Grant, the Chatbot, can help you find the answers you need. always looks for new ways to serve its users and improve their experience. In 2020, implemented a new self-service help tool – Grant, the chatbot. Recently, a new and improved version of the chatbot was implemented with revisions based on user feedback. You are invited to test it out and provide feedback we will use to develop the next version.

The chatbot now provides a more seamless user experience. Additional content has been added, and existing content has been refreshed and updated. To find help, select the chat widget—Grant’s picture, left, is in the bottom right corner of most web pages—and explore the “Top 10 FAQs (frequently asked questions)” link, other highlighted answers, and the Self-Service Knowledge Base. Or ask your question to reach a help page with possible answers. You can select the widget again to hide and reopen the chat window. Or select the “CHAT NOW (BETA)” link at the bottom right corner of the page.

Grant can deliver answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) for users. In addition to the top 10 FAQs, we encourage you to ask questions about using to find and apply for grants.

Test the latest version of our new and improved chatbot and tell us what you think. Select the widget in the bottom right corner of almost any page to query Grant. We appreciate your feedback because it helps us evaluate and improve Grant. When Grant provides an answer, please be sure to select “Yes” or “No” when asked, “Was this helpful?” so Grant can continue to get better at answering questions. When you are done, say “bye” or select [X] to end the chat. Finally, please rate Grant so we know how he did. 

Based on your feedback about Grant, we will continue improving its responses and chatbot functionality. 

We appreciate your participation and insights. Please feel free to share this message with your colleagues.