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AWS Key Value Server Terraform vars documentation

  • add_missing_keys_v1

    Add missing keys v1.

  • autoscaling_desired_capacity

    Number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the autoscaling group

  • autoscaling_max_size

    Maximum size of the Auto Scaling Group

  • autoscaling_min_size

    Minimum size of the Auto Scaling Group

  • backup_poll_frequency_secs

    Interval between attempts to check if there are new data files on S3, as a backup to listening to new data files.

  • certificate_arn

    If you want to create a public AWS ACM certificate for a domain from scratch, follow these steps to request a public certificate. If you want to import an existing public certificate into ACM, follow these steps to import the certificate.

  • consented_debug_token

    Consented debug token to enable the otel collection of consented logs. Empty token means no-op and no logs will be collected for consented requests. The token in the request's consented debug configuration needs to match this debug token to make the server treat the request as consented.

  • data_loading_blob_prefix_allowlist

    A comma separated list of prefixes (i.e., directories) where data is loaded from.

  • data_loading_file_format

    Data file format for blob storage and realtime updates. See /public/constants.h for possible values.

  • data_loading_num_threads

    the number of concurrent threads used to read and load a single delta or snapshot file from blob storage.

  • enable_consented_log

    Enable the logging of consented requests. If it is set to true, the consented debug token parameter value must not be an empty string.

  • enable_external_traffic

    Whether to serve external traffic. If disabled, only internal traffic under existing VPC will be served.

  • enclave_cpu_count

    Set how many CPUs the server will use.

  • enclave_enable_debug_mode

    If you enable debug mode, you can view the enclave's console in read-only mode using the nitro-cli console command. Enclaves booted in debug mode generate attestation documents with PCRs that are made up entirely of zeros (000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). More info:

  • enclave_memory_mib

    Set how much RAM the server will use.

  • environment

    The value can be any arbitrary unique string (there is a length limit of ~10), and for example, strings like staging and prod can be used to represent the environment that the Key/Value server will run in.

  • existing_vpc_environment

    Environment of the existing VPC. Ingored if use_existing_vpc is false.

  • existing_vpc_operator

    Operator of the existing VPC. Ingored if use_existing_vpc is false.

  • healthcheck_grace_period_sec

    Amount of time to wait for service inside enclave to start up before starting health checks, in seconds.

  • healthcheck_healthy_threshold

    Consecutive health check successes required to be considered healthy

  • healthcheck_interval_sec

    Amount of time between health check intervals in seconds.

  • healthcheck_timeout_sec

    Amount of time to wait for a health check response in seconds.

  • healthcheck_unhealthy_threshold

    Consecutive health check failures required to be considered unhealthy.

  • http_api_paths

    URL paths the load balancer will forward to the server. By default the load balancer will forward requests with /v1/*, /v2/*, and /healthcheck.

  • instance_ami_id

    Set the value to the AMI ID that was generated when the image was built.

  • instance_type

    Set the instance type. Use instances with at least four vCPUs. Learn more about which types are supported from the AWS article.

  • logging_verbosity_level

    Logging verbosity level

  • metrics_collector_endpoint

    The open telemetry metrics collector endpoint, for AWS it will be empty string and open telemetry will default to local grpc endpoint because otel is running on the same EC2 machine

  • metrics_export_interval_millis

    Export interval for metrics in milliseconds.

  • metrics_export_timeout_millis

    Export timeout for metrics in milliseconds.

  • num_shards

    Total number of shards

  • primary_coordinator_account_identity

    Primary coordinator account identity.

  • primary_coordinator_private_key_endpoint

    Primary coordinator private key endpoint.

  • primary_coordinator_region

    Primary coordinator region.

  • prometheus_service_region

    Specifies which region to find Prometheus service and use. Not all regions have Prometheus service. (See for supported regions). If this region does not have Prometheus service, it must be created beforehand either manually or by deploying this system in that region. At this time Prometheus service is needed. In the future it can be refactored to become optional.

  • prometheus_workspace_id

    Only required if the region does not have its own Amazon Prometheus workspace, in which case an existing workspace id from another region should be provided. It is expected that the workspace from that region is created before this terraform file is applied. That can be done by running the Key Value service terraform file in that region.

  • public_key_endpoint

    Public key endpoint. Can only be overriden in non-prod mode.

  • realtime_updater_num_threads

    The number of threads to process real time updates.

  • region

    The region that the Key/Value server will operate in. Each terraform file specifies one region.

  • root_domain

    Set the root domain for the server. If your domain is managed by AWS Route 53, then you can simply set your domain value to the root_domain property in the Terraform configuration that will be described in the next section. If your domain is not managed by Route 53, and you do not wish to migrate your domain to Route 53, you can delegate subdomain management to Route 53.

  • root_domain_zone_id

    Set the hosted zone ID. The ID can be found in the details of the hosted zone in Route 53.

  • route_v1_requests_to_v2

    Whether to route V1 requests through V2

  • run_server_outside_tee

    Whether to run the server outside the TEE.

  • s3_delta_file_bucket_name

    Set a name for the bucket that the server will read data from. The bucket name must be globally unique. This bucket is different from the one that was manually created for Terraform states earlier.

  • s3client_max_connections

    S3 Client max connections for reading data files.

  • s3client_max_range_bytes

    S3 Client max range bytes for reading data files.

  • secondary_coordinator_account_identity

    Secondary coordinator account identity.

  • secondary_coordinator_private_key_endpoint

    Secondary coordinator private key endpoint.

  • secondary_coordinator_region

    Secondary coordinator region.

  • server_port

    Set the port of the EC2 parent instance (that hosts the Nitro Enclave instance).

  • sqs_cleanup_image_uri

    The image built previously in the ECR. Example:

  • sqs_cleanup_schedule

    How often to clean up SQS

  • sqs_queue_timeout_secs

    Clean up queues not updated within the timeout period.

  • ssh_source_cidr_blocks

    Source ips allowed to send ssh traffic to the ssh instance.

  • telemetry_config

    Telemetry configuration to control whether metrics are raw or noised. Options are: mode: PROD(noised metrics), mode: EXPERIMENT(raw metrics), mode: COMPARE(both raw and noised metrics), mode: OFF(no metrics)

  • udf_min_log_level

    Minimum log level for UDFs. Info = 0, Warn = 1, Error = 2. The UDF will only attempt to log for min_log_level and above. Default is 0 (info).

  • udf_num_workers

    Total number of workers for UDF execution

  • udf_update_timeout_millis

    UDF update timeout in milliseconds. Default is 30000.

  • use_existing_vpc

    Whether to use existing VPC. If true, only internal traffic via mesh will be served; variable vpc_operator and vpc_environment will be requried.

  • use_external_metrics_collector_endpoint

    Whether to use external metrics collector endpoint. For AWS it is false because KV instance connects to OpenTelemetry metrics collector running in local host

  • use_real_coordinators

    Whether to use real coordinators. Please refer to our trust model: on details about coordinators. For non-production testing it's better to set this to false to begin with and then set this to true before enabling production. For processing production requests this flag must be true, otherwise requests will not be decrypted successfully. enclave_enable_debug_mode should be set to false if the attestation check is enabled for coordinators. Attestation check is enabled on all production instances, and might be disabled for testing purposes only on staging/dev environments.

  • vpc_cidr_block

    CIDR range for the VPC where KV server will be deployed.