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Aggregatable Report Converter


To provide Aggregation Service testers tools to create debug aggregatable reports that can be used for Local Testing and AWS Aggregation Service testing.


  1. Clone the privacy-sandbox-demos repository.
  2. Go to <repository>/tools/aggregatable_report_converter
  3. Options for usage:
    1. Use the jar file available in <repository>/tools/aggregatable_report_converter/out/artifacts/aggregatable_report_converter_jar.
    2. Build jar file for the project aggregatable_report_converter using Eclipse or Intellij.

Build your jar file in Intellij

  1. Open Project in Intellij
  2. Go to Build > Build Project.
  3. Go to File > Project Structure. Select Artifacts under Project Settings.
  4. Click + > JAR > From modules with dependencies....
  5. Ensure module selected is aggregatable_report_converter.
  6. In Main Class, select Main. Click OK > Apply.

How to use

Once the jar file is created, you can get options available for this tool using the command java -jar aggregatable_report_converter.jar --help.

To convert json reports to debug aggregatable reports, you can use the below command:

java -jar aggregatable_report_converter.jar \
--request_type convertToAvro \
--input_file [filename] \

To create output domain avro file, you can use the below command:

java -jar aggregatable_report_converter.jar \
--request_type createDomainAvro \
--bucket_key [bucket key]


--request_type [request type]
Type of request. Options available:

  • convertToAvro: converts a json report to an avro aggregatable report
  • convertToJson: converts the avro summary report to a json report
  • createDomainAvro: creates an output_domain.avro file from provided bucket key

--input_file [file name]
This will be the file that will be encoded.

This will signify that the request is for debug.
If the type of request is convertToAvro, this will create a debug avro report for local testing.

--bucket_key [bucket key]
Provide your bucket key here.

--output_file [file name]
Output filename the report will be written to.