Help your team practice and embody the mindsets, skills, and habits that build customer trust

Our transformative Promise Selling programs turn B2B sellers into Magnetic Trusted Advisors

Trusted by revenue-responsible leaders like you

Your sellers have a trust problem.

Before they even have the first conversation, send the first email, or make a first impression, customers already don’t trust salespeople.

Many sellers over-rely on product and company-level trust.

They talk up product features and benefits.

They parade logos in front of customers to lend credibility.

They speed through discovery because they’re focused on selling a product over building relationships, creating trust, and uncovering their customers’ needs.

Customers need to trust SELLERS before they trust products or companies.

This is because customers decide IF they want to buy FROM YOU before they decide WHAT they want to buy from your company.

Are your sellers solving the trust problem?

Click & drag the slider below to explore the trust problem

Build Customer Trust with Promise Selling

👋  Wave goodbye to persuading, convincing, incentivizing, and pushing customers along a sales process.

⏱ It’s time for a truly customer-centric approach to sales.

We created Promise Selling to turn your sales team into magnetic trusted advisors that consistently:

Enroll customers as partners & co-creators

Build, restore & maintain customer trust

Create customer value during the buying process

Help your sellers become the Magnetic Trusted Advisors your customers need & deserve

Help your sellers become the Magnetic Trusted Advisors your customers need & deserve

Credible Character

Demonstrate sincerity, competence & reliability by making and delivering on customer promises, explicitly communicating your intentions and actions, and restoring trust if you have a break in performance

Core Habits

Promise Sellers demonstrate their sincerity, competence, and reliability by deliberately practicing the core mindsets, skills, and habits that create a trustworthy presence and way of being

Creative Conversations

Help your customers achieve progress by leading Creative Conversations where you can make and deliver on promises, and your customers can literally speak their futures into existence

Sales Training Programs

Live Programs for Enterprise Teams

Promise Selling Programs

Equip your sellers with the mindsets, skills, and habits to rapidly build trust, foster deeper relationships, and unlock extraordinary value for your customers.

On-Demand Learning Experience

Promise Selling Academy

On-demand courses to help your sellers show up authentically, build trust, and serve your customers so they can close more deals, faster.

We’re back in person!

Check out our recent in-person engagements

The Power of Personal Origin Stories

Storytelling is one of our favorite topics because you can see shifts happening in the room. Participants get the chance to create and elevate their own origin stories. By the end of the session, they leave with a fantastic, peer-reviewed, personal origin story to wow customers at their next meeting. 

Transform the way your sellers show up

Let’s Make Sales the Most Trustworthy Profession on the Planet

Join hundreds of leaders & sellers and start building even more trust with your customers, colleagues & community