Join Tufts Hillel for a series of Critical Conversations about Israel, the current conflict, and prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. A diverse set of experts—Israeli, American, and Palestinian—will offer their analysis and perspectives and then open the floor to Q & A. 

As earnest, serious conversation can feel hard to come by now, we want to offer a space for differing opinions to listen to and challenge each other, so bring your most difficult questions and openness to listen. Dinner will be served!


An Evening with the Family of Israeli Hostages

Guest speakers: Maya Roman and Gili Roman

6:00pm Buffet Dinner

6:30 Presentation, followed by Q&A

January 24

When Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, they took Carmel Gat and Yarden Roman-Gat hostage, spurring an international movement for their release. Maya and Gili Roman, two of their family members, have been prominent voices in this campaign, traveling around the world to meet with politicians and media. In part thanks to their and others’ efforts, Yarden was released with other hostages on November 29, but Carmel remains a prisoner of Hamas. Join Maya and Gili Roman to learn about their push to free the hostages and their family in captivity.


Prospects for Peace: Past, Present and Future with Dennis Ross and Ghaith al-Omari

February 1

7:00pm Dinner and Presentation

What might peace between Israelis and Palestinians look like, and what needs to happen to reach that point? Join diplomats Dennis Ross and Ghaith al-Omari, experienced negotiators and experts, in a conversation about past initiatives to make peace, the present situation, and what the future in the region might look like.




What is Zionism? with Gil Troy

February 7

7:00pm Dinner and Presentation

Often when we talk about Israel, we pass over the ideology that’s at the center of its existence: Zionism. What does it mean to be a Zionist? How do perspectives differ within schools of Zionist thought? What is the relationship between Judaism and Zionism? Historian and writer Gil Troy, editor of The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow,  will share his understanding of Zionism, shedding light on different historical and contemporary streams of Zionism and their impacts on present-day Israel and Jewry. 


Who are the Israelis?

March 4

7:00pm Dinner and Presentation

One of the great strengths of Israel is how rich it is with different cultures and identities. With old Yishuv families and recent immigrants, individuals practicing different religions in a litany of different ways, and people whose families come from every part of the world, Israeli society boasts remarkable diversity. Ashager Araro, an Israeli feminist Ethiopian activist, will join us to discuss different facets of this society and how she fits into them.