Older woman enjoying a cup of coffee near a sunny window on a couch at home.

Together, we can bring health home.

We know technology, we know the home. Now we’re bringing our expertise to health to enable care at home across the continuum.

A mother and adult daughter smiling as they look at a tablet.
A Geek Squad agent helps another person, with them both looking downward at a device.

We're Best Buy Health

We’re creating a future where delivery of healthcare in the home is tech-enabled and human-centered, by developing solutions for consumers to get well and stay well on their own, or with the support of trusted healthcare providers.

Our Approach

Unlock the power of technology and human connection

We combine the latest technology with a layer of human-centered services to ensure the solution works for everyone involved: clinicians, patients, members, and caregivers.

Elderly hands use a device while talking to a doctor on the computer.


We curate easy-to-use technology solutions tailored to an individual’s needs. From easy-to-use phones that allow seniors to age in place to connected health devices to manage chronic conditions, we help individuals access and use the right technology to support their needs.

A man with a headset smiles in the workplace.

Human Connection

Engaging with compassion and a human touch, our expert service teams act as an extension of your staff, enabling the home for technology and engaging and supporting healthcare consumers for their technical, emergent, social, and clinical needs.

Partnering with healthcare organizations across the industry

We support solutions at all points along the consumer journey

We help consumers manage their health independently and connect them to their trusted care provider as their needs progress.

Ongoing Wellness

Empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being, on their own or with the support of their care team.

Aging in Place

Promote independence, safety, and peace of mind among aging populations and their caregivers.

Chronic Condition Management

Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations by empowering patients to manage their condition with technology and health coaching.

Transitional Care

Discharge patients home efficiently with flexible technology and monitoring support that meets their unique needs.

Hospital at Home

Deliver acute care at home leveraging continuous monitoring paired with customizable alarming protocols.

Clinical Trials

Enable therapy innovation with real-time safety monitoring and real-world evidence generation.

We provide support across a continuum of care

Our solutions allow our partners to scale and adapt to the evolving needs of patients, members, and caregivers.

An older woman and a younger woman smile as they hug each other while sitting on a couch.

Consumers & Caregivers

Making health technology work for you and those who support you.

A female doctor smiles at a patient sitting in front of her.

Healthcare Providers

Providing a window into the health of your patients at home.

An elderly man wearing a Lively Mobile2 medical alert pendant around his neck looks down at the open book he is holding.

Health Plans

Enhancing member health satisfaction.

Two female doctors look at a computer screen.

Pharma Industry

Enabling clinical trials to be reimagined in the home.

Let's do this together.

Helping people stay healthy is challenging. We’re here to do it with you.