Not a Blog


October 30, 2011 at 6:07 pm
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The Giants win another one… but just barely, by the skin of their teeth, and against the lowly winless Dolphins (sorry, Janice, but your new owner was a fool to let the Tuna go).

Winning these close games certainly beats losing these close games, but just once I’d like to see the G-Men blow out one of these supposedly “weaker” teams, so I don’t have to gnaw my knuckles in the final minute of the game, as the clock winds down. Parris keeps threatening to buy one of those home defibrollators. Maybe she should. One of these weeks the Giants or Jets are going to kill me, I swear.

Anyway, Eli looked great this week, as did his WRs. Good games from Manningham and Nicks, and this new tight end, Ballard, is making me forget all about Kevin Boss. And Victor Cruz… that kid’s a keeper. Great catch and run today for the winning score.

On the other hand, the running game looked awful, especially when Ahmed Bradshaw went out. I know Brandon Jacobs is just coming off an injury, but boy, did he look bad out there today. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Ahmed came back in. The defense sputtered badly in the first half, letting the Fins convert one third and long after another, but they stepped it up second half, shutting down the Miami O. And once the G-Men finally took the lead they turned into the Big Blue defense I remember. Great play by Corey Webster as CB, and of course the pass rush remains outstanding.

So now the Giants are 5-2, solidly in the lead in the NFC East. I wish I could say I feel optimistic about their chances going forward, but I don’t. They’ve been winning, but not nearly as convincingly as I’d like, just barely squeaking by against one weak team after another (and LOSING to the Seahawks!) And Miami was the last soft spot on their schedule. Next week they enter their midseason meatgrinder. If they want to keep winning, they are really going to need to step it up… not just one notch, but three or four.

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Wild Cards Optioned for Film

October 28, 2011 at 2:05 pm
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Great news for Wild Cards fans! We have just closed a deal with SyFy Films, a brand new joint venture of Universal Pictures and the SyFy Channel, for film and television rights to the Wild Cards series of mosaic novels and shared world anthologies.

You can read all the details in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, here:

The plan is to begin with a Wild Cards feature film, for theatrical release. If that’s successful, more features and a television series may follow.

Melinda Snodgrass will write the screenplay. Part of the series since the very start, Melinda has been my assistant editor on most volumes of Wild Cards, and is the creator of many of the series most popular and iconic characters, including Dr. Tachyon and Double Helix. Snod will also serve as an executive producer on the film, as will I.

Further details will need to wait until we’re a little further along in development, but I think I speak for all the writers in the Wild Cards Consortium, both new and old, when I say that we’re jazzed. We look forward to working with Gregory Noveck and his great team at SyFy Films, and to bringing some of your favorite Wild Cards characters to the screen.

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Autographs for Texas

October 26, 2011 at 4:34 pm
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Just returned from a quick two-day trip to Dallas, where I flew in to address a national conference of managers from the Hastings bookstore chain. Great fun. The Hastings folks were wonderful hosts, and have done a terrific job of selling my books. A whole bunch of them told me that the midnight launches of A DANCE WITH DRAGONS back in July were a huge success.

No public appearances were on my calendar this trip, but since I don’t get to Texas very often these days, I did make sure I did some stock signings for my neglected Dallas readers. So if you’re looking for a copy defaced with my illegible scrawl, you will find some at the Barnes & Noble stores at Preston Royal, Lincoln Park,and Los Colinas… for as long as the supply lasts.

I did not, alas, make it to the B&N in Denton, where back in 1996 I had my traumatic encounter with Clifford, the Big Red Dog.

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Gang Green Wakes Up

October 23, 2011 at 4:30 pm
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Now THOSE were the Jets I’ve been looking for all season.

Good solid win over a strong San Diego team today. The Chargers won the first half and enjoyed a halftime lead, but in the second half the Jets D stepped up, shut down the San Diego offense, and intercepted Philip Rivers twice in the 4th quarter to seal the win. (And what the hell was Rivers thinking with the fourth down throw with eleven second left? Game’s over if he throws it out of bounds. So he throws it out of bounds. Hokay. Rivers has a great arm, but sometimes you have to wonder about his head).

