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This directory contains apps that demonstrate how to use Android media modules, like ExoPlayer. Browse the individual demos and their READMEs to learn more.

Running a demo

From Android Studio

  • File -> New -> Import Project -> Specify the root media folder.
  • Choose the demo from the run configuration dropdown list.
  • Click Run.

Using gradle from the command line:

  • Open a Terminal window at the root media folder.
  • Run ./gradlew projects to show all projects. Demo projects start with demo.
  • Run ./gradlew :<demo name>:tasks to view the list of available tasks for the demo project. Choose an install option from the Install tasks section.
  • Run ./gradlew :<demo name>:<install task>.

For example, ./gradlew :demo:installNoDecoderExtensionsDebug installs the ExoPlayer demo app in debug mode with no optional modules.