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JW Player SDK for Android - Local Asset Playback

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This application contains an example implementation of loading local video assets into the JW Player SDK for Android.

Usage instructions:

  • Clone the repository into your Android Studio workspace: git clone
  • Open Android Studio and select: Open an existing Android Studio project
  • Navigate to the jwplayer-android-best-practice-apps directory and select the LocalAssetPlayback folder
  • Update application to use your license key (use 1 option below).
    • set JWPLAYER_LICENSE_KEY as environment variable
    • overwrite BuildConfig.JWPLAYER_LICENSE_KEY with your license in the application's main acitivity
    • change in app-level build.gradle

The demo application should now build and run. For more information on how to use our SDK refer to our developer guide:

Things to note:

This demo loads files from the Android Assets folder. This is an easy way to show support for local Video Playback along with support for local Poster Images and Captions.

When implementing this on your own, you may want to use the Android Download Manager to download the video from the open web.

Accessing the local file system on Android will differ depending on which version of Android you are building against and your application's use case. You may allow users to download videos locally into a temp folder, or you may allow them to query their video library. To learn more about external file access on Android refer to the Android Data Storage documentation.

When downloading videos from the web, opt for .mp4 conversions of the video asset. Streaming protocols like HLS or DASH have limited utility in an offline scenario and would require you to rewrite the manifest to account for the local segments.