Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

How to understand DeepSeek's offline token usage estimator?

DeepSeek has a simple python code to calculate token usage offline but I don't really understand what it is showing. For example: result = tokenizer.encode("This is a test") print(result) &...

user avatar asked by Gabriel Score of 1
user avatar answered by Franck Dernoncourt Score of 1

Feasible to implement AI interacting with webpages?

I'm in the process of doing a personal project and I think it might be a good idea to create an app that can help people retrieve information from the Web, based on their needs. However, after several ...

llm rag  
user avatar asked by Liu Zixiong Score of 1
user avatar answered by Franck Dernoncourt Score of 0

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is Google Translate, the web application, a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tool?

I have seen sources claiming that Google Translate uses artificial intelligence, like blog articles published by Google, Wikipedia articles and questions from Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange ...

machine-translation google nlp  
user avatar asked by Wicket Score of 6
user avatar answered by Wicket Score of 3

Stable Diffusion XL is two separate models - how do I use it to generate images?

SDXL 1.0 just released and, unlike previous Stable Diffusion releases, appears to be made up of two separate models - a "base" and a "refiner":

image-generation stable-diffusion comfyui  
user avatar asked by SirBenet Score of 6
user avatar answered by SirBenet Score of 4

Does saying "please" and "thank you" to LLMs change anything?

I've been using language models for various tasks, and I often find myself saying "please" and "thank you" in my requests (like many others). I'm not sure if this politeness ...

llm behavior gpt-3.5-turbo  
user avatar asked by Rebecca J. Stones Score of 22
user avatar answered by Franck Dernoncourt Score of 16

How does ChatGPT render math in Markdown output?

ChatGPT renders inline math output like this: Markdown: is \( 2^4 = 16 \). Rendered: It doesn't use the typical $ ... $ or $$ ... $$ to wrap around math expressions (like in LaTex / MathJax), so what ...

user avatar asked by Teddy C Score of 9
user avatar answered by Wicket Score of 3

Do LLMs suffer from a kind of Dunning-Kruger effect, giving an inflated self-assessment in domains they lack expertise in?

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge. (...

llm hallucination users-psychology  
user avatar asked by Rebecca J. Stones Score of 16
user avatar answered by NoAnswer Score of 23

How can I encourage ChatGPT to give me more concise information?

When working with ChatGPT 4 on specific questions (such as programming, electrical engineering, writing, etc), I often ask specific questions and know that ChatGPT will provide an example. However, by ...

user avatar asked by Brian H. Score of 14
user avatar answered by Wicket Score of 5

What prompt is required to have a subject fully in frame using Stable Diffusion based AI image generation?

When using an AI image generation package based on Stable Diffusion (For example, Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI, or Stable Diffusion Infinity), what prompt (+ or -) is required to have your ...

prompt-design stable-diffusion negative-prompt  
user avatar asked by Aaargh Zombies Score of 5
user avatar answered by SirBenet Score of 4

Can you answer this question?

How does model choice impact the results of "Optimize this Code" with Continue and VS Code

According to the Continue documentation at, with Ollama as a provider, I can specify a main model for chat, an autocomplete model and a model for ...

llm code  
user avatar asked by jgm_GIS Score of 1
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