Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

What is this font called and how to study it

What is this font called , I thought that in German it's called "Gotisch" but a Google search proved me wrong. Also, whats a good way to learn how to read it?

learning blackletter  
user avatar asked by Yoreinu Score of 9
user avatar answered by HalvarF Score of 16

Verbs for to punish

Is there any difference in meaning or in the nuance of usage between the verbs strafen and bestrafen or are they simply synonyms ?

meaning difference  
user avatar asked by Peter Score of 5
user avatar answered by Janka Score of 11

Declension in book dedication

If I want to write a book dedication to my son, name xxx, shall I say Meinem Sohn, xxx or An meinen Sohn, xxx ?

difference declension  
user avatar asked by Claudio Gorodski Score of 4
user avatar answered by planetmaker Score of 7

Need help deciphering word written in Fraktur

I am trying to decipher this word and am having a hard time since I do not read Fraktur too well. Also, what does it mean translated into English?

translation german-to-english blackletter  
user avatar asked by Yoreinu Score of 4
user avatar answered by bakunin Score of 16

Another term for “Matzenbrei”

When I was growing up, one of my favorite breakfasts, which my grandmother (of Ukrainian Jewish descent) and then my father used to make, was matzah brei, essentially scrambled eggs with softened ...

user avatar asked by Paul Tanenbaum Score of 3
user avatar answered by Arsak Score of 4

How would I translate GPT to German?

Large language models like GPTs are everywhere nowadays. A GPT is a "generative pre-trained transformer". How would I best translate this into German? generative: erzeugend (meaning that it ...

translation english-to-german noun abbreviation  
user avatar asked by Thomas Weller Score of 3
user avatar answered by RalfFriedl Score of 7

Why is this not in the dative case?

"Er kommt jede Woche zu uns." Why is "jede Woche" in the accusative case here and not the dative case as "jeder Woche"?

difference grammar-identification dative accusative question  
user avatar asked by Jaza -e- Arfa Score of 3
user avatar answered by bakunin Score of 9

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

German word for a specific situation in an image

I know the word Pechsträhne (streak of bad luck) or maybe even Pechvogel (unlucky person) would fit the case, or even Schwein gehabt! if he survives (or Schadenfreude for what some observers may feel) ...

word-usage word-choice compound  
user avatar asked by Tiago Peres Score of 20
user avatar answered by David Vogt Score of 65

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "worden" und "geworden"

Laut ist das Partizip von werden entweder worden oder geworden. Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen den beiden? Kann man immer geworden benutzen, oder gibt es Fälle, in denen geworden ...

word-usage participle  
user avatar asked by StrixVaria Score of 23
user avatar answered by Mike Score of 19

Gibt es andere übliche Märchenbeginnformeln neben "es war einmal"?

Sehr viele Märchen beginnen auf Deutsch mit "Es war einmal", aber ich kenne auch ein Märchen, das anfängt mit "Zu der Zeit, als das Wünschen noch geholfen hat ...". Gibt es noch andere Beginnformeln ...

user avatar asked by Phira Score of 28
user avatar answered by Peter Patzt Score of 21

Welche Bedeutung hat "Borussia" im Namen von Sportvereinen?

Eine ganze Reihe von deutschen Sportvereinen trägt die Bezeichnung "Borussia" (lateinisch für Preussen) in ihrem Vereinsnamen. Für Borussia Dortmund lese ich bei Wikipedia zur Namensgebung: Einer ...

etymology single-word-request history  
user avatar asked by Takkat Score of 15
user avatar answered by SImon Score of 8

How different is German handwriting from American's?

Here is a bulleted list of my specific questions in case you want to save time not reading what gave rise to them: Do German people use cursive writing often? Is it necessary for me to learn how to ...

numbers handwriting  
user avatar asked by T. G. Monk Score of 11
user avatar answered by isopod Score of 14

Wie kann man die Bedeutung von Verben mit Vorsilben ableiten?

Es gibt richtig viele Verben, die Vorsilben haben. Z. B. das Verb sehen kann mit verschiedenen Vorsilben kombiniert werden: absehen ansehen aussehen besehen durchsehen einsehen versehen vorsehen Es ...

verb prefix  
user avatar asked by Abdulla hawara Score of 9
user avatar answered by Matthias Score of 11

What is the difference between sollen and sollten?

Both translate to "should". I understand "sollten" is the past tense of "sollen" but sometimes I see "sollten" when I would expect "sollen."

user avatar asked by Blubber Score of 26
user avatar answered by Hypnoxas Score of 27
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