Microbiome HEALTH
natural FOOD ratios
like CARB-to-FIBER

Nutrient Consume Score (NCS)

Introducing NCS, an online food quality calculator, where the latest nutrition and microbiome research is integrated into a 100-point scale. It emphasizes options with optimal carb-to-fiber and other natural ratios present in whole foods. Avoid carb & calorie counting and easily choose balanced nutrition that supports a healthy microbiome. Your gut will naturally do the rest, positively impacting mood, immunity, metabolism, and appetite. Coming soon: a smartphone app to make gut healthy food choices convenient. Cheers to our gut microbiome & health!

Chris Damman, MD, MA
UWMC Gastroenterologist
Chief Editor GutBites MD

The Calculator

Type Favorite Food, What is the score?
Combine 2 Foods, +, How do they mix?
Add Some Fiber, , Does score change?
Type a Wild Card, *, What foods return?
Sort the Results, 🔘, How do they rank?
Scores At-a-Glance, Rank by category?

The Score

Maximize green, moderate yellow, and minimize red scoring food combinations in both amount and frequency. Use subscores to provide insights on how to synergize & supplement foods. Don’t fret about small point differences between foods or achieving the highest possible green score. Do embrace a wide variety of green scoring foods and listen carefully to your body’s personalized response to specific foods.

Green (100-70): Maximize
Yellow (69-60): Moderate
Red (59-0): Minimize

The App

Gut Nutrition’s North Star

Microbiome-supportive food choice with NCS’s simple 1-100 score.

  • SCAN product barcodes
  • CHOOSE healthy foods
  • CREATE healthy meals
  • FEEL the health benefits

Complimentary & Compatible with any diet. Pre-release sign up open.

The Design

The NCS algorithm iteratively integrates the latest literature on nutrient ratios and bioactives to inform an overall food quality score. It references the USDA’s FoodData Central for nutrient values of individual foods. Quality scores of 70-100 and ratio subscores of less than 2 correlate with whole foods and better-for-you processed foods.

The Evidence

Fiber: plant cells starch vacuoles (green) & fibrous cell wall (blue)

Food processing in its current form has disrupted the natural ratios present in whole food matrixes, concentrating for simple carbohydrates, saturated fats, sodium, and additives while limiting fiber, unsaturated fats, potassium, and bioactives. Some of the latest research is suggesting that disrupted ratios that involve both concentrated and insufficient nutrients are important contributors to the rising rates of gut, metabolic, cardiovascular & neurologic disease.[1,2]

Nutrient ratios that provide a composite score of carb, fat, and micronutrient quality have been associated with a lower odds ratio for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and lung disease as well as higher odds ratio for optimal cardiometabolic health.[3,4]

Carb-to-Fiber Ratio (i.e. Carb Quality) is associated with better health[5]: lower depression[6], smaller waist[7], lower diabetes rates[8–10], and less heart disease[11,12]. Fiber slows the absorption of carbs and is converted by the microbiome to factors like butyrate that help to efficiently process them once absorbed.  For more information on fiber please follow this link.

Total Fat-to-Unsaturated Fat Ratio (i.e. Fat Quality) is also associated with health: improved blood lipids and glycemic control.[13] For more information on fats please follow this link.

Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio (i.e. Salt Quality) has been associated with lower blood pressure[14] and interventions have lead to decreased blood pressure and stroke.[15]  For more information on sodium and potassium please follow this link.

Additives & Bioactive Some unnatural additives like certain sugar alternatives[16], trans fats[17], and some emulsifiers[18] have been linked to poor health markers or outcomes while other natural bioactives like polyphenols[19] and short chain fatty acids (e.g. acetic acid[20], butyrate[21]) have been linked to better health outcomes. For more information on polyphenols follow this link.

MD-authored gut health literature digests & first-in-class food quality calculator to power your microbiome.

This resource is intended to provide dietary guidance. Please consult your physician for any questions pertaining to medical advice.


56 responses to “Carb-to-Fiber Ratio Calculator for Gut Microbiome Nutrition”

  1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

    The above calculator demonstrates the power of the algorithm. The above app will make it practical. Still a work in progress and welcome your feedback.

    1. Mark Glickman Avatar
      Mark Glickman

      Is that app available in the Apple app store?

      1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

        Hi Mark, Thanks for the question. Not just yet, but working on it. Will send a note out when it is available. In the meantime, you can try the online calculator as an appetizer. The app will have added the functionality of allowing you to scan grocery store items and combine foods in specific proportions. Stay tuned! Best, Dr. D

    2. R Starkey Avatar
      R Starkey

      Agree with others this is simple, practical, and helpful.

      One technical nit: I have tried the app in both Android and Apple platforms and in both I have the same issue. Some of the food descriptions have indication there is more to the description (… at the end) and neither platform allow me to see the entire food description. E.g., Value of 83 “Lettuce, salad with avocado, tomato, and/o…”

      I have been using the app all day to develop menu for the week.

