Friday, November 24, 2006

Qt, Interface Builder and "Modern C++ programmers"

I just don't understand what it is about some people. While reading slashdot, I came upon this article at regdeveloper and I'm thinking to myself that it's nice to see another crossplatform library, aside from GNUstep, in the open source world, but when I get to page 3 the author pops up with this little tidbit:
In fact, on the Mac, I find the combination of Qt and C++ far more intuitive than the weird Objective-C language and the frighteningly non-intuitive Interface Builder.
Whoa there... did he just say Interface Builder is unintuitive? Wow.... of all of the lame brained things I've heard Qt developers say, this really tops the list. If you take a look here.. you will see that it is quite easy to learn InterfaceBuilder, or alternatively, GNUstep's Gorm.

Interface Builder is built on one basic principle: making connections between objects. That's really it. Everything else is peripheral. "Modern" C++ programmers complain about Objective-C because they are completely convinced that C++ personifies what is meant by Object Oriented Programming. In fact, quite the opposite is the case. The person who coined the phrase, Alan Kay, has specifically said that when he did so he was NOT referring to C++:
I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.
He, in fact, had Smalltalk in mind. Objective-C, for the uninitiated, is a dialect of C which incorporates some Smalltalk like features. So, as you can see, it is not the weirdness of Objective-C or the "non-intuitiveness" of InterfaceBuilder, but it's really the closed mindedness and relative stupidity of most "modern C++" programmers which causes this type of thing to happen.

And, as we all know, it's much less common to be intelligent than to be dumb. Perhaps this explains why there are so goddamn many of them.

What Apple has forgotten...

 When NeXT still existed and the black hardware was a thing, Steve Jobs made the announcement that OPENSTEP would be created and that the ob...