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In-Network File

Field Name Type Definition Required
reporting_entity_name Entity Name String The legal name of the entity publishing the machine-readable file. Yes
reporting_entity_type Entity Type String The type of entity that is publishing the machine-readable file (a group health plan, health insurance issuer, or a third party with which the plan or issuer has contracted to provide the required information, such as a third-party administrator, a health care claims clearinghouse, or a health insurance issuer that has contracted with a group health plan sponsor). Yes
plan_name Plan Name String The plan name and name of plan sponsor and/or insurance company. No
plan_id_type Plan Id Type String Allowed values: "EIN" and "HIOS" No
plan_id Plan ID String The 10-digit Health Insurance Oversight System (HIOS) identifier, or, if the 10-digit HIOS identifier is not available, the 5-digit HIOS identifier, or if no HIOS identifier is available, the Employer Identification Number (EIN)for each plan or coverage offered by a plan or issuer. No
plan_market_type Market Type String Allowed values: "group" and "individual" No
in_network In-Network Negotiated Rates Array An array of in-network object types Yes
provider_references Provider References Array An array of provider reference object types. No
last_updated_on Last Updated On String The date in which the file was last updated. Date must be in an ISO 8601 format (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD) Yes
version Version String The version of the schema for the produced information Yes
Additional Notes Concerning plan_name, plan_id_type, plan_id, plan_market_type

These attributes are not required for files that will be reporting multiple plans per file but ARE REQUIRED for single plans that are being reported that do not wish to create a table-of-content file. For payers/issuers that will be reporting multiple plans per file, these attributes will be required in a table-of-contents file.

In-Network Object

This type defines an in-network object.

Field Name Type Definition Required
negotiation_arrangement Negotiation Arrangement String An indication as to whether a reimbursement arrangement other than a standard fee-for-service model applies. Allowed values: "ffs", "bundle", or "capitation" Yes
name Name String This is name of the item/service that is offered Yes
billing_code_type Billing Code Type String Common billing code types. Please see a list of the currently allowed codes at the bottom of this document. Yes
billing_code_type_version Billing Code Type Version String There might be versions associated with the billing_code_type. For example, Medicare's current (as of 5/24/21) MS-DRG version is 37.2. If there is no version available for the billing_code_type, use the current plan's year YYYY that is being disclosed. Yes
billing_code Billing Code String The code used by a plan or issuer or its in-network providers to identify health care items or services for purposes of billing, adjudicating, and paying claims for a covered item or service. If a custom code is used for billing_code_type, please refer to custom billing code values Yes
description Description String Brief description of the item/service Yes
negotiated_rates Negotiated Rates Array This is an array of negotiated rate details object types Yes
bundled_codes Bundled Codes Array This is an array of bundle code objects. This array contains all the different codes in a bundle if bundle is selected for negotiation_arrangement No
covered_services Covered Service Array This is an array of covered services objects. This array contains all the different codes in a capitation arrangement if capitation is selected for negotiation_arrangement No

Bundle Code Object

Field Name Type Definition Required
billing_code_type Billing Code Type String Common billing code types. Please see a list of the currently allowed codes at the bottom of this document. Yes
billing_code_type_version Billing Code Type Version String There might be versions associated with the billing_code_type. For example, Medicare's current (as of 5/24/21) MS-DRG version is 37.2. If there is no version available for the billing_code_type, use the current plan's year YYYY that is being disclosed. Yes
billing_code Billing Code String The code used by a plan or issuer or its in-network providers to identify health care items or services for purposes of billing, adjudicating, and paying claims for a covered item or service. If a custom code is used for billing_code_type, please refer to custom billing code values Yes
description Description String Brief description of the item/service Yes

Covered Services Object

Field Name Type Definition Required
billing_code_type Billing Code Type String Common billing code types. Please see a list of the currently allowed codes at the bottom of this document. Yes
billing_code_type_version Billing Code Type Version String There might be versions associated with the billing_code_type. For example, Medicare's current (as of 5/24/21) MS-DRG version is 37.2. If there is no version available for the billing_code_type, use the current plan's year YYYY that is being disclosed. Yes
billing_code Billing Code String The code used by a plan or issuer or its in-network providers to identify health care items or services for purposes of billing, adjudicating, and paying claims for a covered item or service. If a custom code is used for billing_code_type, please refer to custom billing code values Yes
description Description String Brief description of the item/service Yes

Negotiated Rate Details Object

This type defines a negotiated rate object.

Field Name Type Definition Required
negotiated_prices Negotiated Prices Array An array of negotiated price objects defines information about the type of negotiated rate as well as the dollar amount of the negotiated rate Yes
provider_groups Provider Groups Array The providers object defines information about the provider and their associated TIN related to the negotiated price. No
provider_references Provider References Array An array of provider_group_ids defined in the provider reference Object. No
Additional Notes Concerning provider_groups, provider_references

Either a provider_groups or provider_references attribute will be required in the Negotiated Rate Object to map the provider network to the item/service that is being documented. The schema requirements can be found here.

