Association BIOM

Association BIOM

Non-profit Organizations

About us

The Association BIOM is a non-profit, voluntary and independent civil society organization involved in nature protection, species and habitats conservation and promotion. We find the awareness raising on biodiversity endangerment and sustainable development to be a critical step towards effective protection of nature and environment.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
conservation of species and habitats, developing scientific and technical studies, monitoring of biodiversity, field research of birds and other various animal groups, and advocacy


Employees at Association BIOM


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    U Hrvatskoj je u sedam godina udio kontaminiranog voća porastao za 534% u usporedbi s europskim prosjekom od 220%, te za 2704% za povrće u usporedbi s europskim prosjekom od 247% 😲 Znači li sigurnost hrane zajamčeno trovanje?

    ❗ Izvješće „Toksična žetva”, otkriva prisustvo PFAS spojeva u voću i povrću. Zbog pogrešnog sustava procjene pesticida ovi opasni spojevi prskani su izravno po hrani koju konzumiramo. Kriteriji postojanosti aktivnih tvari i njihovih metabolita nisu pravilno razmatrani prilikom procesa odobravanja. PFAS spojevi se ne razgrađuju lako, postojani su u našem okolišu i bioakumuliraju se u živim organizmima, uključujući ljude, do razina koje mogu izazvati štetne učinke. ⚠ Dok se za neke #PFAS spojeve sumnja da su kancerogeni, drugi su povezani s problemima u razvoju djece, a mnogi pokazuju štetne učinke čak i pri niskim koncentracijama, utječući, između ostalog, na imunološki i endokrini sustav. ⚡ Postojanost PFAS spojeva i bioakumulativnost također izazivaju zabrinutost oko pitanja nepovratnosti onečišćenja okoliša PFAS-om za buduće generacije. Pročitajte više na: Tekst i grafike pripremila: Tara Glaser, mag. ing. Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe Générations Futures Josip Dabro Vili Beroš

    Europski građani suočavaju se sa sve većom izloženošću PFAS spojevima kroz voće i povrće

    Europski građani suočavaju se sa sve većom izloženošću PFAS spojevima kroz voće i povrće

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    EU ima novi strateški plan za novi mandat Europske komisije (2024-2029). Nažalost, u toj agendi kao glavna prijetnja sigurnosti nije imenovana klimatska kriza, kao ni gubitak bioraznolikosti, kao ni zagađenje. Bez zelene tranzicije Europa ne može biti ni sigurna, ni konkurentna, ni gospodarski otporna! #RestoreNature

    Last night, Heads of State and Governments adopted the EU strategic agenda for 2024-2029, the document that draws the EU’s direction and goals for the next mandate. When analysing the content and the role given to nature, our policy manager Anouk Puymartin says: "Over the next five years, the EU must take much more concrete and urgent action for the ecological transformation needed for Europe's survival." Her full reaction here👇 #EUCO #RestoreNature

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    “I priroda je u Europi obnovljena i živjeli su sretno i zadovoljno do kraja života”: napokon smo dobili sretan završetak glasanjem o #NatureRestorationLaw u ponedjeljak! Ovo povijesno usvajanje zakonodavnog akta i savršeni zaključak uznemirujuće priče nikada ne bi bio moguć bez toliko velike potpore: od udruga do tvrtki, od znanstvenika do aktivista, od donositelja odluka do građana, milijuni ljudi mobilizirali su se da zaštite budućnost prirode u Europi. Zahvaljujući njihovim glasovima Europski parlament i Vijeće odlučili su poslušati i poduprijeti ovaj zakon. Itekako smo svjesni trenutne krize klime i bioraznolikosti, ali sada EU ima dodatni sjajan alat da se učinkovito nosi s time. Obnovom naše prirode Europa će biti sposobna bolje se suočiti i ublažiti efekte suša, poplava i drugih ekstremnih pojava koje već sada doživljava. Posebno hvala cijeloj koaliciji #RestoreNature i njenim podržavateljima, koji su neumorno radili da omoguće ovaj uspjeh. 💚

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    Velika pobjeda za prirodu i ljude!!! Slavlje nakon gotovo dvije godine bitke za budućnost Europe... 🦋 🐝 🌿 🐦 🦅 #RestoreNature

