek passing through the Bar U Ranch National Historic site. The objective of the project is to mitigate potential integrity risk to an existing NGTL pipeline from ongoing bank erosion and encroachment of the stream into the pipeline right-of-way. Proposed erosion mitigation at the site includes the installation of 53 m of riprap, including a 27 m riprap revetment that will ...

Project Prince of Wales Hotel Fire Suppression System Intake Replacement in Emerald Bay, Upper Waterton Lake

  • Location (Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88474
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-08
  • Relevance: 793.23
  • The Prince of Wales Hotel, operated by Pursuit Collection in Waterton Lakes National Park, is proposing the replacement of its fire suppression system intake located in Emerald Bay, Upper Waterton Lake. The intake and/or piping into Emerald Bay are no longer functioning fully, believed to be due to rust and material breakdown, which could compromise fire suppression ability at the hotel. A temporary intake system will be installed to accommodate hotel operation between May to September 2024, ...

Project High Country Inn Renovations and Landscaping - 419 Banff Avenue

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88466
  • Last Modified: 2024-05-03
  • Relevance: 792.7
  • Interior and exterior renovations and landscaping to existing hotel and restaurant. Exterior updates include replacing roof, replacing existing sunroom on front of restaurant, replacing existing gable and awning with new roof above the restaurant entry, and other updates to exterior finishes. Landscaping changes include extending existing restaurant patio and adding softscaped seating area, adding accessible ramp, removing 2 trees, decreasing driveway size, updating planters, and planting ...

Project Wildfire Risk Reduction at Fort Walsh National Historic Site

  • Location (Fort Walsh National Historic Site of Canada, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88458
  • Last Modified: 2024-04-27
  • Relevance: 792.05
  • The objective of this project is to reduce the risk of wildfire at Fort Walsh National Historic Site (NHS) by lowering potential wildfire intensity and rates of spread. The absence of fire and the maturity of the forest around the fort site has resulted in the accumulation of ladder fuels, old or dying mature trees and downed woody material. Strategic fuel reduction will reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire impacting public safety, visitor experience, and cultural values at the site. Fuel ...

Project Westman Communications Fiber - Phase 2 - Clear Lake Cabin Area

  • Location (Riding Mountain National Park of Canada, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88452
  • Last Modified: 2024-04-26
  • Relevance: 791.94
  • Westman Communications Group proposes to install 5, 147 m of fibre optic cable into the Clear Lake Cabin Area in Riding Mountain National Park. The purpose of the project is to provide high-speed internet and data services through the installation of fibre optic cabling to the Clear Lake Cabin Area by means of a conduit system. It is part of a federal initiative to provide improved rural internet service in southern Manitoba with fibre-optic cables capable of carrying high-speed internet ...

Project Radio Repeater System Site Construction

  • Location (Akami-Uapishk?-KakKasuak-Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve, Newfoundland and Labrador)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87425
  • Last Modified: 2024-04-17
  • Relevance: 790.98
  • Parks Canada is proposing to install (3) new radio communications repeater sites inside the Akami-Uapishk?-KakKasuak-Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve. All three sites are in the backcountry, located on mountain tops, and are only accessible via helicopter. For all three sites, a communications shelter and a small tower will need to be constructed along with their foundations and/or anchoring into the rock. The site locations are as follows: (53.4475000, -59.3883610), (53.7378060, ...

Project Jakes Landing Bridge Project at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

  • Location (Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada, Nova Scotia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 85790
  • Last Modified: 2024-04-04
  • Relevance: 789.59
  • The former floating bridge that spanned the Mersey River at Jake's Landing in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site was damaged beyond repair during Hurricane Fiona on September 14, 2022. The floating bridge was an important pedestrian bridge that connected the campground and Jake's Landing. The objective of this project is to replace the former floating bridge with a permanent bridge structure on the same horizontal alignment. The new structure would be comprised of ...

Project Backcountry Paddling Site Upgrades

  • Location (Pukaskwa National Park of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87385
  • Last Modified: 2024-04-04
  • Relevance: 789.59
  • Pukaskwa National Park proposes to upgrade 5 existing backcountry paddling campsites along the Lake Superior coastline. At each of the 5 sites, upgrades will include a new bear-proof food locker, a new pit-privy, and access trails from the existing campsite to the new infrastructure. Pit privy locations will vary from 40-130 m from Lake Superior's shoreline. Pit privies will be constructed on site using hand tools, and vegetation will be cleared to ground level using hand tools; no use of ...

Project Management of Zebra Mussels in Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park

  • Location (Riding Mountain National Park of Canada, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87319
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-29
  • Relevance: 788.95
  • Riding Mountain National Park is proposing management actions to respond to the detection of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Clear Lake, located within the park boundaries. The management actions that may be implemented include the use of potash molluscicide and physical methods (e.g., benthic mats, manual removal, etc.). Zebra Mussels can impact native species, severely affect and/or alter food webs and ecosystems, damage infrastructure, and affect visitor experience. The proposal will ...