Providers Object

Field Name Type Definition Required
npi NPI Array An array of National Provider Identifiers (NPIs). The NPI array attribute can contain a mix of Type 1 and Type 2 NPIs, both of which must be provided, if available. In contractual arrangements with Type 2 NPIs where Type 1 NPIs are unknown or otherwise unavailable, only the Type 2 NPIs must be reported. Yes
tin Tax Identification Number Object The tax identifier object contains tax information on the place of business Yes

Tax Identifier Object

Field Name Type Definition Required
type Type String Allowed values: "ein" and "npi". Yes
value Value String Either the unique identification number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for type "ein" or the provider's npi for type "npi". Yes
Additional Notes

For most businesses reporting cases, a tax identification number (tin) is used to represent a business. There are situations where a provider's social security number is still used as a tin. In order to keep private personally identifiable information out of these files, substitute the provider's npi number for the social security number. When a npi number is used, it is assumed that the provider would otherwise be reporting by their social security number.

In contractual arrangements that are only made at the TIN level, where NPIs are unknown or otherwise unavailable, the value "0" should be reported for the NPI field. In contractual arrangements where both the NPI and TIN are available, both are required to be disclosed.

Provider Reference Object

This type defines a provider reference object. This object is used in the provider_references array found on the root object of the in-network schema. The Provider Group Id is a unique interger ID that is defined by the user to be referenced in the Negotiated Rate Details Object in the provider_references array. An example of using provider references can be found in the definition of provider reference objects and then the usages of the provider_group_ids in the negotiated rate object.

Field Name Type Definition Required
provider_group_id Provider Group Id Number The unique, primary key for the associated provider_group object Yes
provider_groups Provider Groups Array The providers object defines information about the provider and their associated TIN related to the negotiated price. No
location Location String A fully qualified domain name on where the provider group data can be downloaded. The file must validate against the requirements found in the provider reference. Examples can be found here that would link to a valid provider reference file such as one found here. No
Additional Notes Concerning provider_group, location

Either a provider_group or location attribute will be required in the Provider Reference Object.

Negotiated Price Object

The negotiated price object contains negotiated pricing information that the type of negotiation for the covered item or service.

Field Name Type Definition Required
negotiated_type Negotiated Type String There are a few ways in which negotiated rates can happen. Allowed values: "negotiated", "derived", "fee schedule", "percentage", and "per diem". See additional notes. Yes
negotiated_rate Negotiated Rate Number The dollar or percentage amount based on the negotiation_type Yes
expiration_date Expiration Date String The date in which the agreement for the negotiated_price based on the negotiated_type ends. Date must be in an ISO 8601 format (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD). See additional notes. Yes
service_code Place of Service Code An array of two-digit strings The CMS-maintained two-digit code that is placed on a professional claim to indicate the setting in which a service was provided. When attribute of billing_class has the value of "professional", service_code is required. No
billing_class Billing Class String Allowed values: "professional", "institutional", "both" Yes
billing_code_modifier Billing Code Modifier Array An array of strings. There are certain billing code types that allow for modifiers (e.g. The CPT coding type allows for modifiers). If a negotiated rate for a billing code type is dependent on a modifier for the reported item or service, then an additional negotiated price object should be included to represent the difference. No
additional_information Additional Information String The additional information text field can be used to provide context for negotiated arrangements that do not fit the existing schema format. Please open a Github discussion to ask a question about your situation if you plan to use this attribute. No
Additional Notes

For negotiated_type there are five allowable values: "negotiated", "derived", "fee schedule", "percentage", and "per diem". The value are defined as:

  • negotiated: If applicable, the negotiated rate, reflected as a dollar amount, for each covered item or service under the plan or coverage that the plan or issuer has contractually agreed to pay an in-network provider, except for prescription drugs that are subject to a fee-for-service reimbursement arrangement, which must be reported in the prescription drug machine-readable file. If the negotiated rate is subject to change based upon participant, beneficiary, or enrollee-specific characteristics, these dollar amounts should be reflected as the base negotiated rate applicable to the item or service prior to adjustments for participant, beneficiary, or enrollee-specific characteristics.
  • derived: If applicable, the price that a plan or issuer assigns to an item or service for the purpose of internal accounting, reconciliation with providers or submitting data in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 153.710(c).
  • fee schedule: If applicable, the rate for a covered item or service from a particular in-network provider, or providers that a group health plan or health insurance issuer uses to determine a participant’s, beneficiary’s, or enrollee’s cost-sharing liability for the item or service, when that rate is different from the negotiated rate.
  • percentage: If applicable, the negotiated percentage value for a covered item or service from a particular in-network provider for a percentage of billed charges arrangement. Note: percentage values entered into the negotiated_rate attribute are to be a whole number percentage of the negotiated arrangement (i.e. 40.5% should be entered as 40.5 and not .405).
  • per diem: If applicable, the per diem daily rate, reflected as a dollar amount, for each covered item or service under the plan or coverage that the plan or issuer has contractually agreed to pay an in-network provider.

