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Party Fouls

Insurgents stand against the DNC

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From the Audio Archive: Rachel Kushner

Revisiting our 2018 interviews with Lidija Haas and Rachel Kushner

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Hamed Esmaeilion

The life of an Iranian-Canadian writer and activist in exile

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The Gen X Novel

Reading Zadie Smith’s 'The Fraud' as Gen X literature

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Generation X

In his September cover story for Harper’s, Justin E. H. Smith sets out to define Generation X, that nameless cohort wedged between boomers and millennials whose members, in midlife, now…

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Richard E. Maltby Jr.’s Cryptics

It’s all a game to me: speaking with the master puzzle maker

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The Lost Child

In the spring of 2001, Benjamin Hale’s six-year-old cousin went missing in the Arkansas Ozarks, prompting one of the largest search-and-rescue missions in Arkansas history. Her miraculous discovery is a…

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Joyce Carol Oates

In “The Return,” Joyce Carol Oates’s story for the latest issue of Harper’s Magazine, a woman visits an old friend whose husband has recently died, only to discover that the…

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Scientism and COVID-19

In his August cover story for Harper’s Magazine, Jason Blakely argues that an overreliance on scientific authority, or “scientism,” only furthered the divide between those who adhered to and those…

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Genetic Responsibility in Nigeria

An estimated one out of every four Nigerians is a silent carrier of sickle cell disease, a hemoglobin disorder that can cause serious health problems and even death. With recent…

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New Books

Christopher Carroll, the reviews editor at Harper’s, sits down with the former New Books columnist, Claire Messud, and her successor, Dan Piepenbring, to discuss the history, challenges, and pleasures of…

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The Good Witches of Pennsylvania

Braucherei, a form of healing used in Amish and Mennonite communities, might seem like an appropriately antiquated practice for a traditional culture. But the writer Rachel Yoder returned to her…

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The Doomsday Machine

It’s not morning in America: on the persistent threat of nuclear winter

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After the Titan

An author reflects on his own experience in an amateur submersible

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The DIY Submariner

Realizing the eternal dream of journeying into the briny depths—on your own terms

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The Kissinger Centennial

All about the birthday boy—and Christopher Hitchens’s case against him

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Nancy Lemann

There and back: the author of Lives of the Saints discusses her career, religion, and influences

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The Writers’ Strike, or: the Writers Strike

On the WGA versus the studios and streamers

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A “Native American Church” Without Native Americans

Authenticity, appropriation, good intentions, and profiteering

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On David Foster Wallace

Reconsidering the man, the meme, and the writing

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Panic Attack

An author lucidly describes the experience—and the difficulty of understanding it as a teenager pre-internet

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The Crisis of Work

It’s more complicated than “take this job and shove it”

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There’s Another Ex-President Who Needs to Be Arrested!

Lewis Lapham discusses George W. Bush, the Iraq War, and democracy

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Trump Arrested

The author of The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War explains why 45’s arrest isn’t the spectacle you think it is

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Changing Views on Climate Change

Fairweather friends of the planet: climate journalism’s abrupt swing from apocalypse to dreamland

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The Trouble with Israel’s Supreme Court

On the ongoing culture war that’s reshaping the country, and the proposed changes to its judiciary

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