Screen time for the school year: Expert offers tips

Keeping kids off of tablets and phones can be a problem during vacation, but with teachers instructing students to use screen technology to complete assignments, it may seem like your kids are glued to devices. Thomas Robinson, MD, MPH, has some helpful tips for parents looking to set boundaries around family screen time.

New Baby at Home? When to Call the Doctor

A newborn baby sparks loads of happy feelings and smartphone pictures. But when should a parent call the doctor? Luckily, most newborns are perfectly healthy, but there are a few red flags that every parent should watch out for.

Rare Twins Deliver Holiday Joy

Allison and Kevin Carlson will soon be taking home two great Christmas gifts from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford – a set of rare monoamniotic twins named Kate and Annie, delivered on November 7 at just 30 weeks gestation.

Healthy Tips for Happy Holidays

Within the holiday season’s boxes, bunting and bountiful food lie health hazards for children and families. Experts at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital offer some wisdom to keep families safe and healthy this season.