For expiration_date, there may be a situation when a contract arrangement is "evergreen". For evergreen contracts that automatically renew on a date provided in the contract, the expiration date you include should be the day immediately before the day of the automatic renewal.

In situation where there is not expiration date (see discussion here), the value 9999-12-31 would be entered.

For service_code, if a negotiated rate for either "professional", "institutional", or "both" billing_class is the same for all service_codes, the custom value of CSTM-00 can be used to avoid listing all possible service codes.

 "negotiation_arrangement": "ffs",
 "name": "Knee Replacement",
 "billing_code_type": "CPT",
 "billing_code_type_version": "2020",
 "billing_code": "27447",
 "description": "Arthroplasty, knee condyle and plateau, medial and lateral compartments",
 "negotiated_rates": [{
   "provider_groups": [{
     "npi": [6666666666],
       "type": "npi",
       "value": "6666666666"
   "negotiated_prices": [{
     "negotiated_type": "negotiated",
     "negotiated_rate": 123.45,
     "expiration_date": "2022-01-01",
     "service_code": ["CSTM-00"],
     "billing_class": "professional"
Additional Notes Concerning billing_code_type

Negotiated rates for items and services can come from a variety of billing code standards. The list of possible allowed values is in the following table with the name of the standard and the values representing that standard that would be expected if being reported on. For standards that are used for negotiated rate that are not in the following table, please open a discussion to potentially add a new standard to the table.

There are custom billing_code_types defined for the Transparency in Coverage rule. These coding types are prefixed with CTSM-. These coding types are meant to help with generic reporting. The complete list can be found the in following table.

Standard Name Reporting Value Additional Information
Current Procedural Terminology CPT American Medical Association
National Drug Code NDC FDA NDC Background
Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System HCPCS CMS HCPCS
Revenue Code RC What is a revenue code
International Classification of Diseases ICD ICD background
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MS-DRG CMS DRGs
Refined Diagnosis Related Groups R-DRG
Severity Diagnosis Related Groups S-DRG
All Patient, Severity-Adjusted Diagnosis Related Groups APS-DRG
All Patient Diagnosis Related Groups AP-DRG
All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups APR-DRG AHRQ documentation
Ambulatory Payment Classifications APC APC background information
Local Code Processing LOCAL
Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping EAPG EAPG
Health Insurance Prospective Payment System HIPPS HIPPS
Current Dental Terminology CDT CDT
Custom Code Type: All CSTM-ALL This is a custom coding type defined for the Transparency in Coverage rule. This value represents all possible coding types under the contractual arrangement
Additional Notes Concerning billing_code

The following are custom defined billing codes that can be applied to any billing_code_types:

Reporting Value Additional Information
CSTM-00 Represents all possible billing_code values for the defined billing_code_type. Typically this can be used when a negotiated arrangement applies to all codes under a billing_code_type

The following would applied the negotiated_price object(s) to all CPT codes:

 "negotiation_arrangement": "ffs",
 "name": "CPT codes",
 "billing_code_type": "CPT",
 "billing_code_type_version": "2020",
 "billing_code": "CSTM-00",
 "description": "All CPT codes",
 "negotiated_rates": [{
   "provider_groups": [{
     "npi": [6666666666],
       "type": "npi",
       "value": "6666666666"
   "negotiated_prices": [{
     "negotiated_type": "negotiated",
     "negotiated_rate": 12.45,
     "expiration_date": "2022-01-01",
     "service_code": ["18", "19", "11"],
     "billing_class": "institutional"

The following would applied the negotiated_price object(s) to each billing_code_type defined at here. NOTE: the billing_code_type_version would apply to the current plan's year.

 "negotiation_arrangement": "ffs",
 "name": "All coding types",
 "billing_code_type": "CSTM-ALL",
 "billing_code_type_version": "2022",
 "billing_code": "CSTM-00",
 "description": "All codes possible",
 "negotiated_rates": [{
   "provider_groups": [{
     "npi": [6666666666],
       "type": "npi",
       "value": "6666666666"
   "negotiated_prices": [{
     "negotiated_type": "negotiated",
     "negotiated_rate": 12.45,
     "expiration_date": "2022-01-01",
     "service_code": ["18", "19", "11"],
     "billing_class": "institutional"