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Georgia Department of Community Affairs

ESG Supportive Services Only FFY24


ID: Georgia Department of Community Affairs
Title: ESG Supportive Services Only FFY24
Application Start Date: 04/08/2024
Application End Date: 05/03/2024
Reference URL:

The Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program provides street outreach, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention, and related services to persons experiencing homelessness or in danger of becoming homeless throughout the state. 

Sub-awards are provided to local government entities and non-profit organizations utilizing State Housing Trust Fund for the Homeless Commission (HTF) and Federal HUD ESG funds.  These agencies then deliver program services at the local level.  This program is principally designed to operate within a continuum of assistance that enables individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to move toward housing sustainability.

ESG Support Services Only

Applicants are limited to one service project request for up to $25,000 per application. A project is defined by DCA to be a distinct initiative undertaken by an Applicant to provide supportive services directly to “homeless” persons (by HUD definition) who are directly connected to a housing project.

Applicants for ESG Supportive Services funds must demonstrate that projects are not available through the mainstream. Services should be collaborative and available to a network of identified homeless service agencies in the service area.

DCA’s expectation is that each project has a distinct operations policy, an identifiable budget, and identifiable personnel. Successful applicants are required to collect HMIS data including universal and project level data elements for each household served.

*Emergency Shelter projects should apply for services funding through the Emergency Shelter application.

*Service projects to support persons residing in permanent supportive housing are ineligible.

Applicants may apply for up to $30,000 in funding.


Eligible Applicants:
  • Local Government
  • Non Profits
  • State Government
Eligibility Notes:

Sub-awards are provided to local government entities and non-profit organizations utilizing State Housing Trust Fund for the Homeless Commission (HTF) and Federal HUD ESG funds.


Funds Available: $1.00

Award Amount: $0.00

Number of Awards: N/A
Average Award Size: N/A

Matching Required: yes
Matching Type: Cash/In-Kind
Financial Notes:

A 100% match is required. The applicant may include the value of any donated material or building, the value of any lease on a building, any salary paid to staff to carry out the project of the recipient, and the value of the time and services contributed by volunteers to carry out the project according to guidance provided by DCA in the application guidelines.


Agency/Department: Housing Assistance Division (HAD) ESG
Contact/Help: ladrina.jones@dca.ga.gov

Office: Office of Homeless & Special Needs Housing
Program Contact:
LaDrina Jones ESG Program Manager Tiffany Bowers-Weller ESG Program Team Lead

Application Address:
ESG applications will only be accepted through the portal. No paper applications will be accepted.

Contact Notes:

LaDrina M. Jones, LaDrina.Jones@dca.ga.gov

Tiffany Bowers-Weller, Tiffany.Weller@dca.ga.gov


Application: File Type Icon  2024 Certification of Consistency With the Local C... (248.7 Kb)
Application: File Type Icon  2024 ESG Site Information Form (115.3 Kb)
Application: File Type Icon  ESG application_lep_acknowledgment_fillable_0 (14.7 Kb)
Application: File Type Icon  Board Member Worksheet (25.7 Kb)
Application: File Type Icon  Program Staffing Worksheet (23.1 Kb)
Budget: File Type Icon  ESG Support Services Budget (15.1 Kb)
Guide: File Type Icon  How to Complete Application Budget and Goals (742.7 Kb)
Guide: File Type Icon  How to Access an Application and Submit Applicatio... (199.5 Kb)
Guide: File Type Icon  Portal Registration Procedure- Job Aid (284.9 Kb)
Guide: File Type Icon  Housing Support Standards (87.5 Kb)
Guide: File Type Icon  2022 Georgia DCA Statewide Point in Time Count Hom... (4.2 Mb)
Guide: File Type Icon  24-25 DCA ESG Application Workshop FINAL (18.6 Mb)
Guide: File Type Icon  How to Run the CAPER and DQR (1.8 Mb)
Guide: File Type Icon  2024 ESG Application Manual (Guidelines) (2.6 Mb)
File Notes:

Applicants should upload the following completed files:

  1. Certificate of Consistency- For All Program Types
  2. Site information- For All Program Types
  3. LEP Acknowledgement- For All Program Types
  4. Board Member Worksheet- All Agencies Must Complete
  5. Supportive Services Only Budget
  6. Program Staffing Worksheet


Guides to be uploaded to eCivis for Application:

  1. How to Complete Application Budget and Goals
  2. Application Submission
  3. Portal Registration Procedure
  4. Housing Support Standards
  5. ESG Application Manual
  6. Most current Point in Time Homeless Count Report
  7. ESG Program Application Workshop PowerPoint

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