      Thanks for the work on your part.

      1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

        Thanks for the feedback. Glad you’ve found it useful! Try turning your phone sideways or resizing the window on a computer screen and those longer descriptions should be visible. Please let me know if this doesn’t work, and of course would love to hear about some of those meals you’ve planned.

  2. Ben Roberts Avatar
    Ben Roberts

    Love this, so simple but practical!

  3. Matt Van Horn Avatar
    Matt Van Horn


  4. Bradley R Olsen Avatar
    Bradley R Olsen

    Very cool tool!

  5. Ernie Gsell Avatar
    Ernie Gsell

    Interesting and looks easy to use. Also makes you think.

  6. Katie Damman Avatar
    Katie Damman

    What a great way to see how healthy you are eating.

  7. Gage Rossiter Avatar
    Gage Rossiter

    Absolutely outstanding tool. Very well designed infographics. Minor translation and vocabulary issues from American English to Australian English but this will only slightly slow down use.

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Gage, really appreciate your positive feedback! Glad you’ve found the calculator useful.

  8. Anne Marie Avatar
    Anne Marie

    Please let us know when the app is available in the app store

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Will absolutely let you know. Thanks for your note.

  9. Kate Wallace Avatar
    Kate Wallace

    Will there be a way for us to be able to input food items with the nutritional facts if it doesn’t show on your list of foods? I’m in Australia so a lot of foods I use don’t show.

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Great question. The app will indeed have the option to input nutritional facts for products not in the database.

  10. Sergio Ortiz Avatar
    Sergio Ortiz

    On https://gutbites.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Slides-For-Website.pdf, you give fruit smoothies a score of 84, which may reflect their nutritional content, but isn’t it also true that smoothies are basically sugar bombs because all their sugar is available as free sugar, and are therefore not as healthy as they seem?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      You raise an excellent point. If you type in “fruit smoothie” you’ll see a range of scores (84 to 45) as determined by the algorithm and based on the specific nutrients and their ratios as you surmise. The score of 84 is in part being driving by the high fiber (glycemic index mitigating) content and added protein of that particular smoothie. The algorithm does not currently take into account food structure, which some literature has shown impacts nutrient absorption. There is active debate on the impact of blending food. It is interesting to note that foods that have concentrated components of fiber (i.e. skin or seeds) can actually have an improvement in glycemic index with blending. Below is one of a handful of papers that might support this idea. Thanks for your astute comment! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9657402/

  11. Mark D Ryan Avatar
    Mark D Ryan

    Thanks for the tool and carb:fiber ratio info.
    Question –
    1. What is the number right after CARBS?
    eg. Avocado, raw – CARBS 1.13, Total Carb 8.53, Fiber 6.7g

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      The highlighted numbers next to each of the nutrients represent a nutrients quality scale that’s based on ratios. Generally, the lower the number, the higher quality, but I would focus instead on the colors which mirror those in the composite 1-100 score.

  12. Mark D Ryan Avatar
    Mark D Ryan

    Thanks Chris,

    Is lower COMPOSITE SCORE better than higher?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Green is generally higher quality for both composite and subscores.

  13. Tina Courtessi Courtessi Avatar
    Tina Courtessi Courtessi

    thank you this looks great.

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Tina, Thanks so much for the positive feedback! Dr D

  14. Susan Avatar

    What about high fiber versions of common foods such as tortillas, breads and crackers? Will they be listed by brand and not lumped into a category?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      This is a great question. The majority of US products and their bar codes will be covered.

  15. Susan Grossman Avatar
    Susan Grossman

    You mentioned the glycemic index. How does this factor into your algorithm?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      The glycemic index isn’t in the algorithm explicitly but carb to fiber ratio follows glycemic index quite closely. The algorithm also takes into account the benefit of combining simple carbs with protein and high quality fats. Thanks for the question.

  16. Carol Zingsheim Avatar
    Carol Zingsheim

    How do I get the app?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      The app is still in development. I will send out a notification as soon as it is available. In the meantime please feel free to use the online calculator to get a sense of how the algorithm works. Thanks for your inquiry.

  17. Colleen Kuhn Avatar
    Colleen Kuhn

    My husband has been doing Noom with much success. This Red, Yellow, Green and how it calculates food look a lot like this. What is the difference?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Congratulations on your husband’s success! Sharing a few thoughts on your good question below.

      Methodological and philosophical differences:
      -Granular 1-100 score with color gradients vs. red, orange, yellow score
      -Algorithm driven by nutrient ratios (see above for rationale) vs. calorie and nutrient density
      -Emphasis on overall health with weight, blood sugar, and gut benefits vs. greater emphasis on weight loss
      -Pro bono public service vs. paid for profit

      Hope that helps! Happy to answer any follow up questions.

