We are an advocacy network that envisions a democratic digital society, promoting human-rights based policies, and amplifying the pivotal role of civil society voices from the margins.

Featured Submissions

The Global Digital Justice Forum, April 2024

In response to the Zero Draft released by the co-facilitators of the GDC process, The Global Digital Justice Forum provided text suggestions which emphasize the importance of including the “right of peoples to self-determination” within the digital governance framework. They assert that economic, social, and cultural development must be central pillars of any international digital governance regime…

Global Digital Justice Forum, May 2024

The Global Digital Justice Forum was invited by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to submit a civil society statement to the Chairperson and organizers of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024. The statement calls for reinvigorated effort under the WSIS action lines based on international cooperation and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders and makes concrete recommendations to strengthen the action lines.

IT for Change, March 2024

On behalf of the Global Digital Justice Forum, IT for Change submitted written inputs to the structural elements of the Global Digital Compact. The input emphasizes the need for an explicit and unequivocal call to global equity, justice, and well-being of all as the overarching goals guiding the key elements of the GDC. Business-as-usual cannot tackle the emerging challenges of digitalization. It addresses the structural elements of the GDC…

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