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DataFusion C API

C language bindings for DataFusion.

How to build

Install dependencies:

cargo install cargo-c

Without GLib API

cargo build

With GLib API

meson setup build .
meson install -C build


See example/sql.c for C.

$ build/example/sql-c
| Int64(1) |
| 1        |

See example/ for Python.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/build example/
| Int64(1) |
| 1        |

See example/sql.rb for Ruby.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/build example/sql.rb
| Int64(1) |
| 1        |

See example/sql.vala for Vala.

You need to add -Dvapi=true option to meson setup to enable Vala support.

$ build/example/sql-vala
| Int64(1) |
| 1        |