The School of Health is a home for scholars and students to work collaboratively across disciplines and across the university to address human health and well-being from various perspectives — health care and health delivery systems, science, policy, law, economics and the humanities — to achieve a deeper understanding of the interconnections among the most challenging issues of our time, and to find solutions.

Health Without Borders

Learn about all aspects of human health, from health of the individual to global health, in an interdisciplinary school environment with opportunities for study abroad. (Pictured: Global Health Practice and Research Experiential Learning course in Tanga, Tanzania)

Rigorous Academic Programs Committed to Change in Health Care

Experience undergraduate programs that prepare you for health care-related careers and graduate programs that can boost your career trajectory at one of the nation’s finest liberal-arts universities, grounded in Jesuit-inspired principles with an emphasis on equity and social justice.

Learn From Leaders in the Field

School of Health faculty are practitioners as well as educators. They bring their robust real-world experience in the health and health care professions to the classroom.

Explore Our Programs

The School of Health offers undergraduate majors in Human Science, Global Health and Health Care Management and Policy, as well as graduate programs in Global Health, Health Systems Administration, and Clinical Quality, Safety & Leadership.

Learn More About Our Programs

Student Spotlights

Yasmin Zuch

“The Human Science Program is a perfect blend of research, scientific communication, biology, and community health. The major is a great introduction to what challenges and opportunities exist in the health care field.”

Yasmin Zuch (NHS’20), Human Science Program graduate and Udall Scholar
Leo Shih

“I was drawn to the Bachelor’s in Global Health Program specifically because of the practice-based nature of the curriculum and the opportunities it presents for learning by doing, such as the Senior Year Practicum Abroad.”

Leo Shih (H’26), BS in Global Health with Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs minor
Isaiah Henry

“The Health Care Management and Policy Program offers a unique exposure to the American health care system — its cracks, areas of opportunity, structure, and future.”

Isayah Henry (NHS’21), BS in Health Care Management & Policy
Christopher King

“You can take just about any discipline and apply a health lens to it. Having that mindset as we launch this school, and recognizing there are so many intersections that shape our health and well-being, we will foster a culture that enables students and faculty to think creatively around how to tackle issues that seem to be intractable.”
— Christopher J. King, PhD, MHSc, FACHE, Inaugural Dean, Georgetown University School of Health

Meet School of Health Dean Christopher King