Aakrisht Mehra

Aakrisht Mehra

Aakrisht Mehra is a junior at Dublin High School who is passionate about the intersectionality of ethicality, morality and the role it plays within society. He is also an avid debater and the co-chair of the Dublin Mayor's Council.
Opinion: The Forgotten Promise of 1776

Opinion: The Forgotten Promise of 1776

Almost three years ago, voters in Puerto Rico once again expressed their aspiration of becoming the 51st state in the union, approving a nonbinding referendum. Yet time and time again, their requests to become a state have been shot down, ignored, and disregarded by the American political system. Our country was founded on the ideals of no taxation without representation, yet for some reason, we’ve simply forgotten this foundational statement when it comes to Puerto Rico. 

Opinion: A world of smoke and mirrors — The minimum wage debate

Opinion: A world of smoke and mirrors — The minimum wage debate

There are few things in American politics that evoke as much fervor and discord as the debate over minimum wage. For decades, we have been embroiled in a partisan split – where both sides of the House war over raising the federal minimum wage. With every bill, policy, and debate, the ideological divide widens, rendering the pursuit of legislative action a Herculean task that continues to cast its shadow over the nation’s legislative discourse. 

Opinion: The troubling reality of super PACs

Opinion: The troubling reality of super PACs

Our country was built on the principles of a democracy, a system in which the power to shape the trajectory of our nation resides in the hands of its citizens. This foundational concept rests on the belief that every voice, regardless of background or influence, should carry equal weight in the decisions that mold our collective future