An Architect’s View of the Hazelcast Platform

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White Paper

Our White Paper, “An Architect’s View of the Hazelcast Platform,” serves as a comprehensive guide for enterprise architects and application developers, exploring the platform’s distributed and real-time capabilities.

Key topics include:

  • Discover what sets Hazelcast apart, with features like distributed stream processing, JSON support, and various data structures, delivering simplicity, elasticity, redundancy, and high performance.
  • Practical applications from diverse technical use cases, including stream processing, database acceleration, and batch processing. Hazelcast supports container, cloud, and hybrid or multi-cloud deployments.
  • A step-by-step guide to getting started with Hazelcast Platform, including setting up a Docker network, initiating a Hazelcast member, and using the SQL shell to interact with your data.
  • Polyglot data support for handling multiple data types through JSON and compact serialization.
  • High-performance querying with our SQL and Streaming SQL features.
  • Advanced memory management capabilities with our HD Memory feature.

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