      Compare how the scores differ for food categories in the two links below:
      -Gut Bites NCS: https://gutbites.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Slides-For-Website.pdf
      -NOOM: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a30930989/noom-food-list/

  18. D Avatar

    Would love to try this, but it doesn’t seem to work. Can type in something, but the search bar doesn’t work. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Chris Damman, MD, MA Avatar

      Hi D, Sorry it’s not working. I wonder if you’ve tried the site on a different web browser or different computer/phone/device? Please let me know if this doesn’t help. Best, Dr. D.

  19. April Trenge Avatar
    April Trenge

    This was eye opening. I thought I was getting fiber, but no. I haveve IBS- D. I follow the formal diet, foods listed high I can’t eat at all and done things on the low side I also don’t tolerate. ( gas, diarrhea). I don’t tolerate fiber, and am eating a high carb diet. Would like to change but don’t know how. Any suggestions would be welcome

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Hi April, I’m glad to hear you found it helpful and sorry to hear fiber is tough on your gut. You articulate the experience of many people and I’m grateful for your comment. I might suggest you work with your healthcare provider or registered dietician on finding which of the FODMAPs trigger your symptoms. It’s equally eye opening to some that not all fiber is treated by individual microbiomes in the same way. Here is a GutBites digest that provides a little more background. My best wishes, Dr. D https://gutbites.org/2022/05/01/are-all-fibers-to-be-plated-equal/

  20. Ted Passero Avatar
    Ted Passero

    how will i know when the app is available for iPhones?

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Thanks for your good question. I will be sure to send a note out to folks as soon as it’s available. Best, Dr. D

  21. Brenda Acker Avatar
    Brenda Acker

    I love this. Thanks for developing such a useful tool. Can’t wait for the app.

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Thanks so much for positive feedback!

  22. Roberta Rockey Avatar
    Roberta Rockey

    what the heck is NFS? In my world of retail, it means “not for sale”

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Great question! NFS is an abbreviation for not further specified used in the USDA database referenced by the NCS calculator.

      1. Julian Nortoft Avatar
        Julian Nortoft

        No, a number of the foods have NFS as part of their description, such as “Syrup, NFS.” I, too, am confused by this.

      2. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

        Julian, You’re absolutely right. It stands for not further specified and is an abbreviation used by the USDA database that the nutrient consume score calculator references.

  23. M Avatar

    I found calculator to be limited in current form as I add my salad ingredients, I can no longer see the list to add to the total

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Thanks for your good comment. I made the frame a bit bigger to accommodate more items. The app will be able to accommodate unlimited items. Very much appreciate your feedback!

  24. Albert Grasso Avatar
    Albert Grasso

    Any update on the app release

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Thanks Albert for the interest! Still a work in progress, but will be sure to let you know as soon as it’s available.

  25. ultrafuchsia Avatar

    No, they mean “NFS”. It shows up at the end of he names of foods. Just search on NFS and you’ll see it. I’m guessing it’s from the original food database you loaded

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      NFS=Not Further Specified. Thanks for reiterating the question. : )

  26. R Avatar

    Does it matter whether you consume the high score vegetables cooked or raw?

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      It’s a great question. Cooking, like any form of processing (fermenting, ultra-processing), can make the macro and micronutrients more available and have variable effects on the bioactives (fiber, phytonutrients) by breaking down the cellular structure of food. Cooking also often involves introducing other ingredients like salt, and oils/butter. You’ll see differences in scores that account for these added factors in the cooked/prepared version of the vegetables. Type Broccoli for example and then turn “sort” on and you will see the impact of cooking. If you click on the down arrowhead, you’ll see how the nutrients differ. When you prepare meals and snacks it may be best to aim to have composite scores that fall in the 70’s (vs. 80’s and 90’s) as these scores will be the best balance of nutrients to promote health and calories to keep you full.

  27. Carolyn M Gallogly Avatar
    Carolyn M Gallogly

    What will be the name of the APP when available so I know how to search for it? Can I be on the mailing list?

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      The app name is still a work in progress. Please feel free to sign up on the prerelease list and will let you know when it’s available.

  28. Allie Locaria Avatar
    Allie Locaria

    I love the calculator. Been using it for 3weeks and I feel better than I have in years. Plan menus for specific meals, but really enjoy adding breakfast and lunch then looking at good options for dinner to stay in the high 70s and 80s. Curious if we will be able to save meal receipes. By that a combo of foods I have often, so I don’t have to enter all the pieces each time. Can’t wait for the app.

    1. Chris Damman, MD Avatar

      Allie, Thanks so much for the positive feedback. The save meal recipes idea is an excellent one and will definitely have to consider for future rollout of app. Glad you’ve found the calculator useful. Warm regards, Dr. D

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