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Mary Jane De Souza
Mary Jane De Souza
Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology and Physiology
Summary Statement

Mary Jane De Souza specializes in the etiology of and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad, skeletal health in exercising women and athletes, reproductive endocrinology of menstrual disorders in exercising women, and RCTs of increased food intake in exercising women.

  • Kinesiology - KINES
  • Graduate Faculty
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  • Ph.D., 1988, Exercise Physiology, University of Connecticut
  • M.S., 1984, Exercise Physiology, Springfield College
  • B.S., 1980, Physical Education, Springfield College
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Office Address
104 Noll Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
  • Etiology of and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad
  • Skeletal health in exercising women and athletes
  • Reproductive endocrinology of menstrual disorders in exercising women
  • RCTs of increased food intake in Triad-affected exercising women
Grants and Research Projects

Women's health and physical activity, Female Athlete Triad (low energy availability with or without disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis), effects of exercise on the menstrual cycle, eating behaviors and food intake, bone health and osteoporosis in female athletes, and energy deficiency and bone health.

Women's Health & Exercise Lab (WHEL)