Why a global strategy?

Organized crime is a growing threat to security, development, governance and the environment. Despite the global nature of this threat, there is no strategy to prevent and address it. This not only hampers the ability of states to deal with this serious problem, but it also impairs noble objectives such as achieving sustainable development goals, slowing climate change, as well as resolving conflicts and building peace.  Therefore, GI-TOC is leading a process to formulate the building blocks of a global strategy against organized crime.


The objectives of the strategy are to:

  • Increase understanding, analysis and anticipation of organized crime;
  • Encourage “glocal” approaches to preventing and countering organized crime; namely local and global efforts that are more networked, inclusive and effective;
  • Energize the global debate around transnational organized crime and mobilize action to reduce the harmful impact on people, the environment, businesses and states;
  • Collect and share good practices in order to have a toolbox of actionable responses relevant for different stakeholders around the world, who are dealing with a wide range of criminal markets;
  • Enhance cross-border law enforcement cooperation based on new thinking, innovation, and coordination of responses to TOC;
  • Empower local initiatives to affect positive change and build more crime-resilient communities.
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