I Promise to be #GenerationG.
I will make a conscious decision to be better every day.
I will be Accepting.
I will be Generous.
I will be Kind


Take the Pledge & Join #GenerationG

GiGi Gianni showing her generation g hand

#GenerationG is a worldwide movement that goes beyond Down syndrome and sends a global message of acceptance for ALL!


Help us fund this campaign and grow the movement


Our locations (physical and virtual) are 99% volunteer-run. What ever your skills our we can use them

Join the Challenge

Find an Acceptance Challenge event near you or create one


The #GenerationG community has more than who have taken the pledge for global acceptance!

Thank you for taking the "I Accept You" Pledge

Next:  Draw a heart with a G in the center in the palm of your hand

Take a selfie with your GenG hand

Post to social media, tag #gigisplayhouse #GenerationG

See below for even more ways you can spread acceptance

 Welcome to the #GenerationG Community

GenG Round with blue png

Our goal is to shift “awareness” to “action.” It’s one thing to passively acknowledge people of other backgrounds. But it’s so much more powerful when you take action to support others. As part of #GenerationG, you’ll help put an end to bullying and prejudice through ongoing actions. Stay tuned to your inbox for more things you can do now that you’re #GenerationG!

Join our community by taking the pledge for global acceptance!

Stories of #GenerationG

Happiness and Down syndrome

Many people have the misperception that individuals with Down syndrome are always happy. I have a few thoughts about happiness…

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Sustainability against all odds

Whenever I read that quote, I get a flutter of excitement in my stomach and a sick feeling at that…

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A Friend Like Anian: A Black child with Down syndrome

A Black Mother’s Journey with a Son with Down Syndrome

A Black Mother’s Journey with a Son with Down Syndrome   Meet Meeka Caldwell and her son, Anian. Meeka is…

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Child smiling at camera

5 Ways to Nurture Learning in Children with Down syndrome

Check out these 5 ways to nurture a love of learning in children with Down syndrome. SPARK CURIOSITY Ask an…

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Preparing the World

Today we welcome Hollyce, Hudson’s proud mom to share an invitation to step up and create acceptance, generosity, and kindness!…

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GiGi's Playhouse

#GenerationG, the new G in town.

Guest poster and GiGi’s Playhouse mom, Beth,  shares some thoughts and a challenge with us today! Are you a “G”?…

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Dear Doctor | Know Better, Do Better.

GiGi’s Playhouse is made of inspiration, belief, achievements and the beautiful stories of every person who becomes part of this…

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World Down Syndrome Day 2018, It is just the beginning!

World Down Syndrome Day at the Playhouse #GenerationG In the past 30 days, millions of Facebook fans have viewed, liked,…

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#GenerationG: A conscious decision to be better every day.

In the last 20 years, GiGi’s Playhouse has made amazing progress in building support for individuals with Down syndrome. But we have only scratched the surface. Parents of babies with Down syndrome still rarely receive positive encouragement from their medical teams, both prior to birth and after. Students with Down syndrome still experience unfounded discrimination at school and on social media. Qualified adults with Down syndrome still can’t access meaningful jobs.

Fortunately, our achievement centers across the country provide FREE programming that enables people with Down syndrome to live happy and healthy lives! And we’re leading a nationwide campaign for acceptance, not just of people with Down syndrome, but for all people!