Another great game by Darrell Revis, and the Jets O finally got in gear as well. Plax! Plax!! Plax!!!

The Jets finally got their running game going, but I’ve got to worry about their RBs going forward. Shonn Greene had his best game of the season, but then got hurt, though he did return to the action. Tomlinson did not. After starting against his former team, he finished on the bench. If we’re down to Joe McKnight the rest of the way, well… McKnight has flashed some moves this year on kickoffs and punts, but I’m not sold on him as an every down back.

WAY too many penalties in this game. By both teams. And some of those flags were very dubious. (On both teams). I much prefer officiating crews like the one in last week’s Jets game, refs who will let the players play. This week’s crew seemed intent on stopping the action on the slightest pretext. Yeah, I know, some crews are hardline, some are loose, but this was ridiculous.

As for this week’s other NFL action… I canNOT believe the Dolphins blew a 15-0 fourth quarter lead to Tebow and Broncos. Maybe they really are sucking for Luck. How the hell could they let that one get away? Awful, just awful.

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Talking With Vulture

October 21, 2011 at 12:04 pm
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A new interview:

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October 20, 2011 at 6:45 pm
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DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS, the latest anthology from me and Gardner Dozois, was released on October 4 in hardcover and ebook formats… and Pat, of Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, is giving away a couple of copies.

To enter, check out the contest rules at

DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS is the latest crossgenre anthology from Gardner Dozois and yours truly. This one is called DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS, and in its pages you’ll find another all star roster of writers, with a mixture of urban fantasy, science fiction, hardboiled mystery, noir, paranormal romance, historicals, and fantasy PI stories.

The lineup includes a Lord John novella from Diana Gabaldon, a SPQR story by John Maddox Roberts, a Charlaine Harris story set in the world of Sookie Stackhouse, a Garrett tale from Glen Cook, an Edge story from Melinda Snodgrass, a Gordianus yarn from Steven Saylor, a WWII mystery novella by Bradley Denton (that deserves to be an awards contender, if there is any justice), a Joe Lansdale story than can only be described as Gonzo Lovecraft, and wonderful contributions from Carrie Vaughn, Conn Iggulden, Simon R. Green, Laurie R. King, Lisa Tuttle, M.L.N. Hanover, Patricia Briggs,and S.M. Stirling.

The complete table of contents:

– “The Bastard Stepchild” (introduction), by George R.R. Martin
– “Death by Dahlia,” by Charlaine Harris
– “The Bleeding Shadow,” by Joe R. Lansdale
– “Hungry Heart,” by Simon R. Green
– “Styx and Stones,” by Steven Saylor
– “Pain and Suffering,” by S.M. Stirling
– “It’s Still the Same Old Story,” by Carrie Vaughn
– “The Lady Is a Screamer,” by Conn Iggulden
– “Hellbender,”by Laurie R. King
– “Shadow Thieves,” by Glen Cook
– “No Mystery, No Miracle,” by Melinda Snodgrass
– “The Difference Between a Puzzle and a Mystery,” by M.L.N. Hanover
– “The Curious Affair of the Deodand,” by Lisa Tuttle
– “Lord John and the Plague of Zombies,” by Diana Gabaldon
– “Beware the Snake,” by John Maddox Roberts
– “In Red, With Pearls,” by Patricia Briggs
– “The Adakian Eagle,” by Bradley Denton

And for those who don’t win a free copy from Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, don’t fret. You’ll find DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS in your favorite local bookstore or online retailer, and they’ll be glad to sell you one.

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For Facebook Members

October 19, 2011 at 7:51 pm
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TV GUIDE is allowing the members of Facebook to vote on which series will be featured on the cover of the December 12 issue of the magazine. GAME OF THRONES is vying for the honor with nine other series.

If I understand correctly, to vote you first have to “Like” TV GUIDE. Then you get to cast a ballot.

