A Smarter Labeling System

Widely Recyclable

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Check Locally

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Store Drop-off

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Not Yet Recyclable

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Looking for Information on a How2Compost Label?

*Not in backyard; Composting programs for this container may not exist in your area

A standardized label that communicates disposal instructions


Our Mission


Recycling can be challenging. Our label is based on nationally harmonized data and provides consistent and transparent on-package disposal instructions to Americans and Canadians.



Are you a business looking to become a member of How2Recycle?

Look for the Label on some of your favorite brands

Tips from our Team

Recycling Best Practices

1. Keep recycling loose in the bin.
2. Give food / drink containers a quick rinse.
3. Screw tops back onto bottles.

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Your insights are essential to our program.



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