Debunking disinformation in digital media

The EMIF is entrusted with an objective of public interest to support fact-checking and media literacy initiatives, as well as fundamental research projects, with a view to addressing the phenomenon of online disinformation in Europe and promoting a more resilient and fact-based digital information ecosystem.

The Fund provides support to organisations based in Europe, through competitive award processes and using independent and impartial selection committees.
The European Media and Information Fund is committed to scientific autonomy and freedom, to transparency, pluralism, non-discrimination, and diversity.
The EMIF welcomes Google’s inaugural contribution of 25 million euros over 5 years. Google is not involved in decision making and does not profit from intellectual property of any ideas or projects that are financed through the Fund.

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Strengthening independent fact checking organisations

Promoting activities designed to reduce the impact of disinformation

Funding academic research into media, disinformation and information literacy

Encouraging activities to strengthen media literacy and critical thinking