
Thank you for visiting the GreenSeat website. Unfortunately, the GreenSeat travel offsetting service and website is no longer available. Should you wish to offset your travel emissions, you can do so at

More about the end of GreenSeat

The urgency of climate change demands us focus our efforts where we can make the most impact in the shortest possible time. We have therefore decided to focus our activities on the corporate travel sector, where the emissions from travel are higher.

We are thankful that so many people used GreenSeat over the past 20+ years. GreenSeat played a notable role in raising awareness about the environmental impact of travel and providing people with a way to take action to mitigate that impact.

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History and impact of GreenSeat

Founded in 2000 by Niels de Fraguier and Mark van Baal, GreenSeat was a Dutch initiative aimed to make air travel more sustainable by offering travellers the option to offset their travel emissions.

GreenSeat allowed travellers to calculate the carbon footprint of their travel emissions using an online calculator and then purchase carbon credits to offset that footprint. The money generated from these purchases was invested in renewable energy projects in developing countries that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. These projects included renewable energy initiatives like wind farms or solar power installations, reforestation efforts, or energy efficiency projects.

Over the years, GreenSeat partnered with various travel organisations and airlines to promote carbon offsetting as a way to mitigate the environmental impact of air travel. It has also expanded its portfolio of offset projects to include a wide range of initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development in countries in the Global South.

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