Butyrate: The Buzz on Gut Health

Christopher Damman, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine, University of Washington. Editor-in-Chief of Gut Bites MD.

Butyrate could be gut health’s unsung hero. Feed your gut fiber to enable your gut microbiome’s regulation of metabolism, inflammation, and mood.

The Nutrient Deficiency that No One is Talking About

Starting with a curious question:

Can you identify the odd one out? 

A.) Hershey’s Chocolate

B.) Queen bees  

C.) Your gut on an industrialized diet.  

OK, hold onto your answer and I’ll explain at the end.

Now on to another question: What if I told you that the majority of people in high income settings have a single nutrient deficiency that has been linked to the majority of diseases that affect our society: gut,[1] cardiovascular,[2] metabolic (e.g. obesity[3] and diabetes[4]), immune (e.g. allergy[5], inflammation[6], and autoimmunity[7]), neurologic (e.g. anxiety,[8] depression,[9] and Alzheimers[10]), muscle[11] and even cancer?[12] At first it might seem far fetched. Could one nutrient be linked to so much?

Nutrient deficiencies:  lessons from the past

Consider what happens in the case of a single vitamin deficiency. For example, thiamine/B1 deficiency is a condition that is not uncommon in low and middle income countries where we focused attention at The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It can lead to nerve issues, heart problems, brain abnormalities, and even birth defects.[13] Symptoms include fatigue, irritability, poor memory, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, abdominal discomfort, and weight loss.[13] It affects multiple body systems and we have a single name for this syndrome (beriberi) because we know exactly what causes it.[13] If I started by listing the symptoms above however, you might be equally unsure that a single nutrient deficiency could cause all of this.

Is butyrate a missing link?

The truth is, there is a single molecule that only about 5% of people in the US are likely to have enough of daily. And while it may not be a cause of all the diseases listed above, there are growing and intriguing links to each (see references above). The molecule is called butyrate and history might just prove it to be one of the most important molecules of the 21st century. 

So what is butyrate, you might ask? It’s a molecule made by our microbiome from fermentable fiber and is an important link between our diet, gut microbes, and overall health.[14] Butyrate prevents leaky gut,[15] alleviates inflammation,[16] regulates metabolism,[17] contributes to muscle[18] and bone growth,[19] and even helps grow and regulate cells in our brain.[20] You can think of it like your gut microbiome’s superpower!

How fermentable fiber affects the gut microbiome

So how could we have neglected such an important molecule and why aren’t we all supplementing it like we do B vitamins in supplements and store bought goods? Part of the reason may be that it is a molecule that comes primarily from the microbiome factories in our lower intestines.[21] It has only been in recent history that we have had the tools to understand the microbiome and the molecules it produces!

As to the reason we don’t get enough? Our gut microbe factories, just like us, need food–and modern food industry practices have been starving microbes of their favorite food, fermentable fiber. Modern food processing removes bran from wheat and rice leaving you with white bread and white rice. Plus, the standard American diet involves eating practices that tend to limit whole grains, fruits and vegetables. With all this, only 5% of this country’s population gets enough fiber so it stands to reason that only 5% of the population gets enough butyrate![22]

An intriguing hypothesis

Now I’ll raise what I find to be a most intriguing hypothesis. Could the fiber gap and resulting butyrate deficiency be one of the major factors contributing to many modern diseases? This is not a new hypothesis and indeed was raised by a popular Irish surgeon over fifty years ago, Dr. Denis Burkitt.[23] In some realms like obesity, diabetes, gut disease, and heart disease; it is more than just a correlative connection and a multitude of studies that establish low fiber and butyrate playing a causative role. In other areas that involve the immune system, brain, muscles, and bones there are intriguing correlative connections. That said, studies are still needed to evaluate whether low butyrate might be partially to blame for some of these conditions.

The answer was underneath our noses all along

So now we’ll get back to the odd question at the start! All but C have sufficient butyrate. Hershey’s chocolate contains butyrate in its formula. Hershey’s used a process called lipolysis to help preserve milk in the early days when the dairy farms were far from the factory and has remained an integral part of the special formula.[24,25] It is actually what gives Hershey’s its distinct aroma! Butyrate also turns out to be one of the key microbiome-derived molecules that turns a worker honey bee consuming royal jelly into a queen bee and also gives her special reproductive powers and longevity![26] The odd one out is C, a gut on an industrialized diet, starving for butyrate.[27]

Online stores or coming soon to a colon in you?

