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An Interview with Resilience Hubs Advisor Bin Jung 

Resilience hubs are trusted community-serving facilities that support residents in everyday life. Resilience hubs help foster social cohesion and connection amongst community members to prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate change impacts happening now and in the future. These hubs include nonprofits, youth development centers, and faith-based organizations. … [ Keep reading ]

Welcoming OSE’s 2023 New Hires

OSE is excited to welcome a crew of new talented staff members on board in 2023! We are looking forward to working together to build a more sustainable, equitable, and carbon-neutral future for our city. Take a moment to get to know our new team members by reading their bios… [ Keep reading ]

Welcoming OSE’s 2022 New Hires

OSE is thrilled to have added seven new talented staff members in 2022, including our Director, Jessyn Farrell! We are excited to have these new members on board and look forward to working together to bring our city toward a more sustainable, equitable, and carbon-neutral future. Take a moment to… [ Keep reading ]

Getting to Know OSE’s New Interim Director, Jessyn Farrell

We sat down with new Interim OSE Director Jessyn Farrell to ask a series of questions ranging from Seattle’s climate strategy to how OSE will continue advancing climate justice all the way to what’s your favorite donut shop. We’re excited for what’s to come at OSE and Seattle and are… [ Keep reading ]

2021 OSE Year in Review

Letter from Interim Director, Michelle CaulfieldDear OSE Friends & Colleagues, The start of a new year is always a time of reflection – an opportunity to consider the past year and look boldly toward the opportunities ahead. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, OSE hit the ground running in 2021, working with City departments… [ Keep reading ]

OSE’s Bike to Work Team Saves 890 Pounds of Carbon Pollution

In this year’s record-breaking Bike to Work Challenge, nearly 15,000 riders from 1,870 teams pedaled for over 1.7 million miles! The Office of Sustainability and Environment’s (OSE) 8-member team (40% of the office participating) biked more than 900 miles total (the distance from Seattle to Fresno, CA) and finished in… [ Keep reading ]