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FSL Gaming is a cricket based fantasy game where a live match between two teams are played and users create their own virtual teams based out of cricket team of 11 players from a forthcoming match and the primary goal in this fantasy cricket game is to score as many points as possible and climb the leaderboard by defeating your opponents.

Pre requisite

To Run FSL- Gaming you need to have

  • Node JS
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Google Spanner
  • Pub/Sub
  • Memorystore (Redis)

How to Run Script

Create a project folder /home/$user/fsl-game then checkout all the repos in this folder so the project folder will look like this /home/$user/fsl-game -- FSL-Backend-Common -- FSL-Resource-Management -- FSL-Update-Leaderboard -- FSL-Display-Leaderboard -- FSL-Simulator The following are the steps to run FSL-Gaming application

Step 1 : FSL-Backend-Common

The FSL-Backend-Common contains the constants,database connection, utils files,config, database schema and functions needed to run all other micro services.

Use the below command to go the backend-common directory

cd FSL-Backend-Common

In the project directory,Install all the project dependencies for the FSL-Backend Common

npm install

Step 2 : FSL-Resource-Management

FSL-Resource-Management project contains all the CRUD operation api's needed to run the FSL-gaming. It contains api's for Users,Teams,Match,Contest,Fantasy-team. To run the FSL-Resource-Management project you need to have one more project FSL-Backend-Common in same root directory then only you can follow the below steps for execution for project.

Now open the Resource-Management directory

cd FSL-MS-Resource-Management

Install all the project dependencies for FSL-MS-Resource-Management run below command:

npm install

Before running the any project in FSL-Gaming need to add .env file to the project directory Below is the example for .env file:

NODE_ENV={Specify  your project environment }
PORT={Specify the Port Number}

Now run below command:

 npm start

Runs the server in the development mode. Open http://localhost:{PORT} to view it in the browser.

Step 3: FSL-Update-Leaderboard

FSL-Update-Leaderboard project contains update contest leaderboard and fantasy team player leader board apis. These api's will help you to upadte the points for a fantasy-teams and the players in leaderboard. Now open the FSL-Update-Leaderboard

cd FSL-Update-Leaderboard

Install all the project dependencies for FSL-Update-Leaderboard run below command:

npm install

run below command to run scripts:

 npm start

Runs the server in the development mode. Open http://localhost:{PORT} to view it in the browser.

Step 4: simulatorListener

simulatorListner is a pub/sub listner which will recive message from simulate ball api. This listner then finds the count player and fanatsy team to be updated for the ball from spanner and then publishes the message for updatescore listner to update score in spanner as well as in memorystore.This file is present in the FSL-Update-Leaderboard directory

run below command to run scripts:

 node simulatorListener.js

Step 5: updateScoreListener

updateScoreListener is a pub/sub listner which will revice message from simulatorListner with data and using this data it will make a call to update score api.This file is present in the FSL-Update-Leaderboard directory run below command to run scripts:

 node updateScoreListener.js

Step 6: updateRedisListener

updateRedisListener is a pub/sub listner which will revice message from update Score api with data and using this data it will update the points in memorystore. After updating points it will send message for updateToSpanner to update score in spanner.This file is present in the FSL-Update-Leaderboard directory

node updateRedisListener.js

Step 7: updateToSpannerListener

updateToSpannerListener is a pub/sub listner which will revice message from updateRedisListener with data and using this data it will update score in Spanner.This file is present in the FSL-Update-Leaderboard directory

node updateToSpannerListener.js

Step 8: FSL-Display-Leaderboard

FSL-Display-Leaderboard project contains display contest leaderboard and fantasy team player leader board apis. These api's will help you to fetch the points for a fantasy-teams and the players in leaderboard.

Now open the FSL-Display-Leaderboard

cd FSL-Display-Leaderboard

Install all the project dependencies for FSL-Display-Leaderboard run below command:

npm install

Now run below command to run scripts:

 npm start

Runs the server in the development mode. Open http://localhost:{PORT} to view it in the browser.

Step 9: FSL-Simulator

FSL-Simulator project contains simulate match and simulate ball api's. The simulate ball api can be used to simulate each ball and to simulate entire match you can use simulate match api which require only one parameter in body i.e match_id. Now open the FSL-Simulator

cd FSL-Simulator 

Install all the project dependencies for FSL-MS-Simulator run below command:

npm install

Now run below command to run scripts:

 npm start

Runs the server in the development mode. Open http://localhost:{PORT} to view it in the browser.