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Center for Hypothalamic Research

Joel K. Elmquist, D.V.M., Ph.D. 

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Center for Hypothalamic Research in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Our Center was established in 2006. Since that time we have assembled a team of talented and multidisciplinary investigators interested in understanding how the nervous system regulates basic life functions including metabolism, blood glucose control, and feeding behavior.

Our Center Investigators are innovative and collaborative, resulting in a stimulating and exciting environment to make fundamental discoveries that may some day lead to new treatments and therapies for conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cachexia, and depression.

In the News

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Center for Hypothalamic Research in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Our Center was established in 2006. Since that time we have assembled a team of talented and multidisciplinary investigators interested in understanding the how the nervous system regulates basic life functions including metabolism, blood glucose control, and feeding behavior.