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File metadata and controls

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This repository contains the scripts that were used to do the analysis for the paper "Mapping Subcortical Brain Development and Cognition in Infancy and Early Childhood: A Global, Multi-Cohort Study "

The data is obtained from 8 cohorts. The data for 1 of the cohorts ( Longitudinal MRI Study of Infants at Risk for Autism (IBIS)) is available upon request for access from NIMH Data Archive. The other cohorts data can be made available to investigators upon request to the parent cohorts upon IRB approval and execution of a formal data use agreement.


Functions for non-linear mixed models


fit_nlme <- function(formula_basic, formula_random, covariates, par_start, het_var, data, max_iter){

Grouping data by ID

data_grouped <- groupedData(formula_basic, data = data)

Define group of heterogeneous variances

eval(parse(text = paste0('wts <- varIdent(form = ~ 1 | ', het_var, ')'))) s0 <- rep(0, length(covariates))

List of starting parameters

start_list <- list(fixed = c(par_start[1], s0, par_start[2], s0, par_start[3]))

Define Asymptotic Regression Model

model_formula <- as.formula(paste0(all.vars(formula_basic)[1], ' ~ SSasymp(', all.vars(formula_basic)[2], ', asym, r0, lrc)'))

Formula for fixed effects

fixed_list <- list(as.formula(paste('asym ~ ', paste(covariates, collapse = '+'))), as.formula(paste('r0 ~ ', paste(covariates, collapse = '+'))), lrc ~ 1)

Try to fit model

tmp <- nlme(model = model_formula, data = data_grouped, fixed = fixed_list, random = formula_random, start = start_list, control = lmeControl(msMaxIter = max_iter), weights = wts, na.action = na.exclude)

Save model used

tmp$call[["model"]] <- model_formula tmp$fixed_list <- fixed_list tmp$formula_random <- formula_random

return(tmp) }

Function to obtain model predictions

predict_nlme <- function(model, newdata, level1 = 'ID'){ require(nlme) newdata <- mod_fix <- fixed.effects(model) mod_ran <- random.effects(model) x_name <- as.character(as.formula(as.character(model$call)[2])[[3]][2]) x <- newdata[, x_name] asym_fix <- mod_fix[grep('asym', names(mod_fix))] asym_fix_names <- sapply(strsplit(names(asym_fix[-1]), '\.'), function(z)z[2]) for (i in asym_fix_names) { if(!i %in% colnames(newdata)) newdata[, i] <- 0 newdata[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(newdata[, i])) } asym_fix_pred <- asym_fix[1] + as.matrix(newdata[, asym_fix_names]) %% as.vector(asym_fix[-1]) r0_fix <- mod_fix[grep('r0', names(mod_fix))] r0_fix_names <- sapply(strsplit(names(r0_fix[-1]), '\.'), function(z)z[2]) for (i in r0_fix_names) newdata[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(newdata[, i])) r0_fix_pred <- r0_fix[1] + as.matrix(newdata[, r0_fix_names]) %% as.vector(r0_fix[-1])

ID_col <- grep(level1, colnames(newdata), value = T) if(length(ID_col) > 0){ asym_ran <- mod_ran[grep('asym', names(mod_ran))] asym_ran_pred <- asym_ran[as.character(newdata[,ID_col]),] r0_ran <- mod_ran[grep('r0', names(mod_ran))] r0_ran_pred <- r0_ran[as.character(newdata[, ID_col]),] asym_pred <- asym_fix_pred + asym_ran_pred r0_pred <- r0_fix_pred + r0_ran_pred } else { asym_pred <- asym_fix_pred r0_pred <- r0_fix_pred }

SSasymp(input = x, Asym = asym_pred, R0 = r0_pred, lrc = mod_fix[grep('lrc', names(mod_fix))]) }


Fit non-linear mixed models


load data and nlme package

load('volume_data.RData') library(nlme)

Starting initial parameters

par_start_list <- list('TLM' = c(13744.64506, 7977.90075, -6.27325), 'CDT' = c(6865.672587, 3532.31516, -6.23229), 'PTM' = c(8721.183910, 4576.25337, -6.34319), 'PLD' = c(2091.695183, 1094.77481, -6.08433), 'HPS' = c(5014.750573, 2204.84316, -5.78780), 'AGD' = c(2062.760786, 423.066260, -5.385317), 'ICV' = c(1.337962e+06, 3.900078e+05, -5.720917e+00))