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Hopes and Fears

October 18, 2011 at 12:29 pm
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Both of my football teams won this weekend.

New York Jets 24
Miami Dolphins 6

New York Giants 27
Buffalo Bills 24

A victory is a victory, and two victories is nice… but these two did not leave me wanting to post “life is magical and full of joy.” I still have hopes, but I have fears as well.

The final score of the Jets game on Monday Night Football looks convincing, but that’s misleading. It was a pretty shaky win over an awful opponent, a winless team starting a backup quarterback. And even so, it was far from convincing. The Jets O began the game with four three-and-outs and did not get a first down until midway through the second quarter. The only Jet who truly impressed was Darrell Revis. Revis is the best cornerback in the NFL, almost everyone agrees, and yet the Dolphins came out throwing at him and kept it up all game. Miami squandered at least three TD chances in the first half, and their star receiver dropped balls, ran out of bounds on what might have been a long TD, and gave up a pick-six. I really don’t know if the Jets won the game so much as the Dolphins lost it.

(FWIW, I think Miami may be a top contender in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. I just hope they don’t win it. I suffered through a couple decades as a Jets fan, having to face Dan Marino twice a year. I don’t want to go through that again, should the Fish get this kid who is supposed to be the best QB prospect since Elway. So please, win a few games, Miami. Just so long as one of them is not against the Giants two weeks from now, or the Jets in the rematch. You can beat anyone else you please. Starting with the Pats and Bills).

The real test for the Jets will be next week, when they face the Chargers. San Diego is not Miami. If Gang Green can take them down, maybe they are for real. If not… well, it could be a long season. The schedule from here on is a meatgrinder.

As for the Giants… they defeated a much stronger team in the up and coming Buffalo Bills. Corey Webster had a Revis-like afternoon, the pass rush looked fierce (and will get fiercer when Justin Tuck returns), Ahmed Bradshaw came alive and ran the ball well, and Eli was sharp. Even so, it was a near thing. With the score tied, the Bills were driving deep in Giants territory and were already in range for a go-ahead field goal when Ryan Fitzpatrick threw his second INT to Webster. Great play, Corey. The G-Men are now 4-2 and leading the NFC East, which is pretty good for a team that many people said would finish at the bottom of the division. So they’re in it. But I’d be lying if I said I was confident in their prospects going forward. That lost to Seattle leaves lingering doubts, and they have some tough tough games coming up.

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Two More Players

October 13, 2011 at 1:59 pm
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No time today to have Froggy pluck his magic twanger and come forth to torment you with more casting hints. He’s game, but I have to head out in a half hour or so, to enjoy cocktails on a mesa.

You nailed Lord Karstark, though, so here as a reward are two more recent castings for HBO’s second season of GAME OF THRONES.

As Ygritte, we have the lovely ROSE LESLIE, kissed by fire.

Rose is best known for her role in the first season of DOWNTON ABBEY, the British miniseries that scored big at this year’s Emmies. She’ll make a great addition to our GOT cast. Check out this recent interview with her.

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And seeing as how we’ve added a wildling to the cast, it’s only fair that we add a man of Night’s Watch too.

Playing Qhorin Halfhand will be SIMON ARMSTRONG.

Simon is a veteran of stage and screen, and another great addition to our cast. Whether or not he is willing to have half his hand chopped off to better portray QHorin remains to be seen…

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Once more into the breach…

October 12, 2011 at 5:08 pm
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Vengeance is his. Frankenstein and Nessie are friends of his, but don’t say he’s never been human… but was he Irish or Eskimo? Born in Scotland, that we know. He’s been a fisherman, a minister, an inspector, and a malingerer. Down the slippery slope he slides, toward the kingdom of bones, but will he lose his head?


Thanks for playing, everyone.

Some of you got it. Some of you didn’t.

It’s actor JOHN STAHL.

He will be portraying one of Robb Stark’s bannermen, Lord Rickard Karstark.

The major roles for season two of GAME OF THRONES have all been filled, but casting continues in London, Belfast, and Dublin for various smaller parts.

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