Project Banff Legacy Trail Counter and Display

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87365
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-27
  • Relevance: 788.74
  • Install a trail counter display next to the Banff Legacy Trail at the edge of the Town of Banff, and install a trail counter that counts cyclists and other trail users as they leave the Town of Banff on the Legacy Trail. The proposed location for the display is at the existing trailhead kiosk near the Inns of Banff, with an electrical hook-up to be trenched to the display from available power supply next to the Inns of Banff, just inside the town boundary. The trail counter is to be installed ...

Project FortisAlberta System Improvement 407 Cougar St & Back Alley of 502 Banff Ave

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87358
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-24
  • Relevance: 788.42
  • Fortis Alberta is proposing for system improvement in their infrastructure located at 407 Cougar Street and back alley of 502 Banff Ave, Banff. The proposed activities includes replacing underground cable, installing a new padmount motorized vacuum interrupter (MVI) unit, replacing riser poles, vegetation removal and backfilling.

Project Banff Rotary Club - Banff Rotary Park Redevelopment - 527 Banff Avenue

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87359
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-24
  • Relevance: 788.42
  • Rejuvenation of the existing Banff Rotary Park. The proposed project includes removing many weakened mature trees, regrading for storm water management, upgrading playground equipment and surfacing, adding a sports court that doubles as a skating rink (illuminated in winter), adding a full-serviced year-round public washroom (including utility connections) and picnic shelter, reconstructing granular pathways, adding low emission pathway lighting and landscaping. Upgrades are intended to ...

Project Installation of Downstream Stop-Log Gains Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site

  • Location (Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87322
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-13
  • Relevance: 787.25
  • In the fall of 2023, it was identified that the historic winter guard gates at the downstream end of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal were no longer viable for use and will remain in place until repair/restoration is considered. These gates were previously used for unwatering purposes to inspect, maintain, and repair parts of the lock chamber. A new set of galvanized steel gains will be installed for stop-logs to be used at the downstream end of the lock chamber and will support the unwatering needs ...

Project Pursuit - Columbia Icefield Adventure Tour Road Maintenance Program

  • Location (Jasper National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87317
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-10
  • Relevance: 786.93
  • Pursuit has been operating the Columbia Icefield Adventure Tour on the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park under a master agreement with Parks Canada since 1995. The tour takes guests on a 90-minute tour from the Glacier Discovery Centre to an observation area on the Athabasca Glacier, via bus to a Transfer Bay staging area and then in an all-terrain Ice-Explorer vehicle along a rock cut road across a scree slope, glacial moraine and to an observation area on the glacier itself. This ...

Project Parks Canada Staff Accommodation 210 Stephen Avenue, Field, BC.

  • Location (Yoho National Park of Canada, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87313
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-09
  • Relevance: 786.82
  • Parks Canada is proposing to construct a new staff accommodation building at 210 Stephen Avenue, Field, British Columbia. The building is anticipated to consist of a multiplex with three (3) family housing units. This Project aims to help alleviate staff housing pressures within the Lake Louise, Yoho, and Kootenay (LLYK) Field Unit.

Project Parks Canada Agency Highway Operations Unit Marmot Pit Expansion-Winter Abrasives

  • Location (Jasper National Park, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87294
  • Last Modified: 2024-03-03
  • Relevance: 786.19
  • Parks Canada Agency is proposing to expand the current aggregate quarry, Marmot Pit, by 1.1 ha to the north of its current extent. Additional aggregate is needed to supply the Jasper Field Unit and Highway Operations Unit with aggregate for winter abrasives and routine road maintenance. The proposed expansion would satisfy needs for the next six years. Historically, such requirements have been met by extracting and processing aggregate at Marmot Pit.

Project Moraine Lake Lodge Staff Accommodation

  • Location (Banff National Park, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 84433
  • Last Modified: 2024-02-09
  • Relevance: 783.82
  • Moraine Lake Lodge is proposing to construct two new staff accommodation buildings and parking lot on an undisturbed lot on Hector Road in the Village of Lake Louise in Banff National Park. Activities include tree and vegetation removal, building and parking lot construction and lot landscaping. This project will be assessed under a Basic Impact Assessment.

Project City of Kawartha Lakes Thurstonia boat-launch/pier stabilization

  • Location (Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87184
  • Last Modified: 2024-01-20
  • Relevance: 781.67
  • Work is being done to stabilize and existing municipal dock and boat launch. Addition of 3:1 sloped rip-rap resulting in an approximate 60 m2 increase in footprint of structures below the ordinary high-water mark. Existing approach to pier will be refurbished with concrete. Existing asphalt approach to boat launch will be replaced with concrete.

Project Clear Lake Pier Repairs

  • Location (Riding Mountain National Park of Canada, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 87161
  • Last Modified: 2024-01-13
  • Relevance: 780.94
  • The Clear Lake Pier has experienced erosion on the eastern side and requires repairs and future protection. Large rip rap will be placed along the west and north sides of the existing pier. Native vegetation will also be planted to reinforce the soil and enhance habitat for various species in the area.

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