So where can you find this magical molecule? It is present in foods like butter, some cheeses, and even Hershey’s chocolate as you just learned, but in relatively low amounts.[28,29] A number of companies produce butyrate supplements and these may end up being really helpful for some conditions although the research still needs to catch up here. The majority of butyrate that promotes health comes from the lower gut produced by microbes from fermentable fiber.[30] The beauty of this naturally produced butyrate compared to supplements is it’s delivered in the right amounts, at the right time, and in the right place.  

So hats off to fermentable fiber, the microbes that consume it, and building a more butyraceous bottom and body! Here’s a tool to help select the most microbiome-friendly butyrate-supporting foods.

Christopher Damman, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine, University of Washington. Editor-in-Chief of Gut Bites MD.

MD-authored gut health literature digests & first-in-class food quality calculator to power your microbiome.


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11 responses to “Butyrate: The Buzz on Gut Health”

  1. Dr. Matthew Durham Avatar
    Dr. Matthew Durham

    After writing a book on Fatty Liver (Fatty Liver Protocol) I’m not a fan of large amounts of fruit. I think the sweet spot for most folks is a high protein, moderate fat, low carb diet including lots of veggies, some berries and occasional fruit.

  2. I’m just now doing my own research on my gut issues after coming to the conclusion that my current protocol will only suppress the symptoms. Thank you for this information, it is greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you for the positive feedback.

  3. Interesting food for thought. I am an advocate for the common sense use of medications but sometimes what may appear as a panacea might not be altogether innocuous. Antibiotic usage can have deleterious effects on our digestive ecosystem that may take decades to bear fruit in one form or another like neurodegenerative disease. Similarly H2 Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors can have negative long term consequences with regard to the gut microbiome and eventually the brain. My story began with occasional acid reflux and I perceive a direct/ associated continuum ( in my case) to Parkinson’s Disease. I wonder why gastroenterology as opposed to neurology is not the primary specialty in the treatment of this disease. If I drive a wheel of my car over a nail and the air leaks out of the tyre, no amount of fussing with the car’s computer will solve the problem.

    1. Hi John, Indeed, the gut’s connection to many diseases is an active area of research. A collaborative ethos between specialists will be critical for developing new approaches that might just help prevent some of these chronic conditions. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments.

  4. Hej Chris, thanks for your work. I´m working in medicine, am highly interested in the neest research about microbiome/fiber-butyrate/fermented foods. In trying to consume more “healthy stuff” on an every day level, I got myself a blender. Now I´m wondering: if I blend my high in fiber leavy greens – that also will provide me with butyrate – will the blending destroy (too much of) the fiber?

    1. Hi Antonia, Thanks for your great question. It turns out the jury is out on the impact of blending fruits and vegetables. On the one hand it can break down cellular structure which can potentially increase the ease of your body digesting the carbs and increase the glycemic index. On the other hand it can release the fiber allowing it to gel, slow digestion, and decrease the glycemic index. In practice, it may come down to wether the blended fruit contains seeds (ie. strawberries or raspberries) as the below paper might suggest. The bottom line — if this the most convenient way for you to get plant phytonutrients and fiber into your diet, it’s probably a good thing — I might consider though adding some fruits with seeds. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9657402/#:~:text=blended%20treatments%20to%20confirm%20that,no%20effect%20on%20glycemic%20response.

  5. If one is on the keto or more specifically carnivore diet, what is a good source of fiber for butyrate production? I’ve been on the carnivore diet for a while and have gut issues to be resolved. This diet has greatly improved several issues I’ve had; however, as stated … need to find something to calm my digestive malaise. You seem to discourage supplementation. Is taking psyllium husk an appropriate path? Thanks for the great article, by the way. Very informative.

    1. Hi Erik. Thanks for the great question. Resistant starch, beta glucan, and arabinoxylan are all well tolerated, low FODMAP options. Of course there are other phytonutrients like polyphenols in plants that are also important for optimizing health. https://gutbites.org/2024/01/18/like-fiber-polyphenols-in-food-boost-glp-1-ignite-mitochondria-help-coordinate-metabolic-health/?amp=1

  6. Hi What is the point of having a Vancouver style[30] number system in the
    Article without the the reference

    1. Try viewing on a computer or exiting mobile version on the phone and clicking on the carrot next to references. Hopefully you’re able to see them all then.

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