Encounter Gershon!

Interview, Book, Meet, Read, Watch, Hear, Study, Analyze and Learn about Gershon.

Kudos and Applause

Acclaim for Gershon Baskin
Prince Hassan bin Talal

His Royal Highness Prince Hassan bin Talal

Prince of Jordan

“Gershon Baskin, is one of the outstanding originators of peace initiatives in our era. This is based on a deep belief in the qualities of human affinity, human dignity, and selflessness. He is a pluralist and recognizes that social behavior is essential to building peace through participation from the bottom up. Gershon promotes the art of conversation and listening, which in my mind is a major contribution to waging peace.”

Elissa Tivona

Elissa Tivona

International Studies, Journalism & Media Communication, Colorado State University

"Dr. Baskin has earned the trust and regard of diverse individuals, some serving at the highest levels of government on both sides, and countless numbers serving the cause of peace and coexistence on the ground through practical economic, environmental and strategic projects. I cannot name any individual with more devotion to and greater knowledge of the complex issues involved in laying a foundation for lasting peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people."

Peter Alexander Beinart

Peter Alexander Beinart

Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, City University of New York

“Gershon Baskin is among Israel’s most intrepid pursuers of peace. His book is not only a fascinating journey across the Jewish-Palestinian divide, it also provides that rarest commodity in these dark times: hope.”

Andrea Kupfer Schneider

Andrea Kupfer Schneider

Dispute Resolution Program, Marquette University Law School

"My students were absolutely riveted by your story and your assessment of the current situation.
One student told me that after a decade of studying the conflict and four different classes in college and law school, he felt for the first time that he had a coherent understanding after hearing from you.”

James M. Dorsey

James M. Dorsey

Middle East Institute of the National University of Singapore

Gershon Baskin may be one of the few sane voices left on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide.

Gershon Baskin on the Hostage Situation

Gershon Baskin Shares his Ideas and Unique Insights

Israel believes Hamas second-in-command may be dead

Gershon Baskin shares his thoughts with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation regarding the serious questions about whether senior Hamas military leader, Mohammed Deif assumed death could alter the course of the on-going ceasefire negotiations, with increasing internal pressure on Hamas leadership to strike a deal.

The Path Not Taken

Gershon Baskin feels that peace will become possible if there us an emergence of leaders on both side who begin speaking the language of peace and demonstrate their willingness and the political sophistication by reaching out – even if they are not presently in power

Reasons for Cautious Optimism

Gershon Baskin shares why he thinks that there are reasons for cautious optimism as he believes that Hamas may be ready to reconsider its insistence that Israel commit to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza before signing an agreement that would usher in a temporary truce and begin a process to release hostages still held in Gaza.

What is Unusual about the Current Response of the Hamas

Gershon Baskin shares with Uri Levi and Sharon Wechsler of Kan-Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation what he thinks is unusual about the current response of the Hamas. He claims that the Hamas has officially claimed that they have submitted a response to the new American proposals, but they do not reveal what is included in their response.

Gaza: What happens Next?

Gershon Baskin sincerely feels that we have had enough of the fossils of yesterday who are stuck in a victimization narrative and that we need new and challenging, compelling voices to brong a sustainable peace to the Middle East

Perspectives on the Israel–Hamas War

Gershon Baskin shares his unique perspective on the Israel–Hamas War at a webinar hosted by Tte John Joseph “Joe” Moakley Chair of Peace and Reconciliation of the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Whats next?

Gershon Baskin, knowing full well about the Netanyahu government’s unanimous decision to close Al Jazeera in Israel, agrees to be interviewed by Al Jazeera. He discuses forced displacement from southern Gaza, negotiations tactics, the hstage deal, the Rafah offensive and brings his unique insight to the question about Whats next?

The Hostage Negotiator: Gershon Baskin

Gershon Baskin tells his remarkable story and addresses the questions: What price is too high to pay? Should Israel negotiate with terrorists? Is the doctrine of ‘no-one gets left behind’ a moral duty of every country?

What’s happened to Hamas?

Gershon Baskin shares with David Aaronovitch his insights regarding the Hamas and senses that the Hamas had planned from the outset to take hostages.

Do Netanyahu and Sinwar Want a Deal?

Gershon Baskin feels that Israel’s first priority to do everything humanly possible to bring the hostages home, because Israel failed to protect its citizens on October 7 and Israel has a moral responsibility to bring them home.

Stop the war now

Gershon Baskin believes that all 193 member states of the United Nations (194 with the State of Palestine) should recognize both Palestine and Israel and should support the two-states solution.