    🚨 Historic win for EU’s nature: EU Council seals the deal on Nature Restoration Law 🎉 Today, after a nail-biting last discussion, the EU Environmental Council finally adopted the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), marking the last step for this long-awaited proposal to finally become law. This outcome is a huge win for Europe’s nature, climate action, citizens and future. Member States followed through with their commitments and with a majority of 20 countries, representing 66.07% of the population, the law was officially endorsed, thanks to Austria’s Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler stepping up at the last minute, changing the country’s previous stance and safeguarding the law. The #RestoreNature coalition, consisting of BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, EEB and WWF EU, says: “Today’s vote is a massive victory for Europe’s nature and citizens who have been long calling for immediate action to tackle nature’s alarming decline. After years of intense campaigning and many ups and downs, we are jubilant that this law is now reality – this day will go down in history as a turning point for nature and society. Now, we need all hands on deck: Member States must properly implement this legislation without delay in their countries, in close collaboration with all involved stakeholders. At the end of the day, nature can rebounce, for the benefit of our climate, biodiversity and people!” The law has faced one of the most tumultuous journeys in the history of EU legislation. After surviving an unprecedented and absurd disinformation campaign, aiming to destroy the NRL in the European Parliament, it faced the risk of being rejected at the very last step in the Environment Council. In the end, however, support for the law carried the day. This is also a timely outcome to present at the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16) later this year, showing that Europe is willing to lead the way in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises by owning up to its global commitments. It is also a very clear message to the new EU Parliament and Commission, to not forget to keep biodiversity at the forefront of their agenda. This result followed a massive public mobilisation. Today, our Partner natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. and ENVI ministers from Spain, Luxembourg, Ireland, Romania, and Czech Republic stood in front of the EU Council to remind the Environment Council of the immense support this law has. Over the past few years, over a million signatures and messages from citizens, repeated calls from 6000+ scientists, 100+ businesses, youth organisations, and civil society from across numerous sectors have been made to defend the law and the integrity of the EU Green Deal. As the #RestoreNature coalition, we want to thank anyone who contributed to this result and made it happen. 

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    Sve države članice EU-a, pa tako i Hrvatska, moraju poslati Europskoj komisiji ažurirani klimatski i energetski plan (tzv. NECP) do kraja lipnja, no javnost ga dosad nije ni vidjela. Aktivisti Zelene akcije, uz podršku Zelenog foruma, danas su performansom pozvali ministricu zaštite okoliša i zelene tranzicije da što prije pokrene javno savjetovanje o klimatskom planu i to u zakonskom trajanju od minimalno 30 dana. 👉

    Tražimo javnu raspravu o nacionalnom energetskom i klimatskom planu

    Tražimo javnu raspravu o nacionalnom energetskom i klimatskom planu

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    The results of the EU elections are trickling in. Our Policy Manager Anouk Puymartin shares her first remarks: "Right now, Europe is face-to-face with its biggest threat – which is wreaking havoc across the continent. The climate and nature crises are claiming lives and livelihoods every year, and the number of victims is only increasing. Whether it’s because of floods and fires, or lack of clean water or air pollution – if the EU does not solve the nature and climate crises, it will crumble in front of any other challenge it will face. Now that the campaign is over, it is time for politicians to move from sloganeering to governing and confronting Europe’s real problems. We urge Europe's leaders to not give in to nationalistic fears and to not let disinformation drown out the voice of science. Right now, biodiversity is collapsing, and our security is threatened by increasingly violent climate change events." #votefutureEU #useyourvote #EUelections2024

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    ⁉ Podržavate li smanjenje emisija stakleničkih plinova u EU-u? Podržavate li prijelaz s fosilnih goriva na obnovljive izvore energije? Uoči EU izbora pitali smo mlade kako gledaju na ključni uzrok klimatske krize 👇 ❗ Izađite na izbore 9.6. i osigurajte svoju budućnost glasanjem za prirodu! #votefutureEU #UseYourVote #EUElections2024

    Video-anketa: Klimatska kriza

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    Podržavate li zabranu upotrebe olova u lovačkoj municiji na području vlažnih staništa? Bi li svaki građanin EU-a trebao imati pravo na zdrav okoliš? Treba li u poljoprivredi i ribarstvu ukinuti sve ekološki štetne subvencije? Uoči izbora za EU parlament, pitali smo mlade što misle o ovim temama, pogledajte odgovore 👇 Izađite na EU izbore 9.6. i sudjelujte u oblikovanju buduće Europe! #votefutureEU #UseYourVote #EUElections2024

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