Basic formula

formula_basic_list <- list('TLM' = TLM ~ VAGE | ID, 'CDT' = CDT ~ VAGE | ID, 'PTM' = PTM ~ VAGE | ID, 'PLD' = PLD ~ VAGE | ID, 'HPS' = HPS ~ VAGE | ID, 'AGD' = AGD ~ VAGE | ID, 'ICV' = ICV ~ VAGE | ID)

string of covariates

covariates <- c('PRET', 'LIF', 'SEXM', 'LME', 'LBW')

for loop to store models by volume

vol_models <- list() for (i in 1:length(par_start_list)){ vol_models[[i]] <- fit_nlme(formula_basic = formula_basic_list[[i]], formula_random = asym + r0 ~ 1, covariates = covariates, par_start = par_start_list[[i]], het_var = 'group_CA', data = vdata, max_iter = 1000)

names(vol_models)[i] <- names(par_start_list)[i] print(names(par_start_list)[i]) }


LRT test by covariate


Initial matrix

lrt_pvals <- matrix(NA, nrow = 7, ncol = 5) colnames(lrt_pvals) <- covariates rownames(lrt_pvals) <- names(par_start_list)

For loop for LRT

for (j in 1:ncol(lrt_pvals)){ for(i in 1:nrow(lrt_pvals)){ tmp <- fit_nlme(formula_basic = formula_basic_list[[i]], formula_random = asym + r0 ~ 1, covariates = covariates[-j], par_start = par_start_list[[i]], het_var = 'group_CA', data = vdata, max_iter = 1000, attempts = 100)

lrt_pvals[i, j] <- anova(vol_models[[i]], tmp)[2, 9]
print(paste(value = lrt_pvals[i, j], i, j))

} }


Fit linear mixed models


load data and lme4 package

load('mul_data.RData') library(lme4)

Define names of Muller scores

mul_raw_scores <- colnames(mul_raw)[9:13]

List of covariates with cohort effect

covariates <- c('LBW', 'PRET', 'LME', 'SEXM', 'LIF', 'CHT')

Fit mixed model for each score in a for loop

mul_raw_models <- list() for (i in 1:length(mul_raw_scores)){ mul_formula <- as.formula(paste(mul_raw_scores[i], '~ VAGE +', paste(covariates, collapse = '+'), '+ (1|ID)')) mul_raw_models[[i]] <- lmer(mul_formula, data = mul_raw, REML = F) } names(mul_raw_models) <- mul_raw_scores


LRT test by covariate


Initial matrix

mul_raw_lrt <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(mul_raw_scores), ncol = length(covariates)) colnames(mul_raw_lrt) <- covariates rownames(mul_raw_lrt) <- mul_raw_scores

For loop for LRT

for (j in 1:length(mul_raw_scores)){ for(i in 1:length(covariates)){ tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste(mul_raw_scores[j], '~ VAGE +', paste(covariates[-i], collapse = '+'), ' + (1|ID)')) tmp <- lmer(tmp_formula, data = mul_raw, REML = F) mul_raw_lrt[j, i] <- anova(mul_raw_models[[j]], tmp)[2, 8] } }


Obtain model predictions


Create template for predictions based on original data

col_vol <- c('ID', 'CHT', 'LBW', 'PRET', 'LME', 'SEXM', 'LIF') data_pred <- vdata[!duplicated(vdata[, col_vol]), col_vol] CHT_means <- table(data_pred$CHT) / nrow(data_pred)

Age of prediction (days after birth)

j = 730

Volume predictions

for (i in 1:length(vol_models)) data_pred[, paste0(names(vol_models)[i], '_vol')] <- predict_nlme(vol_models[[i]], cbind(data_pred, VAGE = j), level1 = 'ID')

Mullen predictions

for (i in 1:length(mul_raw_models)) { if (!isSingular(mul_raw_models[[i]])) { coefs <- coef(mul_raw_models[[i]])$ID col_name <- paste0(names(mul_raw_models)[i], '_mul') data_pred[, col_name] <- NA

for (rowi in 1:nrow(data_pred)) {
  coef_row <- rownames(coefs) %in% as.character(data_pred[rowi,'ID'])
  if (any(coef_row)) {
    betas <- coefs[coef_row,]
    x <- c(1, j, as.numeric(data_pred[rowi, c('LBW', 'PRET', 'LME', 'SEXM', 'LIF')]), 
           CHT_means[gsub('CHT','', grep('CHT', names(betas), value = T))])
    data_pred[rowi, col_name] <- sum(x * betas)

} }

Mediation Analyis

load data and mediation package

load(data_pred) library(mediation)

b <-lm (vol~SEXM+LBW+LME+LIF+CHT, data = data_pred) summary(b)

c <-lm(mul_score~vol+SEXM+LBW+LME+LIF+CHT, data = data_pred) summary(c)

model <- mediate(b, c, treat=(covariate), mediator=(vol), boot= TRUE,sims=10000) summary(model)