Alex Gomez

Alex Gomez

Alex Gomez is a Junior at Sage Hill School, who has an interest in sustainability, marketing, fashion, and environmental science. She is the Editor of Flare Magazine and the Vice President of Sage Hill's recycling club, Blue Bin Group.
Poem: Winter’s Ballet

Poem: Winter’s Ballet

Clouded breath on the cold window Palm prints on the pane As she watches December's debut dance. The seasonal smile again returns She calls to her mother and begs to go And frolic with frosted friends Rummaging through the closet...

Opinion: Microplastics, macro problem

Opinion: Microplastics, macro problem

While browsing your local beauty store, you might have seen some toothpastes that glitter, or a facial cleanser with “exfoliating” wonders. These products are strategically marketed to appeal to the masses, with substances that...