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Chakema Carmack

Chakema Carmack headshot
Director, RCMI Community Engagement Core
Department of Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences 

Dr. Chakema Carmack contributes to the field of prevention science through teaching, community involvement, and personally meaningful research. Her research interests involve reducing HIV and other STIs incidence in African American and Hispanic communities focusing on the use of health behavior theory and research to create, tailor, and evaluate behavioral STI risk-reduction programs that reflect unique cultural needs. Other areas of Dr. Carmack's research involve the use of complex adaptive systems methodology and latent variable modeling to explore associations between psychosocial cognitions and sexual risk behavior.

Dr. Chakema Carmack contributes to the field of prevention science through teaching, community involvement, and personally meaningful research. Her research interests involve reducing HIV and other STIs incidence in African American and Hispanic communities focusing on the use of health behavior theory and research to create, tailor, and evaluate behavioral STI risk-reduction programs that reflect unique cultural needs. Other areas of Dr. Carmack's research involve the use of complex adaptive systems methodology and latent variable modeling to explore associations between psychosocial cognitions and sexual risk behavior.


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To nurture the research paths of early-stage investigators, pilot project grants are tailored to help jump-start their careers and offer new opportunities for emerging researchers.
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“I believe that representation was my inspiration. Seeing someone before me who is doing what I want to do showed me that it could happen,” Carmack said. “Find someone who is doing what you want to do—and study them.”
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